Angular State Management Tutorial

Angular Front-End Development State Management Tutorial Outline

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction to
State Management1.2 Why You Need State Management1.3
The Importance of Angular State Management

Chapter 2: Overview of State Management Techniques

2.1 Redux
2.2 MobX
2.3 NgRx
2.4 Akita
2.5 NgXs

Chapter 3: Choosing a State Management Technique

3.1 Assessment Criteria3.2
Comparing Technologies3.3
Why NgRx (Focused Teaching)

Chapter 4: NgRx Basics

4.1 NgRx架构
4.2 Actions
4.3 Reducers
4.4 Effects
4.5 Store

Chapter 5: NgRx Advanced

5.1 Asynchronous operations5.2
with Angular services5.3 Performance optimization5.4
Testing strategies

Chapter 6: Practical examples

6.1 Create a simple application6.2
Apply NgRx for state management6.3
Analysis and optimization

Chapter 7: Common Problems and Solutions

7.1 Debugging
7.2 Integration
with other libraries 7.3 Best Practices

Chapter 8: Introduction to Other State Management Techniques

8.1 Redux vs. Angular 8.2 MobX vs. Angular

8.3 Akita vs. Angular

Chapter 9: Summary

9.1 Course Review9.2
Next Directions

Chapter 10: References and Further Learning

10.1 Documentation and Tutorials10.2
Online Courses10.3
Communities and Forums

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction to State Management


State management is a critical concept in front-end development that involves storing, retrieving, manipulating, and updating the state of an application. In a complex front-end application, state management can help developers track and manipulate data more easily, improving the maintainability and scalability of the application.

State management isn’t just about data storage. It also covers data flow, data synchronization, and how to share data between components. Therefore, a good state management solution should be able to provide a structured approach to dealing with these issues.

Code samples

A simple example of state management in Angular might be to create a state management service using and .ServiceRxJS

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import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class StateManagementService { private state = new BehaviorSubject<any>({}); getState() { return this.state.asObservable(); } setState(newState: any) {; } }

In this example, we’re using to store the state of the app. Methods are used to subscribe to changes in state, while methods are used to update status.BehaviorSubjectgetState()setState()

This is just the tip of the state management iceberg, and the following chapters will dive into more advanced state management techniques and tools.

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1.2 Why do you need state management?


State management becomes an integral part of building complex front-end applications. Without proper state management, applications become difficult to maintain and scale. Here are some of the main reasons to use state management:

  1. Component communication: In large applications, multiple components need to share and manipulate the same data. State management provides a centralized way to do this.
  2. Maintainability: State management centralizes the logic and state of an application, making code easier to maintain and test.
  3. Predictability: By using state management, the state of an application becomes more predictable. This is especially important for debugging and testing.
  4. Performance optimization: State management libraries often provide some built-in performance optimization mechanisms, such as state caching, lazy loading, and so on.
  5. Development efficiency: State management libraries often provide a rich set of tools and middleware that can help developers develop applications more efficiently.

Code samples

Let’s say we have a shopping cart app with multiple components (such as item lists, shopping carts, checkout pages, etc.). Without state management, each component needs to have its own logic to fetch and manipulate cart data, which will lead to code redundancy and maintenance difficulties.

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// Without state management @Component({ selector: 'app-product-list', // ... }) export class ProductListComponent { // Logic to manage cart state } @Component({ selector: 'app-cart', // ... }) export class CartComponent { // Duplicate logic to manage cart state }

With state management, we can centralize the state and logic of the shopping cart, simplifying the code of the components.

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// With state management @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class CartStateService { // Centralized logic to manage cart state }

In this way, all cart-related components can rely on this centralized, improving the maintainability and extensibility of the code.CartStateService

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1.3 The Importance of Angular State Management


Angular is a powerful front-end framework that offers many built-in features such as dependency injection, modularity, componentization, and more. However, when applications become larger, especially when multiple components or modules share state, Angular’s built-in features may not be sufficient. That’s why state management is especially important in Angular applications.

  1. Integration with the Angular ecosystem: Angular has a set of state management libraries specifically designed for Angular (e.g., NgRx, NgXs, etc.) that are tightly integrated with other parts of Angular (e.g., RxJS, dependency injection, etc.).
  2. Type-safe: Angular applications written in TypeScript can get better type safety from the state management library.
  3. Reactive Programming: Angular is tightly integrated with RxJS, making it a natural fit for state management.
  4. Modularity and lazy loading: Angular’s modular architecture allows you to break down your state management logic into modules and lazy load as needed.
  5. Developer tools and community support: Angular state management libraries often have a wealth of developer tools and strong community support, which is essential for developing and maintaining large-scale applications.

Code samples

A simple example of using NgRx as a state management solution in Angular:

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// app.module.ts import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store'; import { counterReducer } from './counter.reducer'; @NgModule({ imports: [ StoreModule.forRoot({ count: counterReducer }) ], // ... }) export class AppModule { }

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// counter.reducer.ts export function counterReducer(state = 0, action: Action) { switch (action.type) { case 'INCREMENT': return state + 1; case 'DECREMENT': return state - 1; default: return state; } }

In this simple example, we use NgRx to create a global state, and a simple reducer to manage the state.StoreModulecount

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Chapter 2: Overview of State Management Techniques

2.1 Redux


Redux is a popular JavaScript state management library that, although it was originally designed for React applications, can also be integrated with Angular. Redux is based on the Flux architecture and provides a single, predictable state tree to manage application state.

The core concepts of Redux include:

  1. Store: An object that stores the state of the entire application.
  2. Action: An object that describes what happened.
  3. Reducer: A function that calculates a new state based on the current state and an action.

The benefits of Redux include simplicity, predictability, and strong community support. However, it may introduce some template code, which can be problematic in large applications.

Code samples

A simple example of using Redux in Angular:

First, install Redux and the Angular-Redux library:

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npm install redux @angular-redux/store --save

Then configure the Store in the Angular module:

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// app.module.ts import { NgReduxModule, NgRedux } from '@angular-redux/store'; import { rootReducer } from './reducers'; @NgModule({ imports: [NgReduxModule], // ... }) export class AppModule { constructor(ngRedux: NgRedux<IAppState>) { ngRedux.configureStore(rootReducer, {}); } }

In this example, we’re configuring the Redux store with the and services, and using a reducer function called .NgReduxModuleNgReduxrootReducer

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2.2 MobX


MobX is another popular state management library that provides a more flexible and intuitive way to manage application state. Unlike Redux, MobX uses a reactive programming concept that allows you to create observable state variables and automatically track their dependencies.

The core concepts of MobX include:

  1. Observable: An observable state variable.
  2. Action: A function used to modify the state.
  3. Computed: The value calculated from other observable variables.
  4. Reaction: A side effect that runs automatically when an observable variable changes.

The advantage of MobX is that it reduces template code, provides more flexibility, and allows for easier creation of complex state logic. However, it may not be as structured as Redux, which can cause problems in large applications.

Code samples

A simple example of using MobX in Angular:

First, install MobX and the mobx-angular library:

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npm install mobx mobx-angular --save

Then create a MobX store:

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// import { observable, action } from 'mobx'; export class CounterStore { @observable count = 0; @action increment() { this.count++; } @action decrement() { this.count--; } }

In this example, we’ll use a decorator to create an observable variable, and a decorator to define a method for modifying the state.@observablecount@action

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2.3 NgRx


NgRx is a state management library designed specifically for Angular applications, based on the Redux architecture and using RxJS for reactive programming. Since NgRx is custom built for Angular, it integrates very well with Angular’s other features like dependency injection, modularity, etc.

The core concepts of NgRx include:

  1. Store: An immutable state container.
  2. Actions: An object that describes how the state changes.
  3. Reducers: A pure function that calculates a new state based on the current state and an action.
  4. Effects: A module for handling asynchronous operations and interacting with external resources.
  5. Selectors: A pure function for selecting and combining data from the state tree.

The advantage of NgRx is that it provides a structured, predictable, and efficient way to manage state, especially in large and complex Angular applications.

Code samples

A simple example of using NgRx in Angular:

First, install the NgRx library:

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npm install @ngrx/store --save

Then import in the Angular module:StoreModule

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// app.module.ts import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store'; import { counterReducer } from './counter.reducer'; @NgModule({ imports: [ StoreModule.forRoot({ count: counterReducer }) ], // ... }) export class AppModule { }

In this example, we use a method to configure the NgRx store, using a reducer function called .StoreModule.forRoot()counterReducer

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2.4 Akita


Akita is a relatively new but growing popularity state management library designed specifically for Angular applications. Unlike NgRx or Redux, Akita doesn’t enforce the use of immutable states or pure functions, which makes it more flexible and easy to use.

Akita’s core concepts include:

  1. Store: A container that stores the state of your application.
  2. Query: An object used to retrieve state from the Store.
  3. Service: A class that contains the logic used to interact with the Store.
  4. Entity: A model of one or more objects, typically used for lists and collections.

The great thing about Akita is that it’s simple, efficient, and integrates well with Angular. It is particularly suitable for projects that require rapid development and prototyping.

Code samples

A simple example of using Akita in Angular:

First, install the Akita library:

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npm install @datorama/akita --save

Then create an Akita Store:

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// import { Store, StoreConfig } from '@datorama/akita'; export interface CounterState { count: number; } @StoreConfig({ name: 'counter' }) export class CounterStore extends Store<CounterState> { constructor() { super({ count: 0 }); } }

In this example, we’re using decorators and classes to create an Akita Store. We have also defined an interface to describe the shape of the state.@StoreConfigStoreCounterState

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2.5 NgXs


NgXs (pronounced “Ng Excess”) is another state management library designed for Angular applications. It is designed to provide a simple, model-driven way to handle state, while also providing advanced features such as state snapshots and asynchronous operations.

The core concepts of NgXs include:

  1. State: A class or interface that describes the state of the application.
  2. Actions: A class used to trigger a state change.
  3. Selectors: Functions used to select data from states.
  4. Plugins: Modules for extending the functionality of NgXs.

The great thing about NgXs is that it’s very easy to get started, especially for developers who are already familiar with Angular and object-oriented programming. It also provides a range of plugins to support common needs such as form management, route management, and more.

Code samples

A simple example of using NgXs in Angular:

First, install the NgXs library:

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npm install @ngxs/store --save

Then import in the Angular module:NgxsModule

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// app.module.ts import { NgxsModule } from '@ngxs/store'; import { CounterState } from './counter.state'; @NgModule({ imports: [ NgxsModule.forRoot([ CounterState ]) ], // ... }) export class AppModule { }

Create a state model:

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// counter.state.ts import { State, Action, StateContext } from '@ngxs/store'; export class Increment { static readonly type = '[Counter] Increment'; } @State<number>({ name: 'count', defaults: 0 }) export class CounterState { @Action(Increment) increment(ctx: StateContext<number>) { const state = ctx.getState(); ctx.setState(state + 1); } }

In this example, we use and decorators to define a state model and an action. Then, we register this state in the method.@State@ActionNgxsModule.forRoot()

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Chapter 3: Choosing a State Management Technique

3.1 Evaluation Criteria


Choosing the right state management technology is an important decision because it will affect the architecture and development process of the entire application. Before making a choice, you should evaluate it based on several criteria:

  1. Degree of integration with frameworks: Some state management libraries (such as NgRx and NgXs) are designed specifically for Angular, so they have better integration with other features of Angular such as dependency injection, modularity, etc.
  2. Learning Curve: Different state management libraries have different complexities and learning curves. For example, Redux and NgRx generally take more time to master, while MobX and Akita are comparatively easier to get started.
  3. Community support and documentation: An active community and rich documentation often means better support and more third-party libraries.
  4. Performance and optimizations: Some libraries offer advanced performance optimizations such as lazy loading, state persistence, and more.
  5. Flexibility and scalability: Depending on your project needs, you may need a library that offers more freedom and extensibility.

Code samples

This section is primarily theoretical, so there are no directly relevant code examples. But you can simulate how different libraries are used with simple code or pseudocode to better understand their differences.

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// Redux-like pseudo-code const newState = reducer(oldState, action); // MobX-like pseudo-code = newValue; // NgRx-like pseudo-code SomeAction()); // Akita-like pseudo-code this.someService.updateState({ key: newValue });

With these simple examples, you can get an overview of how different libraries are used and syntax.

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3.2 Compare technologies


When choosing a state management technology, it’s important to understand the differences between the various options. Not only will this help you make more informed decisions, but it will also ensure that the technology you choose is the best fit for your project needs. Here’s a comparison of some common state management libraries:

  1. Redux/NgRx:
    • Pros: Structured, predictable, strong community support.
    • Cons: Higher learning curve, may require more template code.
  2. MobX:
    • Pros: Flexible, easy to get started, automatic dependency tracking.
    • Cons: May lack structure and may be difficult to manage in large applications.
  3. Akita:
    • Pros: Simple, efficient, and integrates well with Angular.
    • Cons: Relatively new, community support may not be as good as other options.
  4. NgXs:
    • Pros: Easy to get started, model-driven, useful plugin ecosystem.
    • Cons: May not work for all types of projects, especially those that require a high degree of customization.

Code samples

This section is primarily theoretical, so there are no directly relevant code examples. However, you can consider creating a simple app or feature and try to implement it using different state management libraries. This way, you can get a more intuitive understanding of the pros and cons of each library.

For example, you can create a simple counter app and try to implement it using Redux/NgRx, MobX, Akita, and NgXs, respectively. This will help you better understand how these libraries will perform in real-world applications.

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3.3 Choose the right technology for your project


After evaluating the pros and cons of various state management techniques, the next step is to choose the most suitable one for your project needs. Here are some factors that may influence your decision:

  1. Project size: For large or complex projects, it may be more advantageous to choose a library that provides structure and specifications, such as NgRx or Redux.
  2. Team experience: If your team is already familiar with a state management library, using the same library may improve development efficiency.
  3. Specific needs: Some projects may have special needs, such as real-time data synchronization, offline support, etc., which may affect your choice.
  4. Future maintainability: With long-term maintenance in mind, it’s wise to choose a library with an active community and good documentation.
  5. Performance considerations: If your app has strict performance requirements, it may be more appropriate to choose a library that offers advanced optimization capabilities.

Code samples

This section is primarily theoretical, so there are no directly relevant code examples. But you can simulate the decision-making process with the following pseudocode:

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if (projectScale === 'large') { choose('NgRx or Redux'); } else if (teamExperience.includes('MobX')) { choose('MobX'); } else if (specialRequirements.includes('real-time data')) { choose('any library with real-time support'); } else { choose('any library that fits the project'); }

This simple logic can be used as a reference point when making decisions.

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Chapter 4: Deep Dive into NgRx

4.1 NgRx Basics


Since NgRx is designed specifically for Angular and provides a structured and predictable way to manage state, we’ll focus on how to manage state with NgRx in this chapter. First, let’s understand the basic concepts of NgRx.

  1. Store: In NgRx, a Store is an immutable object container that stores the state of the entire application.
  2. Actions: Actions are simple objects that describe how state changes. They usually have one field and one optional field.typepayload
  3. Reducers: Reducers are pure functions that are used to calculate a new state based on the current state and an action.
  4. Effects: Effects are used to handle asynchronous operations and interact with external resources, such as APIs.
  5. Selectors: Selectors are pure functions that are used to select and combine data from the Store.

Code samples

First, install the NgRx library:

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npm install @ngrx/store @ngrx/effects --save

Then define a simple Action:

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// counter.actions.ts import { createAction } from '@ngrx/store'; export const increment = createAction('[Counter] Increment'); export const decrement = createAction('[Counter] Decrement');

Next, create a Reducer to handle these actions:

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// counter.reducer.ts import { createReducer, on } from '@ngrx/store'; import { increment, decrement } from './counter.actions'; export const initialState = 0; const _counterReducer = createReducer( initialState, on(increment, state => state + 1), on(decrement, state => state - 1) ); export function counterReducer(state, action) { return _counterReducer(state, action); }

In this example, we use the and functions provided by NgRx to define Actions and Reducers.createActioncreateReducer

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4.2 Using Effects for Asynchronous Operations


In complex applications, you may need to handle asynchronous operations, such as API calls, timers, or other asynchronous events. NgRx provides a module called Effects that handles these asynchronous operations and dispatches the results as new Actions.

The core concept of Effects is to use RxJS Observables to listen to Actions and perform asynchronous operations based on those Actions. This allows you to separate asynchronous logic from pure state management logic (i.e., reducers).

Code samples

First, install the NgRx Effects library:

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npm install @ngrx/effects --save

Then create an Effect to handle the asynchronous operation:

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// counter.effects.ts import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Actions, ofType, createEffect } from '@ngrx/effects'; import { EMPTY } from 'rxjs'; import { map, mergeMap, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators'; import * as counterActions from './counter.actions'; import { MyService } from './my.service'; @Injectable() export class CounterEffects { loadData$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(counterActions.increment), mergeMap(() => this.myService.getAll() .pipe( map(data => counterActions.loadDataSuccess({ data })), catchError(() => EMPTY) )) ) ); constructor( private actions$: Actions, private myService: MyService ) {} }

In this example, we’ve created an Effect called , which listens for Actions. When the Action is dispatched, Effect calls the method to perform the asynchronous operation and dispatches a new Action when the operation succeeds.loadData$incrementMyService.getAll()loadDataSuccess

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4.3 Use Selectors to get status


In NgRx, Selectors are pure functions used to get state from the Store. Selectors provide an efficient, composable way to query status without having to go directly to the Store. This makes it easier for you to reuse and test the state query logic.

Selectors are often used in components and effects in order to get the desired state fragments. By using the and functions, you can create highly optimized Selectors that only recalculate when the state changes.createFeatureSelectorcreateSelector

Code samples

First, create a Feature Selector to get the status of a specific feature area:

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// counter.selectors.ts import { createFeatureSelector, createSelector } from '@ngrx/store'; export const selectCounterFeature = createFeatureSelector<number>('counter');

Then, create a more specific Selector to get the desired state fragment:

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// counter.selectors.ts (续) export const selectCounterValue = createSelector( selectCounterFeature, (state: number) => state );

Finally, use these Selectors in the component or effect:

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// counter.component.ts import { Store } from '@ngrx/store'; import * as fromCounter from './counter.selectors'; @Component({ // ... }) export class CounterComponent { counter$ =; constructor(private store: Store) {} }

In this example, we’re using the method and the Selector we created earlier to get the current count value and store it in an$

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4.4 State persistence and lazy loading


In complex Angular apps, you may want to consider state persistence and lazy loading. State persistence means saving the app state to some kind of persistent storage (such as localStorage) so that the user can revert to their previous state after closing and reopening the app. Lazy loading is an optimization technique that loads parts of an app’s functionality on demand, making it faster to launch your app.

NgRx provides a number of tools and patterns to support both needs.

Code samples

State persistence

Use libraries to implement state persistence:ngrx-store-localstorage

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npm install ngrx-store-localstorage --save

Then configure in the application module:

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// app.module.ts import { localStorageSync } from 'ngrx-store-localstorage'; const reducers = { counter: counterReducer }; function localStorageSyncReducer(reducer: ActionReducer<any>): ActionReducer<any> { return localStorageSync({ keys: ['counter'], rehydrate: true })(reducer); } @NgModule({ imports: [ StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, { metaReducers: [localStorageSyncReducer] }) ], // ... }) export class AppModule { }

Lazy loading

In Angular, you can use the lazy loading feature of the Angular Router to lazy load specific modules. In NgRx, you can use the method to lazy load the state of a particular feature:forFeature

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// feature.module.ts @NgModule({ imports: [ StoreModule.forFeature('feature', featureReducer) ], // ... }) export class FeatureModule { }

This way, the state is only added to the global state if it is lazy loaded.featureFeatureModule

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4.5 Testing and Debugging


Testing and debugging are an integral part of any application development process. For Angular applications that use NgRx for state management, there are a few specific tools and approaches that can help you test and debug more effectively.

  1. Unit Testing: The purely functional nature of NgRx makes unit testing relatively easy. You can test Actions, Reducers, and Selectors independently.
  2. Effects testing: For Effects, you may want to use Angular’s dependency injection and RxJS’s testing tools.
  3. Redux DevTools: NgRx is compatible with Redux DevTools, a very powerful browser extension for viewing Store status in real-time, executing actions, and seeing state changes.

Code samples

Test the Reducer

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// counter.reducer.spec.ts import { counterReducer } from './counter.reducer'; import * as fromCounter from './counter.actions'; describe('Counter Reducer', () => { it('should return the initial state', () => { const action = {} as any; const result = counterReducer(undefined, action); expect(result).toBe(0); }); it('should increment the state', () => { const action = fromCounter.increment(); const result = counterReducer(0, action); expect(result).toBe(1); }); });

Use Redux DevTools

After you install the Redux DevTools browser extension, you can add the following code to your app module to enable DevTools support:

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// app.module.ts import { StoreDevtoolsModule } from '@ngrx/store-devtools'; @NgModule({ imports: [ // ... StoreDevtoolsModule.instrument({ maxAge: 25 // Retains last 25 states }) ], // ... }) export class AppModule { }

This allows you to use Redux DevTools to view and debug the state of your app.

This is the content of subsection 5 of chapter 4. This is also the last subsection of this tutorial. Next, I will summarize the entire tutorial and provide references for further learning. Please confirm.


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Tutorial summary

This tutorial is intended to provide a comprehensive guide to help you understand state management techniques in Angular. We first introduced the basic concepts of state management, and then listed and compared several commonly used state management libraries. In the end, we chose NgRx for in-depth teaching.

With this tutorial, you should be able to:

  • Understand the importance and foundational concepts of state management.
  • Learn about the main state management libraries in the Angular ecosystem.
  • Choose the right state management technology based on your project needs.
  • Master the basics of NgRx, including Actions, Reducers, Effects, and Selectors.
  • Learn how to do state persistence and lazy loading.
  • Familiarity with NgRx’s testing and debugging tools.

References for further study

  1. NgRx Official Documentation
  2. State management section in the official Angular documentation
  3. Redux Official Documentation
  4. MobX Official Documentation
  5. Akita Official Documentation
  6. NgXs Official Documentation
  7. RxJS Official Documentation
  8. Angular Testing Guide

Hopefully, this tutorial will help you better understand state management in Angular and provide useful guidance for your project. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 4: NgRx Basics 1.<> NgRx Architecture ChatGPT

4.1 NgRx Architecture


The NgRx architecture is a state management pattern based on the Redux architecture, designed specifically for Angular applications. It uses the RxJS library to handle asynchronous operations and data flows. The NgRx architecture consists of the following core components:

  1. Store: A Store is an immutable data structure that stores the entire state of an application. It is an Observable that you can subscribe to to get status updates.
  2. Actions: Actions are objects that describe what happened. They are the only way to change the state.
  3. Reducers: Reducers are pure functions that are used to generate new state based on the current state and a given Action.
  4. Effects: Effects is a service that handles interactions with external parts such as servers, databases, and so on.
  5. Selectors: Selectors are functions used to extract the state of a particular fragment from the Store.

Code samples

Install NgRx

First, you’ll need to install NgRx’s core libraries:

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npm install @ngrx/store --save

Define Actions

In NgRx, Actions are defined by functions:createAction

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// actions/counter.actions.ts import { createAction } from '@ngrx/store'; export const increment = createAction('[Counter] Increment'); export const decrement = createAction('[Counter] Decrement');

Create a Reducer

The Reducer is a pure function that handles Actions and returns a new state:

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// reducers/counter.reducer.ts import { createReducer, on } from '@ngrx/store'; import { increment, decrement } from '../actions/counter.actions'; export const initialState = 0; const _counterReducer = createReducer( initialState, on(increment, (state) => state + 1), on(decrement, (state) => state - 1) ); export function counterReducer(state, action) { return _counterReducer(state, action); }

Set up the Store

In Angular’s module, you need to set up the Store:

typescriptCopy code

// app.module.ts import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store'; import { counterReducer } from './reducers/counter.reducer'; @NgModule({ imports: [ StoreModule.forRoot({ count: counterReducer }), // other imports ], }) export class AppModule {}

In this way, you have successfully set up a basic NgRx architecture, including Actions, Reducers, and Stores. This is the foundation of the NgRx architecture, and you can add more advanced features like Effects and Selectors on top of it.

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 4, Subsection 1, “NgRx Basics”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 4: NgRx Fundamentals 2.<> ActionsChatGPT

4.2 Actions


In NgRx, Actions are objects that describe events or actions that occur in an app. They are the only way to change the state of an application. Each Action object typically contains a field and an optional field.typepayload

  • Type: The Action field is a string that describes the nature or purpose of the Action. It usually follows the format of the to make it easier to identify and debug.type[Source] Event
  • Payload: is an optional field that passes any additional data related to the Action.payload

Code samples

Define Actions

In NgRx, you can use the function to define Actions. Here’s a simple example of how to define an action that increases the counter and decreases the counter:createAction

typescriptCopy code

// actions/counter.actions.ts import { createAction, props } from '@ngrx/store'; export const increment = createAction('[Counter] Increment'); export const decrement = createAction('[Counter] Decrement'); export const add = createAction( '[Counter] Add', props<{ amount: number }>() );

In this example, and Actions don’t, while Action has a name for .incrementdecrementpayloadaddamountpayload

Distribute Actions

In an app, you’ll typically distribute Actions in components or Effects. Here’s an example of how to distribute an Action in an Angular component:

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// components/counter.component.ts import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { Store } from '@ngrx/store'; import * as CounterActions from '../actions/counter.actions'; @Component({ selector: 'app-counter', template: ` <button (click)="increment()">Increment</button> <button (click)="decrement()">Decrement</button> <button (click)="add(5)">Add 5</button> `, }) export class CounterComponent { constructor(private store: Store) {} increment() {; } decrement() {; } add(amount: number) {{ amount })); } }

In this component, we inject NgRx’s services and use methods to distribute the Actions we defined earlier.Storedispatch

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 4, Subsection 2, “Actions”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 4: NgRx Basics 3.<> ReducersChatGPT

4.3 Reducers


In NgRx, Reducers are pure functions that handle Actions and update the state of your app. Whenever an Action is distributed to the Store, the corresponding Reducer is called to compute the new state.

The Reducer function accepts two arguments:

  1. Current State: This is the current state of the application or the state fragment managed by the Reducer.
  2. Action: This is the Action object that is distributed.

The Reducer must be a pure function, which means that given the same input (current state and action), it should always return the same output (new state).

Code samples

Define the Reducer

In NgRx, you can use the Reducer function to define a Reducer. Here’s a simple example of how to define a reducer that manages counter state:createReducer

typescriptCopy code

// reducers/counter.reducer.ts import { createReducer, on } from '@ngrx/store'; import { increment, decrement, add } from '../actions/counter.actions'; export const initialState = 0; const _counterReducer = createReducer( initialState, on(increment, (state) => state + 1), on(decrement, (state) => state - 1), on(add, (state, { amount }) => state + amount) ); export function counterReducer(state, action) { return _counterReducer(state, action); }

In this example, we define a Reducer function called , which handles , , and Actions. For each Action type, we define a handler that accepts the current state and the Payload of the Action (if any) and returns the new state._counterReducerincrementdecrementadd

Use Reducer

In an Angular app, you need to register the Reducer in the module’s configuration:

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// app.module.ts import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store'; import { counterReducer } from './reducers/counter.reducer'; @NgModule({ imports: [ StoreModule.forRoot({ counter: counterReducer }), // other imports ], }) export class AppModule {}

Here we use the method to register . This way, the Reducer becomes part of the app’s state and is used to handle the actions associated with .StoreModule.forRootcounterReducercounter

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 4, Subsection 3, “Reducers”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 4: NgRx Basics 4.<> EffectsChatGPT

4.4 Effects


In NgRx, Effects is a service that handles interactions with external systems such as servers, databases, and so on. Effects listens for Actions distributed to the Store and performs a series of actions based on those Actions, which may include asynchronous calls, accessing persistent data, or triggering other Actions.

Effects are based on RxJS Observables, so they can easily handle asynchronous operations and complex data flows.

Code samples

Install and set up Effects

First, you need to install the NgRx Effects library:

bashCopy code

npm install @ngrx/effects --save

Then, in your Angular module, import :EffectsModule

typescriptCopy code

// app.module.ts import { EffectsModule } from '@ngrx/effects'; import { CounterEffects } from './effects/counter.effects'; @NgModule({ imports: [ EffectsModule.forRoot([CounterEffects]), // other imports ], }) export class AppModule {}

Define an Effect

Here’s an example of a simple effect that listens to an Action and calls a service each time the Action is dispatched:increment

typescriptCopy code

// effects/counter.effects.ts import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Actions, ofType, createEffect } from '@ngrx/effects'; import { EMPTY } from 'rxjs'; import { map, mergeMap, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators'; import * as CounterActions from '../actions/counter.actions'; import { MyService } from '../services/my.service'; @Injectable() export class CounterEffects { incrementEffect$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(CounterActions.increment), mergeMap(() => this.myService.incrementCounter() .pipe( map(data => CounterActions.incrementSuccess({ payload: data })), catchError(() => EMPTY) )) ) ); constructor( private actions$: Actions, private myService: MyService ) {} }

In this example, we define an Effect called . The Effect uses operators to listen for Actions. When the Action is dispatched, Effect calls the Method to perform the asynchronous operation and dispatches a new Action if the operation succeeds.incrementEffect$ofTypeincrementMyService.incrementCounter()incrementSuccess

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 4, Subsection 4, “Effects”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 4: NgRx Basics 5.<> StoreChatGPT

4.5 Store


In NgRx, the Store is an immutable object used to store the state of an application. It’s an RxJS Observable that you can subscribe to get updates on the state of your app. The Store also provides a method for distributing Actions to trigger a state change.dispatch

The Store is a central part of the NgRx architecture that connects Actions, Reducers, and Effects, enabling them to work together to manage application state.

Code samples

Set up the Store

In the Angular app, you need to set up the Store in the module’s configuration:

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// app.module.ts import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store'; import { counterReducer } from './reducers/counter.reducer'; @NgModule({ imports: [ StoreModule.forRoot({ counter: counterReducer }), // other imports ], }) export class AppModule {}

In this example, we’ll use a method to set up the Store and register the Reducer as a Reducer for the Manage field.StoreModule.forRootcounterReducercounter

Subscribe to the Store

You can subscribe to the Store in your Angular component to get updates on the status:

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// components/counter.component.ts import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { Store } from '@ngrx/store'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; @Component({ selector: 'app-counter', template: ` <div>{{ counter$ | async }}</div> `, }) export class CounterComponent { counter$: Observable<number>; constructor(private store: Store<{ counter: number }>) { this.counter$ ='counter'); } }

In this component, we inject NgRx’s services and use methods to subscribe to the state of the field. We use Angular’s pipeline to automatically subscribe and unsubscribe from the observable.Storeselectcounterasync

Distribute Actions

You can also use the Store’s method in a component to distribute Actions:dispatch

typescriptCopy code

// components/counter.component.ts (续) import * as CounterActions from '../actions/counter.actions'; // ... (在组件类中) increment() {; }

This way, every time a method is called, an Action is distributed to the Store, triggering a state change.incrementincrement

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 4, Subsection 5, “Store”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 5: NgRx Advanced 1.<> Asynchronous Operation ChatGPT

5.1 Asynchronous Operations


In practice, asynchronous operations are very common, such as API calls, file reads and writes, and so on. NgRx provides an elegant way to handle these asynchronous operations, through the use of Effects.

Effects allows you to listen to Actions and perform side effects (such as asynchronous operations) when a new Action is distributed to the Store. This allows you to decouple your business logic from your state management logic, making your application easier to maintain and test.

Code samples

Install NgRx Effects

If you don’t already have NgRx Effects installed, you can do so with the following command:

bashCopy code

npm install @ngrx/effects --save

Create an asynchronous Effect

Let’s say you have an asynchronous operation for , you can create an Effect to handle it like this:fetchData

typescriptCopy code

// effects/data.effects.ts import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Actions, ofType, createEffect } from '@ngrx/effects'; import { EMPTY } from 'rxjs'; import { map, mergeMap, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators'; import * as DataActions from '../actions/data.actions'; import { DataService } from '../services/data.service'; @Injectable() export class DataEffects { fetchDataEffect$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(DataActions.fetchData), mergeMap(() => this.dataService.fetchData() .pipe( map(data => DataActions.fetchDataSuccess({ payload: data })), catchError(() => EMPTY) )) ) ); constructor( private actions$: Actions, private dataService: DataService ) {} }

In this example, Effect listens for the Action. When the Action is dispatched, Effect calls the Method to perform the asynchronous operation and dispatches a new Action if the operation succeeds.fetchDataEffect$fetchDataDataService.fetchData()fetchDataSuccess

Register Effect

Finally, don’t forget to register this Effect in your Angular module:

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// app.module.ts import { EffectsModule } from '@ngrx/effects'; import { DataEffects } from './effects/data.effects'; @NgModule({ imports: [ EffectsModule.forRoot([DataEffects]), // other imports ], }) export class AppModule {}

In this way, you have successfully created an Effect that handles asynchronous operations.

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 5, Subsection 1, “Asynchronous Operations”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 5: NgRx Advanced 2.<> Integrating ChatGPT with Angular Services

5.2 Integration with Angular Services


In an Angular application, Services are a way to encapsulate complex logic and interact with external systems. In the NgRx architecture, you can easily integrate with Angular services through Effects for more advanced functionality and logic.

With this integration, you can separate business logic and data access logic from components, making components more lightweight and testable, while also making state management more efficient and maintainable.

Code samples

Create an Angular service

First, let’s create a simple Angular service that fetches data from the API:

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// services/data.service.ts import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root', }) export class DataService { constructor(private http: HttpClient) {} fetchData(): Observable<any> { return this.http.get(''); } }

Use the Angular service in Effect

Next, you can use this Angular service in Effect:

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// effects/data.effects.ts import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Actions, ofType, createEffect } from '@ngrx/effects'; import { EMPTY } from 'rxjs'; import { map, mergeMap, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators'; import * as DataActions from '../actions/data.actions'; import { DataService } from '../services/data.service'; @Injectable() export class DataEffects { fetchDataEffect$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(DataActions.fetchData), mergeMap(() => this.dataService.fetchData() .pipe( map(data => DataActions.fetchDataSuccess({ payload: data })), catchError(() => EMPTY) )) ) ); constructor( private actions$: Actions, private dataService: DataService ) {} }

In this example, Effect listens to the Action and uses the method to fetch the data. After the acquisition is successful, it will distribute a new Action with the obtained data as a payload.fetchDataEffect$fetchDataDataServicefetchDatafetchDataSuccess

In this way, you successfully integrate Angular services with NgRx Effect for more advanced asynchronous operations and state management.

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 5, Subsection 2, “Integrating with Angular Services”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 5: NgRx Advanced 3.<> Performance Optimization ChatGPT

5.3 Performance Optimization


Performance optimization is an important consideration in large or complex Angular applications. NgRx provides a variety of tools and techniques to help you optimize application performance, including lazy loading, state persistence, and efficient state queries using Selectors.

Code samples

Using Lazy Loading

NgRx supports lazy loading of module-specific states and effects. This allows you to dynamically load and initialize state as needed, reducing the initial load time of your app.

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// feature.module.ts import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store'; import { EffectsModule } from '@ngrx/effects'; import { featureReducer } from './reducers/feature.reducer'; import { FeatureEffects } from './effects/feature.effects'; @NgModule({ imports: [ StoreModule.forFeature('feature', featureReducer), EffectsModule.forFeature([FeatureEffects]), ], }) export class FeatureModule {}

Use Selectors for status queries

Selectors can help you efficiently query the status from the Store. By using the Function, you can create memoized Selectors so that they will only recalculate when the state changes.createSelector

typescriptCopy code

// selectors/feature.selectors.ts import { createSelector } from '@ngrx/store'; export const selectFeature = (state) => state.feature; export const selectFeatureProperty = createSelector( selectFeature, (feature) => );

State persistence

In some cases, you may want to persist your app state into local storage, such as localStorage, to provide a better user experience. You can easily do this using NgRx’s library.@ngrx/store-localstorage

bashCopy code

npm install @ngrx/store-localstorage --save

Then add to your module configuration:

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// app.module.ts import { localStorageSync } from '@ngrx/store-localstorage'; import { StoreModule, ActionReducerMap } from '@ngrx/store'; const reducers: ActionReducerMap<any> = { // your reducers }; export function localStorageSyncReducer(reducer: ActionReducer<any>): ActionReducer<any> { return localStorageSync({ keys: ['your-key'], rehydrate: true })(reducer); } @NgModule({ imports: [ StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, { metaReducers: [localStorageSyncReducer] }), // other imports ], }) export class AppModule {}

This allows you to persist the specified state fragment into local storage.

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 5, Subsection 3, “Performance Optimization”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 5: NgRx Advanced 4.<> Testing Strategy ChatGPT

5.4 Testing Strategies


Testing is an integral part of any application development process, and NgRx is no exception. Because the NgRx architecture clearly separates state, action, and side effects, it is ideal for both unit and integration testing. In this section, we’ll explore how to test various parts of NgRx, including Actions, Reducers, Effects, and Selectors.

Code samples

Test your Actions

Testing Actions is relatively straightforward, as they are often just simple objects. You can use any JavaScript testing framework to do this.

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// actions/counter.actions.spec.ts import * as CounterActions from './counter.actions'; describe('Counter Actions', () => { it('should create an increment action', () => { const action = CounterActions.increment(); expect(action.type).toEqual('[Counter] Increment'); }); });

Test Reducers

Reducers are pure functions, so they’re easy to test as well. You can provide an initial state and an Action for the Reducer function, and then check for the new state returned.

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// reducers/counter.reducer.spec.ts import { counterReducer } from './counter.reducer'; import * as CounterActions from '../actions/counter.actions'; describe('Counter Reducer', () => { it('should increment the state by 1', () => { const initialState = 0; const action = CounterActions.increment(); const newState = counterReducer(initialState, action); expect(newState).toEqual(1); }); });

Test Effects

Testing Effects often requires mocking dependencies, such as services or other external resources. You can do this using functions and Angular’s dependency injection.provideMockActions

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// effects/counter.effects.spec.ts import { TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing'; import { provideMockActions } from '@ngrx/effects/testing'; import { Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { CounterEffects } from './counter.effects'; import * as CounterActions from '../actions/counter.actions'; describe('Counter Effects', () => { let actions$: Observable<any>; let effects: CounterEffects; beforeEach(() => { TestBed.configureTestingModule({ providers: [ CounterEffects, provideMockActions(() => actions$), // other providers ], }); effects = TestBed.inject(CounterEffects); }); it('should be created', () => { expect(effects).toBeTruthy(); }); });

Test Selectors

Since Selectors are pure functions, testing them is similar to testing Reducers.

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// selectors/counter.selectors.spec.ts import * as fromCounter from './counter.selectors'; describe('Counter Selectors', () => { it('should select the counter value', () => { const initialState = { counter: 1 }; const result = fromCounter.selectCounter(initialState); expect(result).toEqual(1); }); });

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 5, Subsection 4, “Testing Strategy”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 6: Practical examples of creating a simple application for ChatGPT

Chapter 6: Practical Examples – Create a Simple Application


In this chapter, we’ll demonstrate NgRx in action with a simple To-Do List App. This app will include the ability to add, remove, and mark to-dos as complete. We’ll use NgRx to manage the state of the app.

Code samples

1. Initialize the Angular app

First, create a new Angular app using the Angular CLI.

bashCopy code

ng new todo-app

2. Install NgRx

Go to the app directory and install NgRx.

bashCopy code

cd todo-app npm install @ngrx/store @ngrx/effects --save

3. Define Actions

Create in the directory.src/app/actionstodo.actions.ts

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// src/app/actions/todo.actions.ts import { createAction, props } from '@ngrx/store'; export const addTodo = createAction( '[Todo] Add Todo', props<{ text: string }>() ); export const toggleTodo = createAction( '[Todo] Toggle Todo', props<{ id: number }>() ); export const removeTodo = createAction( '[Todo] Remove Todo', props<{ id: number }>() );

4. Define the Reducer

Create in the directory.src/app/reducerstodo.reducer.ts

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// src/app/reducers/todo.reducer.ts import { createReducer, on } from '@ngrx/store'; import * as TodoActions from '../actions/todo.actions'; export const initialState = []; const _todoReducer = createReducer( initialState, on(TodoActions.addTodo, (state, { text }) => [...state, { id: state.length + 1, text, completed: false }]), on(TodoActions.toggleTodo, (state, { id }) => => === id ? { ...todo, completed: !todo.completed } : todo)), on(TodoActions.removeTodo, (state, { id }) => state.filter(todo => !== id)) ); export function todoReducer(state, action) { return _todoReducer(state, action); }

5. Sign up for Store and Reducer

Register Store and Reducer in .src/app/app.module.ts

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// src/app/app.module.ts import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store'; import { todoReducer } from './reducers/todo.reducer'; @NgModule({ imports: [ StoreModule.forRoot({ todos: todoReducer }), // other imports ], }) export class AppModule {}

6. Create UI and logic

Create and implement the UI and logic in the directory.src/app/componentstodo-list.component.tstodo-list.component.html

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// src/app/components/todo-list.component.ts import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { Store } from '@ngrx/store'; import * as TodoActions from '../actions/todo.actions'; @Component({ selector: 'app-todo-list', templateUrl: './todo-list.component.html', }) export class TodoListComponent { constructor(private store: Store<{ todos: any[] }>) {} addTodo(text: string) {{ text })); } toggleTodo(id: number) {{ id })); } removeTodo(id: number) {{ id })); } }

htmlCopy code

<!-- src/app/components/todo-list.component.html --> <!-- UI code here -->

With that, you’ve created a simple to-do app that demonstrates how to use NgRx for state management.

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 6, “Practical Examples”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 6: Practical example of applying NgRx to state management ChatGPT

Chapter 6: Practical Examples – Applying NgRx for State Management


In the previous section, we created a simple to-do list app. Now, we’ll explain in more detail how to apply NgRx for state management in this application.

Code samples

1. Apply a state model

First, define an application state model. This is usually a TypeScript interface that describes the structure of the application’s state.

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// src/app/models/app-state.model.ts export interface Todo { id: number; text: string; completed: boolean; } export interface AppState { todos: Todo[]; }

2. Use of Store Services

In the Angular component, use NgRx’s service to distribute Actions and subscription state.Store

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// src/app/components/todo-list.component.ts import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { Store } from '@ngrx/store'; import { AppState } from '../models/app-state.model'; import * as TodoActions from '../actions/todo.actions'; @Component({ selector: 'app-todo-list', templateUrl: './todo-list.component.html', }) export class TodoListComponent { todos$ = => state.todos); constructor(private store: Store<{ todos: AppState }>) {} addTodo(text: string) {{ text })); } toggleTodo(id: number) {{ id })); } removeTodo(id: number) {{ id })); } }

3. Use Selectors

To query the status from the Store more efficiently, you can use Selectors.

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// src/app/selectors/todo.selectors.ts import { createSelector } from '@ngrx/store'; import { AppState } from '../models/app-state.model'; export const selectTodos = (state: AppState) => state.todos; export const selectCompletedTodos = createSelector( selectTodos, todos => todos.filter(todo => todo.completed) );

Then, use these Selectors in your components.

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// src/app/components/todo-list.component.ts import { selectTodos, selectCompletedTodos } from '../selectors/todo.selectors'; // ... todos$ =; completedTodos$ =;

4. Use Effects for asynchronous operations

If your app requires asynchronous operations, such as API calls, you can use Effects.

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// src/app/effects/todo.effects.ts import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; import { Actions, ofType, createEffect } from '@ngrx/effects'; import { EMPTY } from 'rxjs'; import { map, mergeMap, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators'; import * as TodoActions from '../actions/todo.actions'; import { TodoService } from '../services/todo.service'; @Injectable() export class TodoEffects { loadTodos$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(TodoActions.loadTodos), mergeMap(() => this.todoService.getAll() .pipe( map(todos => TodoActions.loadTodosSuccess({ todos })), catchError(() => EMPTY) )) ) ); constructor( private actions$: Actions, private todoService: TodoService ) {} }

In this way, you have successfully applied NgRx in your to-do app for state management.

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 6, “State Management with NgRx”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 6: Analysis and Optimization of ChatGPT with Practical Examples

Chapter 6: Practical Examples – Analysis and Optimization


After implementing a basic to-do app and applying NgRx for state management, the next step is to perform application analysis and optimization. This includes code refactoring, performance optimizations, and adding more advanced features.

Code samples

1. Code refactoring

  • Modularity: Move all code related to the backlog, including Actions, Reducers, Effects, and Selectors, into a single module to improve the maintainability of your code.

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// src/app/todo/todo.module.ts @NgModule({ imports: [ StoreModule.forFeature('todos', todoReducer), EffectsModule.forFeature([TodoEffects]), ], }) export class TodoModule {}

2. Performance optimization

  • Use lazy loading: If your app becomes larger and more complex, consider using lazy loading to improve your app’s startup performance.
  • Use the OnPush change detection strategy: Use in Angular components to reduce unnecessary UI updates, which can improve performance.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush

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// src/app/components/todo-list.component.ts @Component({ selector: 'app-todo-list', templateUrl: './todo-list.component.html', changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, }) export class TodoListComponent { // ... }

3. Add more advanced features

  • State persistence: Use libraries or custom logic to implement state persistence.@ngrx/store-localstorage

typescriptCopy code

// src/app/app.module.ts import { localStorageSync } from '@ngrx/store-localstorage'; const reducers: ActionReducerMap<AppState> = { todos: todoReducer }; export function localStorageSyncReducer(reducer: ActionReducer<any>): ActionReducer<any> { return localStorageSync({ keys: ['todos'], rehydrate: true })(reducer); } @NgModule({ imports: [ StoreModule.forRoot(reducers, { metaReducers: [localStorageSyncReducer] }), // ... ], }) export class AppModule {}

  • Add error handling and logging: Use NgRx Effects’ operators to handle errors in asynchronous operations, and use for state debugging.catchError@ngrx/store-devtools

typescriptCopy code

// src/app/effects/todo.effects.ts loadTodos$ = createEffect(() => this.actions$.pipe( ofType(TodoActions.loadTodos), mergeMap(() => this.todoService.getAll() .pipe( map(todos => TodoActions.loadTodosSuccess({ todos })), catchError(error => of(TodoActions.loadTodosFailure({ error }))) )) ));

These are detailed explanations of Chapter 6, “Analysis and Optimization”. By following these steps, you can not only improve the performance of your application, but also make it easier to maintain and scale. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail 8.1 Redux vs. AngularChatGPT in Chapter <>: Introduction to Other State Management Techniques

Chapter 8: Introduction to Other State Management Techniques

8.1 Redux and Angular


Redux is a framework-agnostic state management library originally designed for React apps. However, due to its simple and highly scalable architecture, it can also be used in conjunction with Angular. In this section, we’ll explore how to use the native Redux library for state management in an Angular app.

Code samples

1. Install Redux

First, you’ll need to install the Redux library.

bashCopy code

npm install redux --save

2. Create a Store

In an Angular app, you can create a Redux Store in an array of root modules.providers

typescriptCopy code

// app.module.ts import { createStore } from 'redux'; import { rootReducer } from './reducers/root.reducer'; @NgModule({ providers: [ { provide: 'AppStore', useValue: createStore(rootReducer) }, ], // ... }) export class AppModule {}

3. Define Actions and Reducers

Similar to NgRx, you need to define Actions and Reducers.

typescriptCopy code

// actions/todo.actions.ts export const ADD_TODO = 'ADD_TODO'; // reducers/todo.reducer.ts export function todoReducer(state = [], action) { switch (action.type) { case ADD_TODO: return [...state, action.payload]; default: return state; } }

4. Use the Store in the component

You can use Angular’s dependency injection to access the Redux Store.

typescriptCopy code

// components/todo-list.component.ts import { Component, Inject } from '@angular/core'; @Component({ selector: 'app-todo-list', template: `...`, }) export class TodoListComponent { constructor(@Inject('AppStore') private store) { => this.readState()); this.readState(); } readState() { const state =; // Do something with the state } addTodo(text: string) {{ type: ADD_TODO, payload: text }); } }

5. Use Middleware

Redux allows you to use Middleware to handle asynchronous actions or add other side effects.

typescriptCopy code

// Configure store with middleware import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; const store = createStore( rootReducer, applyMiddleware(thunk) );

This allows you to use native Redux for state management in your Angular app. While NgRx is the more popular choice for the Angular community, Redux is also a viable option due to its simplicity and flexibility.

This is a detailed explanation of the first subsection of Chapter 8, “Redux and Angular”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 8: Introduction to Other State Management Techniques 2.<> MobX vs. AngularChatGPT

Chapter 8: Introduction to Other State Management Techniques

8.2 MobX and Angular


MobX is another popular state management library that uses reactive programming principles to manage application state. Unlike Redux, MobX provides a more declarative and automated way to handle state changes. In this section, we’ll explore how to use MobX in your Angular app.

Code samples

1. Install MobX and mobx-angular

First, you need to install MobX and mobx-angular.

bashCopy code

npm install mobx mobx-angular --save

2. Create a MobX Store

In MobX, you can create one or more Stores to manage app status.

typescriptCopy code

// stores/ import { observable, action } from 'mobx'; export class TodoStore { @observable todos = []; @action addTodo(text: string) { this.todos.push({ text, completed: false }); } @action toggleTodo(index: number) { this.todos[index].completed = !this.todos[index].completed; } }

3. Use the MobX Store in Angular

You can inject the MobX Store into an Angular component and use the instructions provided to automatically update the view.mobx-angularMobxAutorunDirective

typescriptCopy code

// components/todo-list.component.ts import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { TodoStore } from '../stores/'; @Component({ selector: 'app-todo-list', template: ` <ul *mobxAutorun> <li *ngFor="let todo of todoStore.todos">{{ todo.text }}</li> </ul> `, }) export class TodoListComponent { constructor(public todoStore: TodoStore) {} addTodo(text: string) { this.todoStore.addTodo(text); } }

4. Configure the Angular module

In the Angular module, you need to import .MobxAngularModule

typescriptCopy code

// app.module.ts import { MobxAngularModule } from 'mobx-angular'; @NgModule({ imports: [ MobxAngularModule, // ... ], providers: [TodoStore], }) export class AppModule {}

5. Use calculated properties and reactions

MobX allows you to use the computed properties () and reactions () to further optimize and respond to state changes.computedreaction

typescriptCopy code

// stores/ import { computed } from 'mobx'; export class TodoStore { // ... @computed get completedTodos() { return this.todos.filter(todo => todo.completed); } }

In this way, you have successfully applied MobX for state management in your Angular application. MobX provides a more flexible and automated way to manage state, especially for complex and large applications.

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 8, Subsection 2, “MobX and Angular”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail 8.3 Akita vs. AngularChatGPT in Chapter <>: Introduction to Other State Management Techniques

Chapter 8: Introduction to Other State Management Techniques

8.3 Akita and Angular


Akita is a simple yet effective state management solution specifically designed for Angular applications. It doesn’t rely on Redux, MobX, or other state management libraries, but instead provides a separate set of APIs and tools. The main advantage of Akita is its simplicity and flexibility, making it ideal for rapid development and maintenance of Angular applications.

Code samples

1. Install Akita

First, you’ll need to install Akita.

bashCopy code

npm install @datorama/akita --save

2. Create an Akita Store and Query

Akita uses the Store to hold the state and the Query to read the state.

typescriptCopy code

// stores/ import { Store, StoreConfig } from '@datorama/akita'; export interface TodoState { todos: string[]; } @StoreConfig({ name: 'todos' }) export class TodoStore extends Store<TodoState> { constructor() { super({ todos: [] }); } } // stores/todo.query.ts import { Query } from '@datorama/akita'; import { TodoStore, TodoState } from './'; export class TodoQuery extends Query<TodoState> { constructor(protected store: TodoStore) { super(store); } }

3. Use Akita Store and Query in your components

You can inject Akita Store and Query into Angular components.

typescriptCopy code

// components/todo-list.component.ts import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { TodoStore } from '../stores/'; import { TodoQuery } from '../stores/todo.query'; @Component({ selector: 'app-todo-list', template: ` <ul> <li *ngFor="let todo of todos$ | async">{{ todo }}</li> </ul> `, }) export class TodoListComponent { todos$ = => state.todos); constructor(private todoStore: TodoStore, private todoQuery: TodoQuery) {} addTodo(text: string) { const newTodos = [...this.todoQuery.getValue().todos, text]; this.todoStore.update({ todos: newTodos }); } }

4. Use other features of Akita

Akita also offers a range of other features, such as entity management, caching, plugins, and more.

typescriptCopy code

// 使用 Akita 实体管理 import { EntityStore, EntityState, EntityQuery } from '@datorama/akita'; export interface Todo { id: number; text: string; } export interface TodoState extends EntityState<Todo> {} @StoreConfig({ name: 'todos' }) export class TodoEntityStore extends EntityStore<TodoState> { constructor() { super(); } } export class TodoEntityQuery extends EntityQuery<TodoState> { constructor(protected store: TodoEntityStore) { super(store); } }

In this way, you have successfully applied Akita for state management in your Angular app. Akita is a state management option worth considering due to its simplicity and flexibility.

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 8, Subsection 3, “Akita and Angular”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 9: Summary of the 1.<> Course Review ChatGPT

Chapter 9: Summary

9.1 Course Review


In this tutorial, we took a deep dive into state management in Angular front-end development. From basic concepts to advanced techniques, we’ve covered a wide range of aspects so that you can fully understand and grasp the topic.

Review of the main contents

  1. Angular State Management Basics: We started by explaining what state management is and discussing why it’s so important in front-end development.
  2. UI Templates: Explores how to create UI templates in Angular and combine them with state management.
  3. NgRx Basics: We go into detail about the NgRx library, including the concepts of Actions, Reducers, Effects, and the Store.
  4. NgRx Advanced: Building on the basics, we further explore how to do asynchronous operations, integrate with Angular services, optimize performance, and test strategies.
  5. Practical example: With a backlog app, we show how NgRx can be applied in a real-world project.
  6. Analysis & Optimization: We discussed how to analyze and optimize existing NgRx applications.
  7. Other state management techniques: Finally, we also briefly covered other state management technologies besides NgRx, such as Redux, MobX, and Akita.


State management is a complex but critical part of front-end development. Properly managing application state not only improves application performance, but also greatly improves the maintainability and extensibility of your code. By this tutorial, you should have mastered all aspects of Angular state management, including but not limited to using NgRx.

This is a detailed explanation of the first subsection of Chapter 9, “Course Review”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 9: Summary of 2.<> The next learning direction of ChatGPT

Chapter 9: Summary

9.2 Next Directions


After completing this tutorial, you may be wondering how you should continue to learn and improve next. In this section, we’ll provide some direction and resources to help you gain a deeper understanding of Angular and state management.

Recommended next step

  1. Dive into NgRx: This tutorial mainly covers the basics of NgRx and some advanced topics. But there are many more advanced features and best practices in NgRx that are worth learning into.
  2. Master Angular: State management is just one part of Angular’s rich ecosystem. It is recommended that you also learn other aspects of Angular, such as routing, forms, HTTP clients, etc.
  3. Learn about other state management libraries: In addition to NgRx, there are a variety of other state management solutions. Knowing and comparing these libraries will help you choose the best tool for your project.
  4. Practical projects: Theoretical knowledge is not enough, the best way to learn is through practice. Try to apply what you’ve learned in real-world projects, constantly tweaking and optimizing.
  5. Keep an eye on the community and updates: Both Angular and the state management library are actively evolving. Follow relevant community and official updates to stay up-to-date on the latest changes and trends.

Recommended Resources:

  • Official Documentation: The official documentation for Angular and NgRx is the most authoritative and comprehensive resource.
  • Online courses and tutorials: Websites like Udemy, Pluralsight, and YouTube offer plenty of high-quality video tutorials.
  • Communities and forums: Stack Overflow, Reddit, and various tech blogs are great places to get information and solve problems.
  • Open source projects: There are a number of open source projects related to Angular and state management on GitHub, and you can gain valuable hands-on experience by reading and contributing code.

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 9, Subsection 2, “Next Directions”. Hopefully, these tips and resources will help you take things even further with Angular and state management. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 10: References and Further Learning 1.<> Documentation & Tutorial ChatGPT

Chapter 10: References and Further Learning

10.1 Documentation and Tutorials


High-quality documentation and tutorials are indispensable resources throughout your learning journey. Not only do these materials provide detailed guidance, but they can also help you solve specific problems and even stimulate your innovative thinking.

Recommended documentation and tutorials

  1. Official Angular Documentation: This is the most authoritative resource for learning Angular, covering all topics from basic to advanced.
  2. NgRx Official Documentation: If you are interested in NgRx, its official documentation is the best learning material.
  3. MDN Web Documentation: MDN is a very comprehensive and reliable resource for the basics of front-end development, such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  4. Udemy: This platform offers a large number of online courses related to Angular and state management.
  5. YouTube: There are a lot of great developers and educators who post free tutorials and lectures on YouTube.
  6. Stack Overflow: Stack Overflow is a great place to turn to when you have a specific problem.
  7. Medium and There are tons of technical articles on both platforms that cover a variety of topics and issues.
  8. GitHub: Many open source projects and code samples are hosted on GitHub, which is a great place to learn about real-world applications and best practices.

These documents and tutorials will provide you with valuable knowledge and hands-on experience to help you learn Angular and state management more effectively.

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 10, Subsection 1, “Documentation and Tutorials”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 10: References & Further Study of the 2.<> Online Course ChatGPT

Chapter 10: References and Further Learning

10.2 Online Courses


Online courses are a very effective way to learn, and they are often designed and taught by professional educators or industry experts. These courses often include video lectures, labs, assignments, and projects to help you grasp the topic thoroughly.

Recommended online courses

  1. Udemy
    • Angular – The Complete Guide: This is one of the most popular Angular courses on Udemy, taught by Maximilian Schwarzmüller.
    • NgRx (Angular) – The Complete Guide: This course is an excellent choice if you want to learn NgRx specifically in depth.
  2. Pluralsight
    • Angular Fundamentals: This course is for Angular beginners and covers the basics.
    • Advanced Angular: If you’re already familiar with Angular’s fundamentals, this course will help you master more advanced topics.
  3. Coursera
    • Single Page Web Applications with AngularJS: This is a free course offered by Johns Hopkins University.
  4. edX
    • Angular for Beginners: This is a free course offered by Microsoft for beginners.
  5. Codecademy
    • Learn AngularJS: This is a free course for beginners that covers the basics of AngularJS.
  6. Frontend Masters
    • Complete Intro to Angular: This course is a comprehensive course led by a member of the Angular team.
  7. LinkedIn Learning
    • Angular Essential Training: This course is suitable for developers of all levels and covers a wide range of topics from basic to advanced.
  8. YouTube Channels
    • In addition to paid courses, there are tons of free Angular tutorials on YouTube, such as Academind and Traversy Media.

These online courses offer a wealth of learning materials and hands-on opportunities that can benefit from both beginners and experienced developers.

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 10, Subsection 2, “Online Courses”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!


Please explain in detail Chapter 10: References and Further Learning 3.<> Communities and forums ChatGPT

Chapter 10: References and Further Learning

10.3 Communities and Forums


Communities and forums are important platforms for learning and growth. By participating in these communities, you can connect with your peers, solve problems, and even interact with industry experts. These platforms are also a great place to get the latest information and trends.

Recommended Communities and Forums

  1. Stack Overflow
    • This is the most commonly used Q&A platform for developers. You can find a wealth of questions and answers about Angular and state management here.
    • Stack Overflow Angular tag
  2. Reddit
    • r/Angular2 and r/javascript are two very active Angular and JavaScript-related subforums.
    • r/Angular2
    • r/javascript
  3. GitHub
    • Many of the open source projects related to Angular and state management are on GitHub. You can gain hands-on experience by participating in these projects.
    • Awesome Angular
  4. Discord and Slack communities
  5. Medium and
    • There are tons of technical articles on both platforms, and you can follow some of the authors who specialize in Angular and state management.
    • Medium
  6. Twitter
    • Many Angular developers and communities are very active on Twitter. By following them, you can get the latest information and resources.
    • Recommended attention: @angular@ngrx_io
  7. Local Meetups 和 Conferences
    • Attending local tech meetups and conferences is a great networking and learning opportunity.

These communities and forums not only help you solve problems, but also provide opportunities for career development and learning.

This is a detailed explanation of Chapter 10, Subsection 3, “Communities and Forums”. If you have additional questions or need further information, please feel free to ask. Thank you!