Getting Start With ServiceNow

I’m going to do a servicenow’s Chinese tutorial, first give an outline of the tutorial ChatGPT

Of course, making a Chinese tutorial for ServiceNow is a good idea, especially considering the widespread use of ServiceNow in IT service management (ITSM), business process automation, and many others. The following is a possible tutorial outline:

ServiceNow Chinese tutorial outline


  • Introduction to ServiceNow
  • The importance and market demand of ServiceNow
  • This tutorial target and audience

Part 1: Getting started with the basics

  1. Registration and installation
    • How to register a ServiceNow developer account
    • Settings for the ServiceNow instance
  2. Introduction to the ServiceNow interface
    • Home page layout
    • Navigation menu
    • Quick search and filtering

Part II: Core Functionality

  1. Data tables and records
    • Create and manage data tables
    • Addition, deletion, modification and inspection of records
  2. User management
    • User roles and permissions
    • User groups and group members
  3. Tasks and workflows
    • Create a task
    • Workflow design and automation

Part III: IT Service Management (ITSM)

  1. Incident management
    • Event logging
    • Incident response process
  2. Problem management
    • Problem logging
    • Problem solving process
  3. Change management
    • Change Requests
    • Change approval and enforcement

Part IV: Advanced Features

  1. Business rules and scripts
    • Business rule creation
    • Scripting basics
  2. Reports and dashboards
    • Create a report
    • Dashboard customization

Part V: Practical Cases

  1. Create a simple IT support ticketing system
  2. Automate the employee onboarding process


  • Course summary
  • Resources and paths for further learning


  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • References and links

This syllabus can be adapted to your target audience and teaching focus. Hope this helps you get started making your ServiceNow Chinese tutorial!


Please explain in detail the introduction to ServiceNow ChatGPT

Of course, Introduction to ServiceNow is a key part of the tutorial because it provides learners with a comprehensive background to help them understand the importance and scope of ServiceNow. The following is an example of a detailed introduction to ServiceNow:

Introduction to ServiceNow

What is ServiceNow?

ServiceNow is an American software company founded in 2004 that focuses on the development of cloud computing platforms. Initially focusing on IT Service Management (ITSM), the company has gradually expanded into IT Operations Management (ITOM), IT Business Management (ITBM), Security Operations, Customer Service Management (CSM) and many others.

Platform features

  • Cloud-native: As a fully cloud-based solution, ServiceNow allows enterprises to automate business processes without making large hardware investments.
  • Highly customizable: ServiceNow offers a wealth of APIs and development tools that enable businesses to be highly customized to their needs.
  • Modular design: ServiceNow offers multiple pre-built modules and applications, such as ITSM, ITOM, CSM, etc., which can be used individually or in combination.

Market position

  • ServiceNow is one of the leaders in the global ITSM market with a large number of enterprise-level customers.
  • According to multiple market research reports, ServiceNow continues to maintain high growth in IT automation and business process management.

Application scenarios

  • IT service management: Automate IT support processes such as ticket handling, change management, etc.
  • Business process automation: Automate routine tasks and processes across multiple departments such as HR, finance, etc.
  • Data analytics and reporting: Powerful data analytics tools to help businesses make smarter decisions.

Why learn ServiceNow?

  • High-demand career skills: As the digital transformation of enterprises accelerates, so does the demand for ServiceNow experts.
  • Cross-industry applications: ServiceNow is not only limited to the IT industry, but also widely used in medical, education, government and other fields.

This introduction can be adapted and expanded to suit your tutorial goals and audience. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the importance of ServiceNow and the market demand for ChatGPT

Of course, understanding the importance and market demand of ServiceNow is key, especially for those who are new to or considering using this platform. This section helps learners understand why they should invest time and resources in learning ServiceNow.

The importance and market demand of ServiceNow


  1. An accelerator for enterprise digital transformation
    • ServiceNow helps businesses digitally transform faster by automating and optimizing business processes.
  2. One-stop solution
    • ServiceNow provides a full range of services from IT service management to customer service management to business application development, enabling enterprises to solve multiple problems on a unified platform.
  3. Increase efficiency and reduce costs
    • By automating manual tasks and processes, ServiceNow significantly increases productivity while also reducing operational costs.
  4. Data-driven decision support
    • ServiceNow’s powerful data analytics and reporting capabilities enable businesses to make more informed and timely decisions based on data.
  5. Security and compliance
    • ServiceNow provides multi-layered security measures and compliance tools to help organizations protect data and comply with regulations.

Market demand

  1. High-growth markets
    • ServiceNow is a fast-growing market and is expected to continue this trend in the coming years, according to multiple market research reports.
  2. Wide range of industry applications
    • ServiceNow is widely used not only in the IT industry, but also in several other industries such as healthcare, education, retail, and government.
  3. High-paying positions and career development
    • Due to the high demand for ServiceNow specialists, related positions often offer relatively high salaries and good career development prospects.
  4. Globalization and diversification
    • ServiceNow has a global client base, which means that experts with ServiceNow skills have more opportunities to participate in international projects and diverse teams.

This section can be further customized and expanded to suit your target audience and tutorial focus. Hope this provides useful information for your ServiceNow Chinese tutorial!


Please explain in detail the introduction to ServiceNow’s target and audience for this tutorial ChatGPT

Of course, it is very important to be clear about the goals and audience of the tutorial, as this will help learners understand if this tutorial is suitable for them and what kind of value they can derive from it. Here’s an example of a detailed explanation of the Purpose and Audience of this Tutorial:

This tutorial target and audience

Tutorial objectives

  1. Basic understanding
    • Enables learners to have a comprehensive understanding of the basic concepts and core functions of ServiceNow.
  2. Practical skills
    • Teach learners how to apply ServiceNow in real work, including but not limited to IT service management (ITSM), business process automation, and data analysis.
  3. Advanced apps
    • For learners with some foundation, this tutorial will also cover the advanced features and customization methods of ServiceNow.
  4. Practical exercises
    • Through practical cases and exercises, learners are enabled to apply theoretical knowledge to practical work.
  5. Career development
    • Provide advice and resources on how to become a ServiceNow expert or consultant to help learners advance in their career path.

target audience

  1. IT professionals
    • This tutorial is perfect for people who are already working in the IT industry but want to expand their skill set.
  2. Business analysts and project managers
    • ServiceNow is not just a tool for IT personnel, business analysts and project managers can also benefit from it, especially when it comes to process automation and data analysis.
  3. Students and beginners
    • For those students and beginners looking to enter IT or related industries, this tutorial will provide a great platform to get started.
  4. Business decision makers
    • This tutorial will also be helpful for business leaders and decision makers who need to understand what value ServiceNow can bring to their organizations.
  5. Freelancers and consultants
    • If you are a freelancer or consultant looking to expand your business by providing ServiceNow related services, then this tutorial is also for you.

This section can be adapted to your specific needs and the focus of the tutorial. Hopefully, this provides useful directions for your ServiceNow Chinese tutorial!


Please explain in detail how to register and install the ServiceNow developer account ChatGPT

Of course, signing up for a ServiceNow developer account is the first step to using the ServiceNow platform, especially for those who want to learn or test ServiceNow features. Here’s a detailed step-by-step description:

How to register a ServiceNow developer account


  • Make sure you have a valid email address.
  • Prepare some basic personal information such as name, company name (if applicable), etc.

Registration steps

  1. Visit the ServiceNow developer website
  2. Click the “Sign Up” or “Register” button
    • This button is usually found in the upper right corner of the website or on the main page.
  3. Fill out the registration form
    • Enter your email address, name, password, and other information you might need.
  4. Choose your purpose and interests
    • Some sign-up forms may ask you about your specific interest in ServiceNow or how you plan to use the platform.
  5. Read and accept the Terms of Service
    • Before submitting the form, make sure you have read and accepted ServiceNow’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
  6. Verify the email address
    • After submitting your registration information, you will receive a verification email. Click the link in the email to complete the verification.
  7. Complete the registration
    • Once your email address is verified, your ServiceNow developer account has been successfully created.
  8. Sign in and get started
    • Log in to the ServiceNow developer website with your new account and password, and you’ll be ready to start using ServiceNow’s resources and tools.


  • Some organizations may already have an enterprise-level ServiceNow account, and if you are a member of that organization, it is best to check with your IT department or administrator if a separate developer account is required.
  • ServiceNow developer accounts usually provide a free ServiceNow instance for learning and testing. Make sure you understand the usage limits and rules for this instance.

This section can serve as a sub-module of your tutorial to help learners get started on their ServiceNow learning journey smoothly. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the settings for registering and installing the ServiceNow instance of ChatGPT

Of course, setting up a ServiceNow instance is one of the key steps in using the ServiceNow platform. This is not only for newbies, but also for experienced users who want to test or develop in an isolated environment. Here are the detailed steps on how to set up a ServiceNow instance:

Settings for the ServiceNow instance


  • Make sure you have signed up for a ServiceNow developer account.
  • Make sure your network environment can access the ServiceNow website.

Setup steps

  1. Log in to your ServiceNow developer account
  2. Visit Manage Instances or the appropriate Manage Instances page
    • In your Developer Console, find “Manage Instances” or the corresponding option.
  3. Request a new instance
    • Click “Request Instance” or the corresponding button to request a new ServiceNow instance.
  4. Choose the instance version and configuration
    • You may need to select your desired version of ServiceNow (e.g. “Paris”, “Quebec”, etc.) and other configuration options.
  5. Confirm and wait for the instance to be created
    • Click the “Confirm” or “Submit” button and wait for the system to create your new instance. This may take a few minutes.
  6. Receive instance information
    • Once the instance is created, you will receive the instance’s URL, administrator username, and password via email or in the Developer Console.
  7. Log in to the new instance
    • Log in to your new ServiceNow instance using the URL, username, and password you received.
  8. Make the basic configuration
    • After logging in for the first time, you may need to configure some basic things, such as setting the time zone, language, etc.
  9. Get started or develop
    • Once the basic configuration is complete, you can start using or developing applications or services on ServiceNow instances.


  • ServiceNow developer instances usually have usage limits and expiration dates, so be sure to understand these limits.
  • Before undertaking any significant development or testing, it is recommended to make a backup.
  • If you’re working in a team environment, make sure to share access information for your instance with team members and set the appropriate permissions and roles.

This section can serve as an important sub-module of your tutorial to ensure that learners are able to get started with ServiceNow. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the homepage layout introduced by the ServiceNow interface ChatGPT

Of course, understanding ServiceNow’s homepage layout is fundamental to using this platform and is the first part that many new users are exposed to. Here’s a detailed explanation of the ServiceNow homepage layout:

ServiceNow interface introduction: home page layout

Main components

  1. Header
    • Located at the top of the page, it usually contains the Application Navigator, a global search box, a user picture, and settings options.
  2. Application Navigator
    • Usually located on the left side of the page, all available ServiceNow applications and modules are listed here.
  3. Content Area
    • This is the main body of the page that displays various information and functional modules, such as dashboards, lists, forms, and so on.
  4. Task Bar
    • Located at the bottom or side of the content area, it provides quick access to frequently used features or saved records.
  5. Notification Area
    • Usually located in the upper-right corner of a page, it displays system notifications, warnings, and other important information.

Common features and icons

  1. Home Icon
    • Usually located on the left side of the navigation bar, clicking on it will return you to the main page or dashboard of ServiceNow.
  2. Global Search
    • Located in the navigation bar, it allows you to search records, articles, and other information throughout your ServiceNow instance.
  3. User Settings
    • By clicking on your profile picture in the navigation bar, you can access your profile, profile, and sign-out options.
  4. Quick Navigation (Favorites)
    • In the app navigator, you can add frequently used apps or modules to the Favorites or Quick Navigation area.
  5. Dashboard
    • Often the default page for content areas, various key performance indicators (KPIs) and reports are displayed.

Usage recommendations

  • Use the app navigator’s search feature to quickly find the app or module you need.
  • Personalize your dashboard, adding metrics and reports that are useful for your work.
  • Familiarize yourself with the functions of the notification area so that you can stay informed about system status and important events.

This section can be used as a submodule of your tutorial to help new users quickly familiarize themselves with the basic interface and functionality of ServiceNow. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the navigation menu ChatGPT introduced by the ServiceNow interface

Of course, the navigation menu (often referred to as the “Application Navigator” or “Application Navigator”) is a very important part of the ServiceNow interface. It is the primary way users interact with ServiceNow applications and modules. Here’s a detailed explanation of the ServiceNow navigation menu:

ServiceNow interface introduction: navigation menu (application navigator)

Key features

  1. location
    • Usually located in the left sidebar of the interface.
  2. Collapsible
    • You can expand or collapse the navigation menu by tapping the collapse icon in the upper-left corner or dragging the border.
  3. Search function
    • At the top of the navigation menu there is a search box to quickly find apps and modules.

Common components

  1. Application Categories
    • Such as “IT Service Management (ITSM)”, “IT Business Management (ITBM)”, “Custom Application”, etc.
  2. Modules
    • There are multiple modules under each application category, such as “Incident Management”, “Problem Management”, etc. under “IT Service Management”.
  3. Favorites
    • Users can add frequently used modules or apps to favorites for quick access.
  4. Recently viewed
    • Displays the modules or records that the user has recently accessed.

How to use

  1. Access the module
    • Click the module name to open the corresponding function interface.
  2. Add to favorites
    • You can add a module to favorites by tapping the star icon next to it.
  3. Use search
    • Enter a keyword in the search box and select the module or app you want to access from the drop-down list.
  4. Personalization
    • Some versions of ServiceNow allow users to customize navigation menus, such as changing the ordering of modules or hiding infrequently used modules.


  • Some modules may not be visible to some users because of permission settings.
  • Navigation menus may vary depending on ServiceNow version or enterprise customization.

This section can be used as a submodule of your tutorial to help users use the ServiceNow navigation menu more effectively. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the quick search and filtering ChatGPT introduced by the ServiceNow interface

Of course, quick search and filtering are very useful features in the ServiceNow interface, especially for those who need to efficiently find and manage large amounts of data. Here’s a detailed explanation of ServiceNow’s quick search and filter feature:

ServiceNow interface introduction: quick search and filtering

Quick search

  1. location
    • Typically at the top of the app navigator or content area.
  2. function
    • Allows users to enter keywords to search for records, articles, and other information within an entire ServiceNow instance or a specific application.
  3. How to use
    • Enter a keyword in the search box and press Enter or tap the search icon.
    • Search results are often sorted by relevance and other factors.
  4. Advanced search
    • Some versions of ServiceNow support advanced search, allowing users to filter by specific fields or criteria.


  1. location
    • Usually located at the top of the list view or report interface.
  2. function
    • Allows users to filter data by setting one or more criteria to find the records they need faster.
  3. How to use
    • Click the filter icon (usually a funnel-shaped icon) to open the filtering options.
    • Select the field you want to filter on, and then set the appropriate criteria and values.
    • Click “Apply” or the corresponding button to perform filtering.
  4. Save and share
    • Users can often save frequently used filters and even share them with other users.


  • The effectiveness of search and filtering may be limited by user permissions and roles.
  • Before performing complex search or filtering operations, it is recommended to perform a simple test to verify its accuracy.
  • Advanced search and filtering capabilities may vary depending on the version of ServiceNow or enterprise customization.

This section can be used as a submodule of your tutorial to help users find and manage data in ServiceNow more efficiently. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the creation and management datasheet of ServiceNow datasheet and record ChatGPT

Of course, knowing how to create and manage data tables (often referred to as “tables”) is one of the key steps in mastering ServiceNow. Data tables are structured databases in ServiceNow that store various types of data, such as events, problems, users, etc. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to create and manage ServiceNow datasheets:

ServiceNow Data Tables and Records: Create and manage data tables

Create a data table

  1. Navigate to the Table Definition page
    • In the app navigator, search for and select the Tables or Table Definition module.
  2. Click the “New” or “Create New Table” button
    • Usually located in the upper-right or upper-left corner of the page.
  3. Fill in the form definition fields
    • Table Name: Enter a unique and descriptive table name.
    • Label: Enter a label for display.
    • Inherit from: If the new table is an extension of an existing table, select the parent table.
    • Fields: Add the required fields (columns) and set their properties (such as data type, default value, etc.).
  4. Save and submit
    • Review all settings and click the “Save” or “Submit” button.

Manage data tables

  1. Add or modify fields
    • Return to the table definition page, select your table, and then add or modify fields.
  2. Set up access control
    • In a table definition, you can set who can view, edit, or delete records in the table.
  3. Create or edit a view
    • A view defines how the data in a table is presented in a list or form. You can create multiple views to meet different needs.
  4. Manage data
    • You can add, edit, or delete records directly in the list view of the table.
  5. Apply business rules and workflows
    • You can set up business rules and workflows for tables to automate certain tasks.


  • Before creating a new table or modifying an existing table structure, it is recommended that you take a backup.
  • Use the Inherit From option with caution because it affects the parent table and other tables that may inherit from the same parent table.
  • When setting up access controls, make sure that you don’t inadvertently restrict access to important data for certain users or roles.
  • When adding or modifying fields, be careful about setting data types and default values, as this can affect data integrity and query performance.

This section can serve as an important sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring that learners are able to effectively create and manage data tables in ServiceNow. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the ServiceNow data sheet and record the additions, deletions, changes, and changes to ChatGPT

Of course, mastering how to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) in ServiceNow is basic but very important. The following is a detailed explanation of the addition, deletion, modification and check operations of ServiceNow data tables and records:

ServiceNow Data Tables and Records: Adding, Deleting and Modifying Records (CRUD Operations)

Create a record

  1. Navigate to the target data table
    • Search for and select the data table you want to add records to in the app navigator.
  2. Click the “New” or “Create New Record” button
    • Usually at the top of the list view.
  3. Fill in the form fields
    • Fill in the fields as needed. Some fields may be required.
  4. Save records
    • Click the “Save” or “Submit” button.

Read the record

  1. Navigate to the target data table
    • Search for and select the data table in the app navigator for which you want to view records.
  2. Use the search and filter functions
    • Use the search box at the top of the list view or the filter function to find the record you want to view.
  3. Click Records to see details
    • Tap any field of the record (usually the first column) in the list view to open the detailed view.

Update records

  1. Locate and open the target record
    • Use the search and filter features to find the record you want to update and tap to open it.
  2. Edit the field
    • In the detailed view, modify the field that you want to update.
  3. Save the changes
    • Click the “Save” or “Update” button.

Delete the record

  1. Locate and open the target record
    • Use the search and filter features to find the record you want to delete and tap to open it.
  2. Click the “Delete” or “Remove” button
    • Usually at the top or bottom of the detailed view.
  3. Confirm the deletion
    • You may need to confirm your action in the confirmation box that pops up.


  • Before you proceed with a delete operation, make sure you understand the impact this might have, especially if the record is associated with another record.
  • Before doing any CRUD operations, make sure you have the appropriate permissions and roles.
  • Some tables may have business rules or workflows set that can affect CRUD operations.

This section can serve as a key sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring that learners are able to effectively perform basic data operations in ServiceNow. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the user roles and permissions managed by the ServiceNow user in ChatGPT

Of course, user roles and permission management are a very critical part of the ServiceNow platform. It not only affects how users interact with the platform, but also data security and compliance. The following is a detailed explanation of user roles and permissions in ServiceNow User Management:

ServiceNow user management: User roles and permissions

User Roles

  1. definition
    • User roles define a set of permissions that determine which ServiceNow modules and data a user can access and manipulate.
  2. Common roles
    • Admin: Has platform-wide access and modification permissions.
    • ITIL (IT Information Base): Typically used for IT service management, with permissions to create and manage incidents, problems, changes, etc.
    • ESS (Employee Self Service): Typically used for regular employees who can only access the self-service portal and view their own requests.
  3. Custom roles
    • Enterprises can create custom roles as needed and assign them specific permissions.


  1. Data table permissions
    • Determines which data tables users can access and what operations (such as adding, deleting, modifying) can be performed on those tables.
  2. Field-level permissions
    • Determines which fields in the data table users can access and modify.
  3. Module access
    • Determines which ServiceNow modules and features users can access and use.

How to assign and manage

  1. User records
    • In the Users datasheet, you can assign one or more roles to each user.
  2. Groups and inheritance
    • You can create groups of users and assign roles to the entire group. In addition, roles can inherit permissions from other roles.
  3. Access Control Rules (ACLs)
    • Access control rules give you more granular control over user access to specific data tables and fields.


  • Assign the minimum necessary permissions: For security and compliance reasons, users should only be assigned the minimum permissions required to complete a task.
  • Audit and monitoring: Regularly review user permissions and role assignments to ensure they meet corporate policies and compliance requirements.
  • Data sensitivity: Access to data tables and fields that contain sensitive or confidential information should be managed with special care.

This section can serve as an important sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring that learners are able to effectively manage user roles and permissions on the ServiceNow platform. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the user roles and permissions managed by the ServiceNow user in ChatGPT

Of course, user roles and permission management are a very critical part of the ServiceNow platform. It not only affects how users interact with the platform, but also data security and compliance. The following is a detailed explanation of user roles and permissions in ServiceNow User Management:

ServiceNow user management: User roles and permissions

User Roles

  1. definition
    • User roles define a set of permissions that determine which ServiceNow modules and data a user can access and manipulate.
  2. Common roles
    • Admin: Has platform-wide access and modification permissions.
    • ITIL (IT Information Base): Typically used for IT service management, with permissions to create and manage incidents, problems, changes, etc.
    • ESS (Employee Self Service): Typically used for regular employees who can only access the self-service portal and view their own requests.
  3. Custom roles
    • Enterprises can create custom roles as needed and assign them specific permissions.


  1. Data table permissions
    • Determines which data tables users can access and what operations (such as adding, deleting, modifying) can be performed on those tables.
  2. Field-level permissions
    • Determines which fields in the data table users can access and modify.
  3. Module access
    • Determines which ServiceNow modules and features users can access and use.

How to assign and manage

  1. User records
    • In the Users datasheet, you can assign one or more roles to each user.
  2. Groups and inheritance
    • You can create groups of users and assign roles to the entire group. In addition, roles can inherit permissions from other roles.
  3. Access Control Rules (ACLs)
    • Access control rules give you more granular control over user access to specific data tables and fields.


  • Assign the minimum necessary permissions: For security and compliance reasons, users should only be assigned the minimum permissions required to complete a task.
  • Audit and monitoring: Regularly review user permissions and role assignments to ensure they meet corporate policies and compliance requirements.
  • Data sensitivity: Access to data tables and fields that contain sensitive or confidential information should be managed with special care.

This section can serve as an important sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring that learners are able to effectively manage user roles and permissions on the ServiceNow platform. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the user groups and group membership of ServiceNow User Management ChatGPT

Of course, understanding how to manage user groups and group members in ServiceNow is a key component of effective user management. User groups are often used to organize users with similar roles or responsibilities to make it easier to assign permissions and manage workflows. The following is a detailed explanation of user groups and group members in ServiceNow User Management:

ServiceNow User Management: User groups and group members

User Groups

  1. definition
    • A user group is a group of users with similar needs or responsibilities. By adding users to specific user groups, you can more easily assign roles and permissions.
  2. Create a user group
    • In the app navigator, search for and select User Groups or the appropriate module.
    • Click the “New” or “Create New User Group” button.
    • Enter a name, description, and other relevant information for the user group.
    • Click “Save” or “Submit”.
  3. Manage user groups
    • You can edit information for existing user groups, add or remove group members, and assign or change group roles.

Group Members

  1. Add group members
    • Open the details page for a specific user group.
    • In the Group members or corresponding section, click Add or New.
    • Select the users you want to add to the group and click Save or Add.
  2. Remove group members
    • On the details page of the user group, find the group member that you want to remove.
    • Click “Delete” or the corresponding button.
  3. Assign roles
    • You can assign roles to an entire group of users so that all members of the group inherit those roles.
    • Individual group members can also be assigned specific roles.


  • Role inheritance: If a user group has assigned roles, all members of the group typically inherit those roles.
  • Multiple membership: A user can be a member of multiple user groups and inherit the roles and permissions of all of them.
  • Access control: By using user groups, you can more easily define complex permission logic in access control rules (ACLs).
  • Workflows and notifications: User groups are often used to define the approval process for workflows or to set up notifications.

This section can serve as an important sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring that learners are able to effectively manage user groups and group members in ServiceNow. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the creation of ServiceNow tasks and workflows ChatGPT

Of course, tasks and workflows are key components in ServiceNow for automating and optimizing business processes. Knowing how to create tasks is one of the foundations of mastering the ServiceNow platform. The following is a detailed explanation of the task and workflow creation task in ServiceNow:

ServiceNow tasks and workflows: Create tasks


  1. definition
    • A task is typically a single work item that needs to be completed, such as an incident, issue, or change request.
  2. Create a task
    • In the app navigator, search for and select the relevant module for which you want to create a task (such as Incident Management, Problem Management, and so on).
    • Click the “New” or “Create New Task” button.
    • Fill in the form that appears, such as Summary, Description, Priority, and so on.
    • Click “Save” or “Submit”.


  1. definition
    • A workflow is a series of automated steps that process and resolve a task.
  2. Create a workflow
    • In the app navigator, search for and select Workflow or the appropriate module.
    • Click the “New” or “Create New Workflow” button.
    • Use the workflow editor to define the steps and conditions of the workflow.

Apply a workflow to a task

  1. Select the workflow
    • In the form for creating or editing a task, there may be a field that allows you to select a predefined workflow.
  2. Trigger the workflow
    • When you save or submit a task, the selected workflow is triggered automatically.
  3. Monitor progress
    • You can view the current status and progress of the workflow in the task’s detail page.


  • Permissions and roles: Make sure you have sufficient permissions to create tasks and workflows.
  • Data validation: Ensure that all required fields are filled in correctly before submitting a task or workflow.
  • Testing: We recommend that you test in a test environment before applying a new workflow to a production environment.

This section can serve as an important sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring that learners are able to effectively create and manage tasks and their associated workflows in ServiceNow. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail ServiceNow task and workflow design and automation ChatGPT

Of course, task and workflow design and automation is a very important aspect of the ServiceNow platform, which helps enterprises optimize and automate various business processes. Here’s a detailed explanation of the ServiceNow task and workflow design and automation:

ServiceNow Tasks and Workflows: Design and Automation

Task Design

  1. definition
    • A task is typically a specific work item, such as an incident, problem, or change request.
  2. Field design
    • Select and define the required fields in the task form, such as Summary, Description, Priority, and so on.
  3. Status and phase
    • The different states (e.g., New, In Progress, Completed) and phases (e.g., Analyze, Implement, Test) of the design task.

Workflow Design

  1. flow chart
    • During the design phase, use flowcharts to visualize the individual steps and conditions of the workflow.
  2. Steps and activities
    • Define specific steps and activities in a workflow, such as Approval, Notification, Script Execution, and so on.
  3. Conditions and triggers
    • Set the conditions and triggers in your workflow to determine when and how to execute individual steps.


  1. Business Rules
    • Use business rules to automate certain actions, such as field calculations, data validation, and more.
  2. Timers and schedulers
    • Use timers and schedulers to trigger workflows or tasks at specific times or periodically.
  3. APIs and integrations
    • Take advantage of the APIs and integration options provided by ServiceNow to interact with other systems and applications.

Implementation and testing

  1. Development environment
    • Build and test your task and workflow designs in an isolated development environment.
  2. User Acceptance Test (UAT)
    • User acceptance testing in a test environment similar to the production environment.
  3. deploy
    • After you have successfully completed all tests and received the necessary approvals, deploy your design to production.


  • Version control: Ensure that your designs and configurations are under version control for rollback or auditing.
  • Performance considerations: Consider the impact on system performance when designing and implementing complex workflows.
  • Permissions and roles: Ensure that only users with the appropriate permissions and roles can access and modify tasks and workflows.

This section can serve as a core sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring learners are able to effectively design and automate tasks and workflows in ServiceNow. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the event logging of event management by ServiceNowIT Service Management (ITSM) ChatGPT

Of course, incident management is a key component in the ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM) framework. It is mainly used to automate and manage various events that occur in IT infrastructure. The following is a detailed explanation of event logging for event management in ServiceNow ITSM:

ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM): Event logging for incident management

Event Records

  1. definition
    • An event record is a data structure used to capture and store details of a specific IT event.
  2. Common fields
    • Event ID: A number that uniquely identifies the event.
    • Event type: such as error, warning, information, etc.
    • Source: The system or app from which the event originated.
    • Message: A specific description or message of the event.
    • Timestamp: The time the event occurred.
    • Status: For example, New, Processing, Resolved, and so on.
  3. Create an event record
    • Events are typically created automatically by the monitoring tool, but can also be created manually.
    • In the Incident Management module, click New or Create New Incident.
    • Fill in the necessary fields and save.

Event handling

  1. Automation rules
    • With business rules and workflows, you can set up automated responses, such as sending notifications, creating problem records, or triggering remediation scripts.
  2. Classification and routing
    • Events can be categorized and routed to the appropriate processing queues based on their type, severity, and other attributes.
  3. Correlation and association analysis
    • Events may be associated with other ITSM records such as issues, changes, configuration items, etc.

Analytics and reporting

  1. Events dashboard
    • Use ServiceNow’s dashboard capabilities to monitor event status and trends in real time.
  2. Reporting and auditing
    • Generate reports to analyze the nature, frequency, and resolution time of incidents.


  • Data quality: Ensure that event records contain accurate and complete information for efficient processing.
  • Permissions and roles: Set appropriate access controls as needed to ensure that only authorized users can create and modify event records.
  • Continuous improvement: Incident management processes are regularly reviewed and updated to adapt to the changing IT environment.

This section can serve as an important sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring that learners are able to effectively manage event logging in the ServiceNow ITSM framework. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the incident response process for incident management by ServiceNowIT Service Management (ITSM) ChatGPT

Of course, understanding the incident response process is a key part of mastering incident management in ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM). The incident response process typically involves a series of organized steps from incident detection to eventual resolution. The following is a detailed explanation of the incident response process for incident management in ServiceNow ITSM:

ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM): An incident response process for incident management

1. Event Detection

  • Auto-detect: Monitoring tools and systems automatically detect and generate events.
  • Manual reporting: Users or IT personnel manually create incident records.

2. Event Logging

  • Create an event record: In the Incident Management module, the system creates a new event record.
  • Data population: Automatically or manually populate various fields of the event record, such as event type, source, timestamp, and so on.

3. Event Classification

  • Type and priority: The system or operator classifies and prioritizes incidents based on their nature and severity.
  • Tags and comments: Add extra tags or comments to help with subsequent processing.

4. Event Routing

  • Allocation queue: Events are routed to the appropriate processing queue or individual.
  • Notification: The relevant person is notified of the event.

5. Event Diagnosis

  • Preliminary analysis: Conduct a preliminary incident analysis to determine the root cause.
  • Data collection: You may need to collect additional data or logs for deeper analysis.

6. Event Response

  • Automated responses: Through business rules and workflows, the system may automate certain response actions.
  • Manual intervention: IT staff intervenes manually as needed.

7. Event Resolution

  • Solution implementation: Apply the solution to resolve the incident.
  • Validation: Confirms that the incident was successfully resolved.

8. Event Closure

  • Update Record: Update the solution and other relevant information in the event record.
  • Close incident: Set the incident status to Resolved or Closed.

9. Event Audit & Review

  • Performance metrics: Analyze performance metrics for incident response and resolution.
  • Continuous improvement: Process improvement based on audit and retrospective results.


  • Roles and permissions: Ensure that only people with the appropriate permissions and roles can access and modify event records.
  • Documentation & Knowledge Base: We recommend that you add solution and diagnostic information to the Knowledge Base for future reference.

This section can serve as a core sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring learners are able to effectively manage and respond to events within the ServiceNow ITSM framework. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the problem management problem of ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM) problem logging ChatGPT

Of course, problem management is a key component in the ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM) framework. It is mainly used to identify, document, and resolve problems in IT services. The following is a detailed explanation of the problem log regarding problem management in ServiceNow ITSM:

ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM): A record of issues for problem management

Problem Records

  1. definition
    • A problem record is a data structure used to capture and store details of a specific IT issue.
  2. Common fields
    • Issue ID: A number that uniquely identifies the issue.
    • Status: For example, New, Analytical, Resolved, and so on.
    • Priority: The urgency and importance of the issue.
    • Description: A detailed description of the problem.
    • Classification: The type or classification of the problem.
    • Scope of impact: The service, department, or individual affected.
    • Root cause: The root cause of the problem, if known.
    • Solution: A solution or work bypass to solve the problem, if one exists.
  3. Create a problem record
    • In the Issue Management module, click New or Create New Issue.
    • Fill in the necessary fields and save.

Problem-handling process

  1. Problem identification
    • Problems are often identified by incident management, user reports, or other monitoring tools.
  2. Problem logging
    • Create a new problem record and fill in all relevant information.
  3. Problem analysis
    • Conduct a root cause analysis (RCA) to identify the root cause of the problem.
  4. Solution identification
    • Based on the problem analysis, identify one or more possible solutions.
  5. Solution implementation
    • Implement the selected solution and update the problem record.
  6. Verify and close
    • Verify that the issue was successfully resolved and update the status of the issue record.

Analytics and reporting

  1. Issues dashboard
    • Use ServiceNow’s dashboard capabilities to monitor issue status and trends in real time.
  2. Reporting and auditing
    • Generate reports to analyze the nature, frequency, and resolution time of issues.


  • Data quality: Ensure that problem records contain accurate and complete information for effective processing.
  • Permissions and roles: Set appropriate access controls as needed to ensure that only authorized users can create and modify problem records.
  • Continuous improvement: Regularly review and update issue management processes to adapt to the changing IT environment.

This section can serve as an important sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring learners are able to effectively manage problem logging within the ServiceNow ITSM framework. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the problem solving process for problem management in ServiceNowIT Service Management (ITSM) ChatGPT

Of course, the problem-solving process is a core part of problem management in ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM). This process involves a series of organized steps from problem identification to final resolution. The following is a detailed explanation of the problem-solving process for problem management in ServiceNow ITSM:

ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM): A problem-solving process for problem management

1. Problem Identification

  • Source: Issues may be identified by multiple failed events, user reports, or other monitoring tools.
  • Record: Create a new problem record in the Problem Management module.

2. Initial Analysis

  • Classification and prioritization: Classify and prioritize issues based on their nature and impact.
  • Assignment: Assign the issue to the appropriate team or individual for further analysis.

3) Root Cause Analysis

  • Data collection: Collect all data and logs related to the issue.
  • Analysis tools: You may need to use specific analysis tools or techniques.
  • Identify the root cause: Identify the root cause of the problem and document it in the problem record.

4. Solution Identification

  • Possible Solutions: List one or more possible solutions or work bypasses.
  • Evaluate and select: Evaluate the feasibility and impact of each solution, then select the best one.

5. Solution Implementation

  • Change management: If your solution involves significant changes, you may need to go through a change management process.
  • Do: Implement the selected solution.
  • Documentation: Detail the solution and implementation steps in the problem log.

6. Verification

  • Test: Verify that the solution effectively solves the problem.
  • User confirmation: If possible, obtain confirmation from users or other stakeholders.

7. Problem Closure

  • Update Status: Update the status of the issue record to Resolved or Closed.
  • Knowledge base: Consider adding the solution to the knowledge base for future reference.

8. Review & Audit

  • Effectiveness evaluation: Evaluate the long-term effectiveness and impact of the solution.
  • Process improvement: Identify any improvement points in the process and apply them to future problem management activities.


  • Document integrity: Ensure that all steps and activities are well documented in the issue record.
  • Communication and collaboration: Ensure effective communication and collaboration with all relevant parties throughout the process.

This section can serve as a core sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring that learners are able to effectively solve problems within the ServiceNow ITSM framework. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the change request ChatGPT for change management of ServiceNowIT Service Management (ITSM).

Of course, change management is a key component in the ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM) framework. It is mainly used to control all changes made to the IT infrastructure to reduce the negative impact on business operations. The following is a detailed explanation of change requests for change management in ServiceNow ITSM:

ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM): Change requests for change management

Change Requests

  1. definition
    • A change request is a formal request to make changes to an IT service or infrastructure.
  2. Common fields
    • Change ID: A number that uniquely identifies the change.
    • Title and description: A brief and detailed description of the change.
    • Status: For example, New, Approving Approval, Implementing, Completed, and so on.
    • Priority: The urgency and importance of the change.
    • Requester and implementer: The person who initiated the change request and the person or team responsible for implementing the change.
    • Schedule Date: The date on which the change is scheduled to start and end.
    • Impact and risk assessment: An assessment of the possible impact and risks of a change.
  3. Create a change request
    • In the Change Management module, click New or Create New Change Request.
    • Fill in all the necessary fields and submit to enter the approval process.

Change processing process

  1. Approval
    • Change requests often go through a series of approvals that may include management, IT teams, and other stakeholders.
  2. Impact and risk assessment
    • Conduct detailed impact and risk assessments before implementing changes.
  3. Implementation plan
    • Create a detailed implementation plan with tasks, responsible persons, and timelines.
  4. Implementation and testing
    • Follow the implementation plan and test in a secure environment.
  5. Monitor and roll back plans
    • Monitor during implementation and prepare a rollback plan for possible issues.
  6. Completion and auditing
    • After a successful implementation of the change, update the status of the change request and conduct the necessary audits.


  • Documentation and Records: Ensure that all information and activities related to changes are well documented and recorded.
  • Communication and notification: Ensure that all parties involved are properly communicated and notified.
  • Compliance and audits: Ensure that the change process complies with all relevant regulations and policies.

This section can serve as an important sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring that learners are able to effectively manage change requests within the ServiceNow ITSM framework. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail ServiceNowIT Service Management (ITSM) change management, change approval, and execution ChatGPT

Of course, change approval and execution is a critical step in the change management process in ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM). These steps ensure that only properly reviewed and approved changes are implemented, reducing potential negative impacts. The following is a detailed explanation of change approval and execution for change management in ServiceNow ITSM:

ServiceNow IT Service Management (ITSM): Change approval and execution for change management

Change Approval

  1. Approval process
    • When a change request is submitted, one or more approval processes are typically triggered.
  2. Approval role
    • Approvers typically include IT managers, business owners, and other key stakeholders.
  3. Approval criteria
    • Approvers approve based on a range of criteria, which may include risk assessment, impact analysis, and cost-benefit analysis.
  4. Approve the results
    • Change requests may be approved, rejected, or require more information.

Change Implementation

  1. Implementation plan
    • Once the change is approved, a detailed implementation plan needs to be created.
  2. Resource and time allocation
    • Determine required resources (e.g., personnel, hardware, software, etc.) and timelines.
  3. Perform the steps
    • According to the implementation plan, the specific operation of the change is carried out.
  4. Testing and validation
    • After the change is implemented, the necessary testing and validation is carried out to ensure that the change has been successfully implemented.
  5. Monitoring and rollback
    • Real-time monitoring during implementation and preparation of a rollback plan to deal with possible issues.

Post-Implementation Activities

  1. Status updates
    • After the change is successfully implemented, the status of the update change request is Completed or the corresponding status.
  2. Documentation and auditing
    • Document all implementation activities and results for future reference and audit.
  3. Assessment and review
    • Conduct post-evaluation and retrospective to analyze the effect and performance of the change.


  • Communication and notification: Ensure effective communication and notification with all relevant parties throughout the approval and execution process.
  • Compliance and auditing: Ensure that all activities comply with your organization’s policies and regulatory requirements.
  • Continuous improvement: Continuously optimize and improve the change management process based on execution results and post-evaluation.

This section can serve as a core sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring learners are able to effectively approve and execute changes within the ServiceNow ITSM framework. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the business rules of the ServiceNow advanced features and the business rules of the script created by ChatGPT

Of course, business rules and scripts are advanced tools in the ServiceNow platform for customization and extending functionality. Business rules are especially useful for automating actions such as data validation, field calculations, and workflow triggering at specific conditions and points in time. The following is a detailed explanation of business rule creation in the ServiceNow advanced feature:

ServiceNow advanced features: business rule creation for business rules and scripts

Business Rules

  1. definition
    • A business rule is a piece of server-side script that automates certain actions when certain conditions are met.
  2. Trigger timing
    • Business rules can be triggered at multiple times, such as record creation, update, deletion, and so on.

Create business rules

  1. Navigate to the Business Rules module
    • In the app navigator, search for and select Business Rules or the appropriate module.
  2. Create a new business rule
    • Click the “New” or “Create New Business Rule” button.
  3. Base settings
    • Name: Name the business rule.
    • Table: Select the data table to which the business rule applies.
    • Trigger time: Select the trigger time (such as Insert, Update, Delete, and so on) for the business rule.
  4. Condition settings
    • In the Condition field, set the conditions that the business rule triggers. This is usually a logical expression that matches a specific record.
  5. Scripting
    • In the Script field, write JavaScript code that performs a specific action.
  6. Advanced options
    • Depending on your needs, you can also set other advanced options, such as execution order, role restrictions, and more.
  7. Save and test
    • Click “Save” or “Submit” and test in a secure test environment.
  8. activation
    • After you confirm that the business rule is working as expected, set its status to Active.


  • Performance considerations: Write efficient scripts to minimize the impact on system performance.
  • Error handling: Add appropriate error handling and logging mechanisms.
  • Permissions and roles: Ensure that only users with the appropriate permissions and roles can create and modify business rules.
  • Versioning: We recommend that you use versioning to track changes to business rules.

This section can serve as an advanced sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring learners are able to effectively create and manage business rules in the ServiceNow platform. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the business rules and scripting basics of ServiceNow advanced features of ChatGPT

Of course, scripting is an important part of the advanced features in the ServiceNow platform. Through scripts, you can customize and extend various functions of ServiceNow, including business rules, workflows, scheduled jobs, and more. Here’s a detailed explanation of the basics of scripting in ServiceNow’s advanced features:

ServiceNow advanced features: Scripting basics for business rules and scripts

Script type

  1. Business Rules
    • Server-side scripts to automate actions under specific conditions and points in time.
  2. Client Scripts
    • Client-side JavaScript, which is used to perform operations on the user interface.
  3. Workflow Scripts
    • Scripts to customize workflow behavior.
  4. Scheduled Jobs
    • Server-side scripts that are executed at scheduled times or intervals.

JavaScript basics

  1. variable
    • Use keywords to declare variables.var
    javascriptCopy codevar x = 10;
  2. function
    • Use keywords to define functions.function
    javascriptCopy codefunction add(a, b) { return a + b; }
  3. Conditional statements
    • Use, and make conditional judgments.ifelse ifelse
    javascriptCopy codeif (x > 10) { // do something }
  4. circulate
    • Cycle, etc.forwhile
    javascriptCopy codefor (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // do something }

ServiceNow API

  1. GlideRecord
    • APIs for database operations.
    javascriptCopy codevar gr = new GlideRecord('table_name'); gr.query();
  2. GlideSystem
    • Provides system-level methods and properties.
    javascriptCopy'This is an info message.');
  3. GlideUser
    • Provides information about the current user.
    javascriptCopy codevar user = gs.getUser();

Script example (business rules)

javascriptCopy code

(function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/) { // Add your code here if (current.priority == 1) {'High priority incident: ' + current.number); } })(current, previous);


  • Error handling: Use and perform error handling.trycatchfinally
  • Performance optimization: Avoid expensive operations such as database queries in loops.
  • Comments and documentation: Add appropriate comments and documentation to improve code readability.

This section can be used as an advanced sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring that learners are able to write scripts effectively in the ServiceNow platform. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the report of ServiceNow’s advanced features and the creation of a dashboard report on ChatGPT

Of course, reports and dashboards are advanced features in the ServiceNow platform for data visualization and analysis. By creating reports, you can more easily understand and interpret data to make more informed business decisions. Here’s a detailed explanation of report creation in ServiceNow’s advanced features:

ServiceNow advanced features: report and dashboard creation reports

Report type

  1. List Reports
    • Displays a list of records in the data table.
  2. Bar Charts
    • Used to display categorical data.
  3. Pie Charts
    • Used to display the scale of each category.
  4. Time Series
    • Used to show how data changes over time.

Create a report step

  1. Navigate to the Reports module
    • In the app navigator, search for and select Reports or the appropriate module.
  2. Create a new report
    • Click the “New” or “Create New Report” button.
  3. Select a data source
    • Select the data table or data source for which you want to generate a report.
  4. Select the report type
    • Choose the appropriate report type (e.g. list, bar chart, pie chart, etc.) based on your needs.
  5. Configure report settings
    • Field selection: Select the fields to display in the report.
    • Filter: Set the filter criteria for the report.
    • Sort and group: Set how the data is sorted and grouped.
  6. Preview and save
    • Before saving, you can preview the report to make sure it meets your needs.
    • Click “Save” or “Submit”.
  7. Share and post
    • You can choose to share the report with other users or publish it to the dashboard.

Advanced options

  • Calculated fields: You can create calculated fields for more complex data analysis.
  • Data refresh: Set the frequency of automatic or manual data refresh.
  • Templates and styles: You can apply different templates and styles as needed.


  • Data quality: Make sure your data is accurate and complete to generate useful reports.
  • Performance optimization: Avoid creating reports that are too complex or data-heavy to impact system performance.
  • Permissions and roles: Ensure that only users with the appropriate permissions and roles can access and modify the report.

This section can be used as an advanced sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring that learners are able to effectively create and manage reports within the ServiceNow platform. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the reports of ServiceNow’s advanced features and dashboard customization of ChatGPT

Of course, the dashboard is one of the advanced features in the ServiceNow platform for data visualization and real-time monitoring. With custom dashboards, you can centralize multiple reports and key performance indicators (KPIs) for more effective data analysis and decision-making. Here’s a detailed explanation of dashboard customization in ServiceNow’s advanced features:

ServiceNow advanced features: Dashboard customization for reports and dashboards

Dashboard type

  1. Standard dashboard
    • Provides basic data visualization and reporting integration.
  2. Performance Analytics
    • Provides more advanced data analysis and visualization options.

Create and customize dashboards

  1. Navigate to the dashboard module
    • In the app navigator, search for and select Dashboards or the corresponding module.
  2. Create a new dashboard
    • Click the “New” or “Create New Dashboard” button.
  3. Base settings
    • Name and description: Name the dashboard and add a description.
    • Layout and theme: Select the layout and theme for the dashboard.
  4. Add components
    • You can add several types of components, such as charts, lists, indicators, and so on.
    • Drag and drop components onto the dashboard and adjust their size and position.
  5. Configure the components
    • Click on the component to enter configuration mode.
    • Data Source: Select the data source or associated report for the component.
    • Settings and options: Configure various settings and options for the component as needed.
  6. Save and preview
    • When you’re done configuring the dashboard, click Save or Submit.
    • You can preview the dashboard to make sure it meets your needs.
  7. Share and post
    • You can choose to share the dashboard with other users or embed it on another page.

Advanced options

  • Interactivity: Add interactive elements, such as drop-down lists or buttons, for more advanced data exploration.
  • Data refresh: Set the frequency of automatic or manual data refresh.
  • Permissions and roles: Set who can view or edit the dashboard.


  • Data quality: Ensure your data is accurate and complete to produce useful dashboards.
  • Performance optimization: Avoid adding too many components or using large amounts of data to avoid impacting performance.
  • User experience: Ensure dashboards are user-friendly and communicate key information quickly.

This section can serve as an advanced sub-module of your tutorial, ensuring that learners are able to effectively create and customize dashboards within the ServiceNow platform. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the practical case of ServiceNow in creating a simple IT support ticketing system ChatGPT

Of course, creating a simple IT-enabled ticketing system is a good hands-on example to demonstrate the diversity and capabilities of the ServiceNow platform. This case can cover multiple ServiceNow modules and functions, including but not limited to incident management, problem management, change management, and reporting. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to create a simple IT-powered ticketing system in ServiceNow:

ServiceNow in action: Create a simple IT support ticketing system

Phase 1: Requirements analysis and planning

  1. Determine the requirements
    • Identify the main problems and needs that the system needs to address.
  2. Select the module
    • Select the ServiceNow module (such as event management, problem management, etc.) that you need to use according to your requirements.

Phase 2: System Setup and Configuration

  1. Create a data table
    • Create a data table to store IT support tickets (or incidents).
  2. Users and roles
    • Create and configure user roles, such as IT Support and User.
  3. Workflow design
    • Design a simple workflow for handling and resolving IT support tickets.

Phase 3: Business rules and automation

  1. Create business rules
    • Create business rules to automatically assign new IT support tickets to available IT support staff.
  2. Set up notifications
    • Configure email or other types of notifications to notify relevant people when a new ticket is created or status changes.

Phase 4: Interface and user experience

  1. Form design
    • Customize the IT support ticket creation and edit form.
  2. Portals and catalogs
    • If needed, create a user portal and service catalog.

Phase 5: Testing

  1. Unit tests
    • Test all business rules, workflows, and other custom features.
  2. User acceptance testing
    • Have a small group of users test and gather feedback.

Phase 6: Deployment and monitoring

  1. deploy
    • After confirming that the system meets all requirements and standards, deploy.
  2. Monitoring and reporting
    • Use ServiceNow’s reporting and dashboard capabilities for real-time monitoring of system performance and usage.

Phase 7: Maintenance and optimization

  1. User feedback
    • Collect user feedback and continuously optimize accordingly.
  2. Version updates
    • Periodically release new versions or updates as needed.

This practical case can be used as a complete project of your tutorial to help learners understand how to create an IT support ticketing system from scratch on the ServiceNow platform. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the automated employee onboarding process of ServiceNow in action ChatGPT

Of course, automating the employee onboarding process is a common real-world example of how the ServiceNow platform can optimize and automate enterprise-wide business processes. This case can cover multiple ServiceNow modules and functions, including HR Service Management, workflow automation, task assignment, and reporting. Here’s a detailed explanation of how to create an automated employee onboarding process in ServiceNow:

ServiceNow in action: Automate the employee onboarding process

Phase 1: Requirements analysis and planning

  1. Requirements gathering
    • Work with HR and IT teams to identify onboarding steps and tasks that need to be automated.
  2. Flowchart design
    • Create an onboarding flowchart that clarifies the steps and who is responsible.

Phase 2: System Setup and Configuration

  1. Create a data table
    • Create a data table to store employee onboarding information.
  2. Roles and permissions
    • Define and configure different user roles such as “HR Administrator”, “IT Support”, and “New Employee”.

Phase 3: Workflow and automation

  1. Design the workflow
    • Use ServiceNow’s workflow designer to create an automated onboarding workflow.
  2. Tasks are assigned automatically
    • Set up business rules and conditions to automatically assign tasks to the appropriate departments or people.
  3. Set up notifications and reminders
    • Configure email or other notification methods to notify people when critical tasks are completed or attention is required.

Phase 4: User Interface and Experience

  1. Self-service portal
    • Create a self-service portal that enables new employees to complete certain onboarding tasks on their own, such as document submission.
  2. Forms and checklists
    • Customize onboarding forms and checklists to collect and track the information and documentation you need.

Phase 5: Testing and validation

  1. Functional testing
    • Detailed functional testing of all automation steps and business rules.
  2. User acceptance testing
    • Invite HR and IT team members to conduct user acceptance tests and gather feedback.

Phase 6: Deployment and monitoring

  1. System deployment
    • After all tests are successful, deploy the system to production.
  2. Performance monitoring and reporting
    • Use ServiceNow’s reporting and dashboard capabilities for real-time monitoring of process performance and efficiency.

Phase 7: Continuous optimization

  1. Gather feedback
    • Regularly collect user feedback and optimize the system accordingly.
  2. Version iteration
    • Regularly update and optimize the system based on business needs and user feedback.

This hands-on case study can be used as a complete project of your tutorial to help learners understand how to create an automated employee onboarding process from scratch on the ServiceNow platform. Hope this helps you!


Please explain in detail the resources and paths for further learning of ServiceNow on ChatGPT

Of course, ServiceNow is a very broad and versatile platform, so there are multiple resources and paths available for further learning and professional development. Here are some recommended resources and learning paths:

Resources and paths for ServiceNow for further learning

Basic training and certification

  1. ServiceNow official training
    • ServiceNow offers a variety of official training courses covering a variety of topics from basic to advanced.
  2. ServiceNow certification
    • Earning a ServiceNow certification, such as Certified System Administrator (CSA) or Certified Implementation Specialist (CIS), can prove your expertise.

Online resources

  1. ServiceNow community and forum
    • These platforms provide a wealth of useful information where you can ask questions, share experiences, or find solutions.
  2. YouTube and online classes
    • There are plenty of high-quality ServiceNow tutorials and courses available for free or low-cost learning.
  3. Documentation and white papers
    • The ServiceNow official website provides detailed documentation and a variety of white papers.

Practical and project experience

  1. Internal projects
    • Participate in or start ServiceNow-related projects within your organization.
  2. Open source and community projects
    • Get involved in open source projects or community events to improve your skills in real practice.

Advanced learning and specialization

  1. Advanced certification
    • Earn a more advanced ServiceNow certification, such as Certified Application Developer (CAD) or Certified Master Architect (CMA).
  2. Areas of expertise
    • In-depth study of ServiceNow’s specific modules or solutions, such as IT Service Management (ITSM), IT Business Management (ITBM), Security Operations (SecOps), etc.

Web and social

  1. Industry conferences and events
    • Attend ServiceNow’s annual general meeting (such as Knowledge) or other related events.
  2. Social media and blogs
    • Follow influencers and experts in the ServiceNow space to stay informed about the latest trends and best practices.

These resources and paths can help you gain a comprehensive understanding of ServiceNow, not only to improve your technical skills, but also to broaden your career development opportunities. Hope this information will help you!


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