Getting Start With Redux

I want to do a video of IT tutorial, can you arrange the text content of the video tutorial for me according to the content of the website. Let’s start with the Redux tutorial, and you start by giving me a list of things to cover. ChatGPT

Ok, below is an outline of a possible Redux tutorial. This tutorial aims to start with the basics and walk through Redux and its application in modern web development. Please note that this outline can be adapted to your specific needs.

Video tutorial outline:

  1. Introducing Redux
    • What is Redux
    • How Redux works
    • Why you need Redux
  2. Redux basics
    • Action
    • Reducer
    • Store
  3. Use Actions in Redux
    • Create an Action
    • Send Action
    • Process Action
  4. Deep understanding of Reducer
    • Create a reducer
    • How Reducer handles Action
    • Merge Reducer
  5. Redux Store
    • Create a store
    • Subscribe to the Store
    • Update the Store
  6. Use Redux in React
    • Use librariesreact-redux
    • Provider component
    • Connect function
  7. Redux middleware
    • What is middleware
    • Use Redux Thunk for asynchronous operations
    • Create custom middleware
  8. Redux DevTools
    • Install and configure Redux DevTools
    • Use Redux DevTools for debugging
  9. Hands-on walkthrough: Build a simple application with Redux
    • Design Action and Reducer
    • Create Store and React components
    • Connect React and Redux
    • Use Redux for state management
  10. Best practices for Redux
    • State normalization
    • Use selectors
    • Processing of asynchronous operations
  11. Redux Toolkit
    • Introducing the Redux Toolkit
    • Use createSlice to create reducers and actions
    • Use configureStore to create a store
    • Hands-on exercise: Refactoring an application using the Redux Toolkit
  12. Conclusion
    • Pros and cons of Redux
    • When you should use Redux
    • The future of Redux

Hope this outline is helpful for your video tutorial! If you need further help, such as specific scripts or something else, please feel free to let me know.


Please explain in detail what ReduxChatGPT is

Redux is a popular JavaScript state management library primarily used for developing complex single-page applications. It helps developers manage state in their applications and make their behavior more predictable and consistent.

Before we can dive into Redux, we first need to understand what “state” means here. In front-end development, “state” refers to all the data of an application at a specific point in time. For example, user login information, whether the page is loading, data that has been obtained, and so on.

So why do you need a library to manage state? In smaller applications, state management may not be complex. But as applications become more complex, state management becomes more difficult. For example, you may find that different components need to access and modify the same state, or the logic for state updates becomes very complex. At this point, there is a need for a unified and predictable way to manage state, and that’s where Redux comes in.

The core idea of Redux is that the state of the entire application is stored in a single store as a tree of objects. The state is read-only, and the only way to change the state is to trigger an action. To describe user behavior, these actions are sent as pure functions. These pure functions are called “reducers”.

  1. Action: Actions in Redux are information carriers that pass data to the store. It is a simple JavaScript object that contains a field that describes the type of action, and a field that describes the changed data.typepayload
  2. Reducer: A reducer in Redux is a pure function that handles changes to the state of an application. It receives the current state and an action, and then returns a new state.
  3. Store: A store in Redux is like a container that stores the state of an application in one place. It has four main functions: holding the state of the application; Allows status updates via methods; Get the status through methods; Register the listener.dispatch()getState()

The workflow of Redux is very simple: you dispatch actions to the repository, the repository sends the action along with the current state to the reducer, the reducer calculates the new state based on the action type, and then the repository saves the new state and notifies all listeners that the state has changed.

This rigorous workflow makes Redux’s state management predictable and consistent, ideal for handling complex state logic.


Please explain in detail how Redux works with ChatGPT

The working principle of Redux is based on three main concepts: Action, Reducer, and Store. Below I’ll explain these three concepts in detail and how they work together.

  1. Action: In Redux, all changes are driven by actions. Action is a simple JavaScript object that describes the type and data of an operation. For example, an action that adds a backlog might look like this: javascriptCopy code Here, the field describes that it is an action to add a backlog, and the field contains the contents of the added backlog.{ type: 'ADD_TODO', payload: { text: 'Go shopping' } } typepayload
  2. Reducer: Reducer is a pure function that handles actions. It accepts the current state and an action, and then returns the new state. For example, a reducer dealing with adding a to-do item might look like this: javascriptCopy code Here, the function accepts the current state (an array of to-do items) and an action. If the action type is ‘ADD_TODO’, it returns a new array containing the new to-do items; otherwise, it returns the original state.function todoReducer(state = [], action) { switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_TODO': return [...state, action.payload]; default: return state; } } todoReducer
  3. Store: The Store is the central store in Redux that holds the state of the entire application. You can get the current state through the store method, send actions through the store method, and add listeners for state changes through the store method.getStatedispatchsubscribe

When you send an action through the store method, Redux passes the current state along with the action to the reducer. The reducer calculates the new state, and the Store saves the new state and notifies all listeners.dispatch

Overall, Redux works like this:

  1. You send an action through the store method.dispatch
  2. Redux will pass the current state along with the action to the reducer.
  3. The reducer decides how to update the state and return the new state based on the type of action.
  4. The store saves this new state and notifies all listeners that the state has changed.

This workflow ensures that state updates are always predictable and consistent, making complex state management easier.


Please explain in detail why you need ReduxChatGPT

Before we can understand why we need Redux, we need to understand the state management problems that we often need to deal with in front-end development.

In an application, “state” usually refers to all the information that the application knows at a given point in time, which can include the data that the user filled in the form, whether a modal dialog box is being displayed, whether the user has logged in, the data obtained from the server, and so on. In a simple application, this state can be easily managed and updated in various components.

However, as applications become more complex, state management becomes more difficult. Different components may need to access and modify the same state, complex operations may require multiple steps and affect many different states, and so on. This is where you need a centralized, predictable way to manage state, and that’s where Redux comes in.

Here are some reasons why you should need to use Redux:

  1. Centralized state management: Redux provides a centralized place to store all the state of an application, which makes state easier to manage and track.
  2. Predictability: Redux uses a one-way data stream and pure functions (reducers) to update state, which makes state updates more predictable.
  3. Debugging and development tools: Redux has a powerful set of development tools that can help you keep track of state changes and even “time travel” to a certain historical state of your application.
  4. Server rendering: Redux supports server rendering because it can initialize and load state on the server.
  5. State persistence: You can easily save the state of the Redux to localStorage or sessionStorage, and then restore this state when the page is refreshed or reloaded.
  6. Community support and ecosystem: Redux has a large community and rich ecosystem, and you can find many middleware and libraries to help you solve various problems.

Of course, Redux isn’t the only state management solution, nor is it necessarily the best. It may introduce some additional complexity that is not suitable for all projects. When choosing whether to use Redux, you need to decide based on your specific needs and the complexity of your project.


Please explain in detail how to create ActionChatGPT

In Redux, Action is the information vehicle that sends data to the repository. Action is a normal JavaScript object that contains at least one field to represent the type of Action. In addition to fields, Action objects often have other fields to carry additional information or data.typetype

For example, we can create an Action that says “Add To-Do”:

javascriptCopy code{
    type: 'ADD_TODO',
    payload: {
        text: 'Learn Redux'

In this example, the Action field is to indicate that this is an Action to add a to-do item. The fields contain the specifics of the to-do item to be added.type'ADD_TODO'payload

Usually, we define a function to create an Action, which is called an Action creation function. For example, corresponding to the Action above to add a to-do item, we can define an Action creation function:

javascriptCopy codefunction addTodo(text) {
    return {
        type: 'ADD_TODO',
        payload: {

This function takes a parameter and then returns an Action. We can use this function like this:addTodotext

javascriptCopy codeconst action = addTodo('Learn Redux');

Now, it’s an Action that says to add a to-do item, and we can send this Action through Redux’s function to trigger a status update:actiondispatch

javascriptCopy codestore.dispatch(action);

In general, creating an Action consists of two main steps: defining the Action object, and then defining the corresponding Action creation function. The Action creation function helps us create and send Actions more easily.


Please explain in detail how to send ActionChatGPT

In Redux, we send (or “distribute”) actions by calling functions of the Redux store. Once you’ve created an action, you can call the function and pass the action as a parameter. This way, Redux will pass the action to the reducer function, which will then update the state based on the action.dispatchdispatch

For example, suppose we have an action creation function named that returns an action to add a to-do item:addTodo

javascriptCopy codefunction addTodo(text) {
    return {
        type: 'ADD_TODO',
        payload: {

Then, we can send an action to add a to-do item like this:

javascriptCopy codeconst action = addTodo('Learn Redux');

In this example, we first call the function to create an action. Then, we call the function and pass this action as a parameter. This way, Redux will pass the action to the reducer function, which will then update the state based on the action.addTodostore.dispatch

Note: In a React and Redux application, we usually use the hook provided by the library to get the function and then use it to send actions. For example:react-reduxuseDispatchdispatch

javascriptCopy codeimport { useDispatch } from 'react-redux';

function TodoAdder() {
    const dispatch = useDispatch();

    const addTodo = text => {
            type: 'ADD_TODO',
            payload: {

    // ...

In this example, we first call Hook to get the function. Then, we define a function that receives the text of a to-do item and then calls the function to send an action to add a to-do item.useDispatchdispatchaddTododispatch


Please explain in detail how to handle ActionChatGPT

In Redux, the function that handles the action is called a reducer. Reducer is a pure function that receives the current state and an action, and then returns the new state.

For example, if we have a to-do list app, we might have a reducer to handle to-do related actions. This reducer might look like this:

javascriptCopy codefunction todosReducer(state = [], action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'ADD_TODO':
            return [...state, action.payload];
        case 'REMOVE_TODO':
            let newState = [...state];
            newState.splice(action.payload, 1);
            return newState;
            return state;

In this example, the function receives the current state (an array of to-do items) and an action. This function first checks the type of action:todosReducer

  • If the action type is , it returns a new array that contains all the old to-do items and the new to-do items (taken from the action’s field).'ADD_TODO'payload
  • If the action type is , it returns a new array that is the old array after removing the specified to-do item (getting the index from the action’s field).'REMOVE_TODO'payload
  • If the type of action is neither nor , then it returns to its original state. This is the default handling for unknown action types.'ADD_TODO''REMOVE_TODO'

You can define multiple reducers in your app, each responsible for handling a part of the state. You can then combine them into a main reducer using Redux’s functions.combineReducers

When you send an action through the Redux store’s method, the store passes the current state to the reducer along with the action. The reducer calculates a new state based on the type and data of the action, and this new state is then saved to the store.dispatch


Please explain in detail how Reducer handles ActionChatGPT

In Redux, the function that handles the action is called a reducer. A reducer is a pure function that receives the current state and an Action, and then returns a new state.

The basic structure of the reducer is as follows:

javascriptCopy codefunction reducer(state, action) {
    // 根据 action 类型处理状态

Typically, we use statements to handle state based on the type of Action. For example, let’s say we have an app that manages to-do lists, and we might have a reducer called , which might look like this:switchtodos

javascriptCopy codefunction todos(state = [], action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'ADD_TODO':
            // 在添加待办事项的情况下,我们返回一个新的数组,它包含所有旧的待办事项和新的待办事项
            return [...state, action.payload];
        case 'DELETE_TODO':
            // 在删除待办事项的情况下,我们返回一个新的数组,它不包含要删除的待办事项
            return state.filter((todo, index) => index !== action.payload);
            // 如果 action 类型既不是 'ADD_TODO' 也不是 'DELETE_TODO',那么我们只是返回旧的状态
            return state;

In this example, the function is a reducer that receives the current state (an array of to-do items) and an Action. It then uses the statement to check the type of Action:todosswitch

  • If the type of Action is , it returns a new array that contains all the old to-do items and the new to-do items (taken from the Action property).'ADD_TODO'payload
  • If the type of Action is , it returns a new array that does not contain deleted to-dos (using Action’s property as an index to identify to-dos to delete).'DELETE_TODO'payload
  • If the type of Action is neither nor , it returns to its original state. This is the default handling for unknown Action types.'ADD_TODO''DELETE_TODO'

Finally, this new state is saved by the Redux Store and then used by components in the application.

Note: In Redux, we cannot modify the state directly, but must return a new state. This is because state is immutable in Redux, which makes it easy to track state changes, debug and test.


Please explain in detail how Reducer merges ReducerChatGPT

In Redux, if you have multiple reducers, you can use Redux’s functions to combine them into one main reducer.combineReducers

Each reducer only processes a portion of the state, which is called the slice of the reducer. For example, you might have a reducer that handles user information, a reducer that handles to-do items, and so on. The function receives an object, each key of which is the name of a slice, and the corresponding value is the reducer that handles the slice.combineReducers

Here’s an example:

javascriptCopy codeimport { combineReducers } from 'redux';

function todos(state = [], action) {
    // ...

function user(state = null, action) {
    // ...

const rootReducer = combineReducers({

In this example, we have two reducers: and . We use the function to create a main reducer, which has two slices: and .todosusercombineReducerstodosuser

When an action is dispatched, the current state of each slice and the action are passed to the corresponding reducer, and the reducer returns the new state. The new state returned by all reducers is combined into a new total state, which is then saved to the store.rootReducerrootReducer

This way, you can break down a large state management problem into multiple smaller problems, with each reducer focusing only on its own slice. This makes your code easier to understand and maintain.


Please explain in detail how to create StoreChatGPT

In Redux, we can use functions to create a new store. The function receives three parameters: a reducer, an optional preload state, and an optional Store enhancer. Here’s a basic example:createStorecreateStore

javascriptCopy codeimport { createStore } from 'redux';

function reducer(state = {}, action) {
    // ...

const store = createStore(reducer);

In this example, we first import the function. Then, we define a reducer. Finally, we call the function and pass reducer as a parameter to it. In this way, we created a new store.createStorecreateStore

If you have a preloaded state, you can pass it as the second argument to the function. For example:createStore

javascriptCopy codeconst preloadedState = {
    todos: ['Learn Redux']

const store = createStore(reducer, preloadedState);

In this example, we create a Store whose initial state is .{ todos: ['Learn Redux'] }

createStore The third parameter of the function is a Store enhancer, which can be used to add some middleware or other Store enhancements. For example, you can use functions to add some middleware:applyMiddleware

javascriptCopy codeimport { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';

const store = createStore(reducer, applyMiddleware(thunk));

In this example, we added middleware, which allows us to return a function in the Action creation function, not just an Action object. This allows us to do asynchronous operations in the Action creation function, such as network requests.redux-thunk

Overall, creating a Store is the first step for a Redux app. Once you have a store, you can use it to manage status, send actions, subscribe to state changes, and so on.


Please explain in detail how to subscribe to StoreChatGPT

In Redux, you can use the Store’s method to subscribe to changes in state. The method receives a function as an argument, which is called whenever the state changes.subscribesubscribe

Here’s a basic example:

javascriptCopy codeconst store = createStore(reducer);

store.subscribe(() => {
    console.log('The state has changed:', store.getState());

In this example, we first create a store. Then, we call the method and pass a function to it. This function is called every time the state changes, printing a message and a new

You can cancel your subscription at any time. When you call the method, it returns a function that you can call to unsubscribe:store.subscribe

javascriptCopy codeconst unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() => {
    console.log('The state has changed:', store.getState());

// 在某个时刻,你可以调用 unsubscribe 函数来取消订阅

In this example, we first subscribe to the state change and then call the function at some point to unsubscribe.unsubscribe

In a React and Redux app, you usually don’t need to use methods directly. Because the library’s components and hooks help you manage your

Provider The component subscribes to the Store and then re-renders all child components when the state changes. Hooks allow you to select the desired state fragment in the component, and when this state fragment changes, the hook will cause the component to re-render.useSelector


Please explain in detail how to update StoreChatGPT

In Redux, we can’t directly modify the state in the Store. Instead, we need to send an action describing how the state should change, and then the reducer calculates the new state based on this action.

The steps to update the Store are as follows:

  1. Create an Action: An Action is a normal JavaScript object that describes how the state of an application should change. It must have a property to describe the type of Action, and it can have a property to carry extra information. For example: javascriptCopy code In this example, we create an Action that describes the new to-do item we want to add.typepayloadconst action = { type: 'ADD_TODO', payload: { text: 'Learn Redux' } };
  2. Send Action: We use the Store method to send Action. Example: javascriptCopy code In this example, we call the method and pass it the Action we just created as a parameter.dispatchstore.dispatch(action); store.dispatch
  3. Handling Action: When we send an Action via the method, Redux passes the current state and the Action to the Reducer. The reducer calculates the new state based on the type of action and data. Example: javascriptCopy code In this example, the reducer receives the current state (an array of to-do items) and an Action. It then uses the statement to check the type of Action: if the type of Action is , then it returns a new array that contains all the old to-dos and the new to-dos.dispatchfunction todosReducer(state = [], action) { switch (action.type) { case 'ADD_TODO': return [...state, action.payload.text]; default: return state; } } switch'ADD_TODO'
  4. Update the Store: When the reducer calculates a new state, the new state is saved to the Store. All functions subscribed to the Store are then called so that your app can respond to changes in state.

That’s the basic step to update the Store in Redux. Remember, we can’t modify the state directly, but we have to update the state by sending an Action and using Reducer. This allows us to better understand how the state changes, making debugging and testing easier.


Please explain in detail how to use the react-redux library ChatGPT

React Redux is Redux’s official React binding library, which allows you to use Redux more easily in React applications. With React Redux, you can access state in the Store, send actions, and automate subscriptions and cancellations in React components.

Here are the basic steps on how to use React Redux in a React app:

  1. Install React Redux: First, you need to install React Redux and Redux:bashCopy codenpm install redux react-redux
  2. Create a store: You need to create a Redux store, just like in any other Redux application: javascriptCopy codeimport { createStore } from 'redux'; import rootReducer from './reducers'; const store = createStore(rootReducer);
  3. Use Provider: is a React component that makes the Redux Store accessible in your React application. You need to use it in the outermost layer of your app and pass your Store to it as a prop: jsxCopy codeProviderProviderimport React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import store from './store'; import App from './App'; ReactDOM.render( <Provider store={store}> <App /> </Provider>, document.getElementById('root') );
  4. Connect components: You can use high-level components or Hooks to access the Store’s state and send Actions in your components. Using :jsxCopy code In this example, the function receives the state of the Redux Store and returns an object whose props will be passed to the component. The higher-order component receives functions and components and returns a new component that has access to the state of the Redux Store. Using and :jsxCopy code In this example, Hook receives a function that receives the state of the Redux Store and returns the partial state we need. Hook returns the Redux Store function, which we can use to send an Action.connectuseSelectoruseDispatchconnectimport React from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; function TodoList({ todos }) { // ... } const mapStateToProps = state => ({ todos: state.todos }); export default connect(mapStateToProps)(TodoList); mapStateToPropsTodoListconnectmapStateToPropsuseSelectoruseDispatchimport React from 'react'; import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux'; import { addTodo } from './actions'; function TodoList() { const todos = useSelector(state => state.todos); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const handleAddTodo = text => { dispatch(addTodo(text)); }; // ... } useSelectoruseDispatchdispatch

Overall, React Redux provides a more convenient way to use Redux in React applications. You can use components to make your entire application accessible to the Redux Store, high-level components or Hooks and HooksProviderconnectuseSelectoruseDispatch


Please explain in detail how to use the provider component ChatGPT

Provider is a React component provided by libraries to make the Redux store available in your React application. You need to use it in the outermost layer of your app and pass your Redux store to it as a prop. Here are the basic steps on how to use :react-reduxProviderProvider

  1. Import the Provider: First, you need to import the component: javascriptCopy codeProviderimport { Provider } from 'react-redux';
  2. Create a Redux store: You need to create a Redux store, just like in any other Redux application: javascriptCopy codeimport { createStore } from 'redux'; import rootReducer from './reducers'; const store = createStore(rootReducer);
  3. Use Provider: You can then use it in the outermost layer of your app and pass your Redux store to it as a prop: jsxCopy codeProviderimport React from 'react'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Provider } from 'react-redux'; import store from './store'; import App from './App'; ReactDOM.render( <Provider store={store}> <App /> </Provider>, document.getElementById('root') );

In this example, we first import the components and our Redux store. Then, we use in the method. We will put it on the outside of the component and pass our Redux store to it as a prop. This way, our entire application can access the Redux store.ProviderReactDOM.renderProviderProviderApp

Now, our React components can use higher-order components or and hooks to access the Redux store’s state and dispatch functions.connectuseSelectoruseDispatch

Overall, components are the key to connecting React and Redux. It makes your Redux store available throughout your React app so that your React components can use Redux to manage state.Provider


Please explain in detail how to use the connect function ChatGPT

connect is a function in the React Redux library that connects Redux Store and React components, enabling React components to access state in the Store and send Actions.

Here are the basic steps for how to use :connect

  1. Import the connect function: First, you need to import the function from the library: javascriptCopy codereact-reduxconnectimport { connect } from 'react-redux';
  2. Define mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps: is a function that takes the state of the Redux Store as an argument and returns an object whose properties will be passed to your component as props. It is also a function that receives a function as an argument and then returns an object whose methods are passed to your component as props, and which can send Action. javascriptCopy codemapStateToPropsmapDispatchToPropsdispatchconst mapStateToProps = state => ({ todos: state.todos }); const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({ addTodo: text => dispatch({ type: 'ADD_TODO', text }) });
  3. Use the connect function: The function receives and as arguments and returns a new function. You can then call this new function and pass your component as a parameter so that your component is connected to the Redux Store. javascriptCopy codeconnectmapStateToPropsmapDispatchToPropsimport React from 'react'; function TodoList({ todos, addTodo }) { // ... } export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(TodoList);

In this example, we first define the and functions, and then use the functions to connect them to the component. Components can now access the Redux Store’s state (todos) and methods (addTodos) through props.mapStateToPropsmapDispatchToPropsconnectTodoListTodoListdispatch

In summary, the function is a higher-order function that takes two arguments: and , and then returns a new function that can take a React component as an argument to connect it with the Redux Store.connectmapStateToPropsmapDispatchToProps


Explain in detail what Redux middleware ChatGPT is

Redux middleware is a way to extend Redux by allowing you to customize the logic to be executed during an Action being sent to the Store. The Redux middleware sits between when the Action is sent and when the Reducer receives the Action.

The location of Redux middleware in Redux is as follows:

rustCopy codeaction -> middleware -> reducer

When you call Send Action, the Action is passed to the middleware first. Middleware can do a lot of things:store.dispatch(action)

  • It can record actions and state changes, which is very useful for debugging and development.
  • It can modify an Action before it reaches the Reducer.
  • It can block an Action before it reaches the reducer.
  • It can send additional Actions before they reach the Reducer.
  • It can handle asynchronous operations, such as API calls.

A middleware is technically a function that receives a “next” middleware and returns a new function. This new function receives an Action and can call to pass the Action to the next

The following is the basic structure of a middleware:

javascriptCopy codefunction myMiddleware(next) {
    return function(action) {
        // 在 Action 被发送到 Reducer 之前执行的代码...


        // 在 Action 被发送到 Reducer 之后执行的代码...

In this example, the function receives the next middleware and then returns a new function. This new function receives an Action, which can then execute some code before and after the Action is sent to the reducer.myMiddlewarenext

In order to use middleware, you need to use Redux’s functions when creating the Store:applyMiddleware

javascriptCopy codeimport { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux';
import myMiddleware from './myMiddleware';
import rootReducer from './reducers';

const store = createStore(

In this example, we import the function and our middleware, and then use the function when calling .applyMiddlewarecreateStoreapplyMiddleware

Redux also has some commonly used middleware libraries, such as (for handling asynchronous actions) and (for recording actions and state changes in the console).redux-thunkredux-logger


Explain in detail how to use Redux Thunk for asynchronous operations on ChatGPT

Redux Thunk is a middleware that allows you to perform asynchronous operations in Redux. In Redux, usually we send an object that contains the type and payload, which is called an Action. However, when you use Redux Thunk, you can send a function as an Action, which is called Thunk.

Here are the basic steps for asynchronous operations using Redux Thunk:

  1. Install Redux Thunk: First, you need to install Redux Thunk:bashCopy codenpm install redux-thunk
  2. Apply Redux Thunk middleware: You need to apply Redux Thunk middleware: javascriptCopy code when you create the Redux Storeimport { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'; import thunk from 'redux-thunk'; import rootReducer from './reducers'; const store = createStore( rootReducer, applyMiddleware(thunk) );
  3. Create Thunk: Thunk is a function that returns a function. This returned function receives and as arguments, you can perform asynchronous operations in this function, and then send Action:javascriptCopy code based on the result of the asynchronous operation, in this case, is a Thunk, which returns a function. This returned function first sends an Action and then uses the API to get todos. It sends an Action when the API successfully fetches todos, and an Action when the API fails to fetch todos.dispatchgetStatefunction fetchTodos() { return function(dispatch, getState) { dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_TODOS_START' }); fetch('') .then(response => response.json()) .then(todos => { dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_TODOS_SUCCESS', todos }); }) .catch(error => { dispatch({ type: 'FETCH_TODOS_ERROR', error }); }); }; } fetchTodosFETCH_TODOS_STARTfetchfetchFETCH_TODOS_SUCCESSfetchFETCH_TODOS_ERROR
  4. Send Thunk: You can send Thunk like any other Action: javascriptCopy code When you send a Thunk, the Redux Thunk middleware calls the Thunk and passes it and as; dispatchgetState

Overall, Redux Thunk is a way to do asynchronous operations in Redux. You can create a Thunk, perform an asynchronous operation in that Thunk, and then send the Action based on the result of the asynchronous operation.


Please explain in detail the creation of custom middleware ChatGPT

Creating custom Redux middleware involves writing a function that follows the specific format of Redux middleware. At a basic level, middleware is a nested function that receives “next” middleware as an argument and returns a new function that receives “action” as an argument.

Here are the basic steps to create custom Redux middleware:

  1. Define middleware functions: First, you need to define a function that takes “next” middleware as an argument and returns a new function that receives “action” as an argument: javascriptCopy code, in this case, is a middleware. It receives an object containing and methods and returns a new function. This new function receives the “next” middleware and returns a new function. This new function receives an “action” and executes some logic before the “action” is sent to the next middleware or reducer. Note that you can execute any logic in this function, such as modifying the action, sending additional actions based on the action, or preventing the action from being sent to the next middleware or reducer.function myMiddleware({ dispatch, getState }) { return function(next) { return function(action) { // 在这里编写你的中间件逻辑... return next(action); }; }; } myMiddlewaredispatchgetState
  2. Application Middleware: Then, you need to apply your middleware when creating the Redux store: javascriptCopy code In this example, we import , and our middleware, and then use when calling to apply our middleware to the Redux store.import { createStore, applyMiddleware } from 'redux'; import myMiddleware from './myMiddleware'; import rootReducer from './reducers'; const store = createStore( rootReducer, applyMiddleware(myMiddleware) ); createStoreapplyMiddlewarecreateStoreapplyMiddleware

In general, creating custom Redux middleware requires you to define a function that follows a specific format and apply this function when creating a Redux store. You can write any logic in this function to control the behavior of the action before being sent to the reducer.


Please explain in detail installing and configuring Redux DevToolsChatGPT

Redux DevTools is a powerful developer tool that can help you better understand and debug your Redux applications. Here are the basic steps to install and configure Redux DevTools:

  1. Install the Redux DevTools extension: First, you need to install the Redux DevTools extension in your browser. You can find and install it on the Chrome Web Store, the Firefox Add-ons website, or similar websites in other browsers.
  2. Configure the Redux Store: Then, you need to configure Redux DevTools when creating the Redux Store: javascriptCopy code In this example, we first check for existence. If it exists, we use it to create the Redux store, otherwise we use Redux’s functions. Then, we use and create the Redux store. is a property added to the Redux DevTools object. When the extension is installed and enabled, it will be present, otherwise it will not exist.import { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } from 'redux'; import rootReducer from './reducers'; const composeEnhancers = window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__ || compose; const store = createStore( rootReducer, composeEnhancers(applyMiddleware(/* 你的中间件 */)) ); window.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__composecomposeEnhancersapplyMiddlewarewindow.__REDUX_DEVTOOLS_EXTENSION_COMPOSE__window
  3. Using Redux DevTools: You can now open your browser’s developer tools and you should see the Redux DevTools tab. You can click on this tab to view the status and actions of your Redux application, and you can also use its many features, such as time travel debugging and import/export status.

Overall, configuring Redux DevTools only requires a few simple steps: install the Redux DevTools extension, and then configure Redux DevTools when you create the Redux Store. Then, you can use Redux DevTools in your browser’s developer tools.


Please explain in detail debugging ChatGPT with Redux DevTools

Redux DevTools is a very powerful tool that provides a visual way to debug Redux applications. Here are some basic steps for debugging with Redux DevTools:

  1. View status: In Redux DevTools, you can see the current state of your Redux application. Your status is displayed as a JSON object that can be expanded, and you can view the values of each section.
  2. View Action: Whenever your app sends an Action, Redux DevTools displays the Action in the Actions panel. You can see the type and payload of the Action, and you can also see the new status after sending the Action.
  3. Time Travel Debugging: Redux DevTools provides a feature called “Time Travel Debugging“. You can use a slider to track back your app’s state and actions, which can help you understand how your app has changed over time.
  4. Replay Actions: If you retrace to an earlier state in time travel mode, you can use the Replay button to resend all Actions. This can help you reproduce and understand a complex bug.
  5. Import and export state: Redux DevTools allows you to export the current state of your application and then import this state in another session or device. This is useful for sharing bugs and reproducing issues.
  6. Analyze performance: Redux DevTools also provides an analyzer that you can use to view the performance of your actions and reducers. This can help you identify potential performance issues.

To start debugging with Redux DevTools, all you need to do is open your browser’s developer tools and click on the Redux DevTools tab. Then, you can start using the features mentioned above.


Explain how to design Action and ReducerChatGPT with examples

Designing actions and reducers is a critical step in creating Redux applications. Here’s a simple example of how to design Action and Reducer.

Let’s say we are creating a simple to-do app where we need to add and remove to-do items from the app.

Design Action

In Redux, an Action is a JavaScript object that contains fields that describe what happened, and actions that can contain other fields that describe the action. For example, we can define an Action to add a to-do item and an Action to delete a to-do item:typetype

javascriptCopy code// 添加待办事项的 Action
    type: 'ADD_TODO',
    payload: {
        id: 1,
        text: 'Learn Redux'

// 删除待办事项的 Action
    type: 'DELETE_TODO',
    payload: {
        id: 1

In this example, each Action has a field that describes the type of Action. The Action for adding a to-do item has a field that contains the and of the to-do, and the action for deleting a to-do item has a field that contains only the to-do item.typepayloadidtextpayloadid

Design Reducer

In Redux, a reducer is a function that receives the current state and an Action, and then returns the new state. We can define a Reducer for a to-do item to handle the action of adding to-do items and deleting to-do items:

javascriptCopy codefunction todosReducer(state = [], action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'ADD_TODO':
            // 在 state 中添加一个新的待办事项
            return [...state, action.payload];
        case 'DELETE_TODO':
            // 从 state 中删除一个待办事项
            return state.filter(todo => !==;
            // 如果 Reducer 接收到了一个未知的 Action,它应该返回当前的 state
            return state;

In this example, is a reducer that receives the current to-do list () and an Action, and returns a new to-do list based on the Action. If Yes , it adds a new to-do item to the list; If Yes , it removes the to-do item from the list; If is unknown, it returns the current to-do list.todosReducerstatetypetypeADD_TODOtypeDELETE_TODOtype

This is the basic approach to designing Action and Reducer. In a real-world application, you might need to deal with more complex states and more action types, but the basic idea is the same: define actions that describe changes in your application, and then write reducers that receive those actions and return a new state.


Please explain with an example how to create a Store and React component ChatGPT

Creating Redux Store and React components is a critical step in building apps with Redux and React. Here’s a simple example of how to create Redux Store and React components.

Let’s continue with the previous example of a to-do app, starting with creating a store:

javascriptCopy codeimport { createStore } from 'redux';
import todosReducer from './reducers/todos';

// 使用 todosReducer 创建 Redux store
const store = createStore(todosReducer);

In this example, we import the function and the function we defined earlier. Then, we call and pass in to create our Redux Store.createStoretodosReducercreateStoretodosReducer

Next, let’s create a React component to display the to-do list:

javascriptCopy codeimport React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';

// 一个简单的展示组件,它接收待办事项列表作为 props
function TodoList({ todos }) {
    return (
            { =>
                <li key={}>{todo.text}</li>

// 使用 connect 函数连接 Redux store 和 TodoList 组件
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
    todos: state

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(TodoList);

In this example, we first define a component that receives a to-do list as props and renders each to-do item as a list item. Then, we define a function that receives the state of the Redux Store and returns an object whose properties will be passed to the component as props. Finally, we use the function to connect the Redux Store and the component, and export the connected component.TodoListmapStateToPropsTodoListconnectTodoList

This is the basic way to create Redux Store and React components. In a real-world application, you may need to deal with more complex states and more components, but the basic idea is the same: use Reducer to create a Redux Store, and then use functions to connect Redux Store and React components.connect


Please explain with examples how to connect React and ReduxChatGPT

In a Redux application, connecting React and Redux is an important step. We use the components and functions of the react-redux library to implement this connection.Providerconnect

Here’s an example of how to connect React and Redux:

First, we need to create a Redux store:

javascriptCopy codeimport { createStore } from 'redux';
import rootReducer from './reducers';

const store = createStore(rootReducer);

Then, we use components to provide the Redux store to our React app:Provider

javascriptCopy codeimport React from 'react';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import App from './App';

    <Provider store={store}>
        <App />

In this example, the component receives the Redux store as its prop and provides it to its subcomponents. This way, our React app can access the state of the Redux store and dispatch actions.Provider

Next, we use functions to connect React components to the Redux store:connect

javascriptCopy codeimport React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { addTodo } from './actions';

function TodoList({ todos, addTodo }) {
    return (
            <button onClick={() => addTodo('New Todo')}>Add Todo</button>
                {, index) =>
                    <li key={index}>{todo}</li>

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
    todos: state.todos

const mapDispatchToProps = {

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(TodoList);

In this example, we first define a component that receives and acts as props. We then define the and functions, which map the state and dispatch functions of the Redux store to the props of the component. Finally, we use functions to connect components to the Redux store.TodoListtodosaddTodomapStateToPropsmapDispatchToPropsTodoListconnectTodoList

That’s the basic step to connect React and Redux. In practice, you might need to deal with more complex states and more actions, but the basic idea is the same: use components to provide a Redux store, and then use functions to connect React components to the Redux store.Providerconnect


Please explain how to use Redux for state management ChatGPT with an example

In a Redux application, we use actions to describe what happened, reducers to update states based on those actions, and store to store that state. Here’s a simple example of how to use Redux for state management.

Let’s say we’re creating a simple counter app. Our state is just a number that represents the current count.

First, we define two actions: one to increase the count and one to decrease the count.

javascriptCopy code// Action creators
function increment() {
    return { type: 'INCREMENT' };

function decrement() {
    return { type: 'DECREMENT' };

Then, we define a reducer to handle these actions. If an ‘INCREMENT’ action is received, we return the current count plus one; If a ‘DECREMENT’ action is received, we return the current count minus one; Otherwise, we return the current count.

javascriptCopy codefunction counter(state = 0, action) {
    switch (action.type) {
        case 'INCREMENT':
            return state + 1;
        case 'DECREMENT':
            return state - 1;
            return state;

Next, we create a Redux store to store our state.

javascriptCopy codeimport { createStore } from 'redux';

const store = createStore(counter);

Now, we can dispatch actions to change our state.

javascriptCopy codestore.dispatch(increment()); // state is now 1
store.dispatch(increment()); // state is now 2
store.dispatch(decrement()); // state is now 1

We can also subscribe to state changes.

javascriptCopy codestore.subscribe(() => {
    console.log(store.getState()); // logs the current state

This is the basic step for state management with Redux. In practice, you may need to deal with more complex states and more actions, but the basic idea is the same: define an action to describe what happened, define a reducer to update the state, and then use the store to store the state.


Explain Redux’s best practices for state normalization ChatGPT with an example

When using Redux for state management, there is a widely accepted best practice called state normalization. The main idea of normalization is to treat all data models (e.g. users, posts, etc.) as tables in a database, with each model type having its corresponding table, each row in the table corresponding to an object, indexed by a unique ID.

The following example will explain this concept.

Let’s say we have a blog application that has users, posts, and comments. The unnormalized state might look like this:

javascriptCopy code{
    posts: [
            id: 1,
            author: {
                id: 1,
                name: 'Paul'
                // ...other user fields
            body: '......',
            comments: [
                    id: 1,
                    author: {
                        id: 2,
                        name: 'Nicole'
                        // ...other user fields
                    comment: '.....'
                // ...other comments
        // ...other posts


相反,规范化的状态将每种数据类型放在其自己的对象中,并通过 ID 来引用:

javascriptCopy code{
    users: {
        1: {
            id: 1,
            name: 'Paul'
            // ...other user fields
        2: {
            id: 2,
            name: 'Nicole'
            // ...other user fields
        // ...other users
    posts: {
        1: {
            id: 1,
            author: 1,
            body: '......',
            comments: [1]
        // ...other posts
    comments: {
        1: {
            id: 1,
            author: 2,
            comment: '.....'
        // ...other comments

Now, each data type has its own table, and we can refer to the other data types by ID. For example, we can find the author of a post by looking for . This makes it easier and more consistent to update, query, or manipulate objects.state.users[]

This is the basic concept of state normalization. In practice, this helps us maintain a predictable, consistent, and efficient state structure.


Please explain Redux’s best practices for using the selector ChatGPT with examples

Selectors are functions that extract data from the Redux store. They are part of Redux best practices to make your code cleaner, easier to maintain, and improve the performance of your application. Selectors enable you to abstract the shape of a state so that when you change the state structure, you only need to update the selector function, rather than updating every component that uses the data.

Let’s continue with the example of the blog application above, assuming we have the following normalization state:

javascriptCopy code{
    users: {
        1: {
            id: 1,
            name: 'Paul'
            // ...other user fields
        2: {
            id: 2,
            name: 'Nicole'
            // ...other user fields
        // ...other users
    posts: {
        1: {
            id: 1,
            author: 1,
            body: '......',
            comments: [1]
        // ...other posts
    comments: {
        1: {
            id: 1,
            author: 2,
            comment: '.....'
        // ...other comments

Let’s say we want to render a component for a post and display the author of the post. We can access it directly in the component, but if we change the shape of the state, we will have to update this component. Instead, we can define a selector to get the author of a post:state.users[]

javascriptCopy codeconst getAuthorOfPost = (state, postId) => {
    const post = state.posts[postId];
    return state.users[];

Now, instead of accessing it directly, we can use this selector in our component:state.users[]

javascriptCopy codeconst mapStateToProps = (state, ownProps) => ({
    author: getAuthorOfPost(state, ownProps.postId)

If we change the shape of the state, we only need to update the selector, not all the components that use this data.getAuthorOfPost

In addition, we can use libraries like Reselect to create memorable selectors, which can improve the performance of our application. Memoryable selectors only recalculate their results when their parameters change, otherwise they return previous results.

For example, we can use Reselect to create a memorable selector:getAuthorOfPost

javascriptCopy codeimport { createSelector } from 'reselect';

const getPosts = state => state.posts;
const getUsers = state => state.users;
const getPostId = (state, postId) => postId;

const getAuthorOfPost = createSelector(
    [getPosts, getUsers, getPostId],
    (posts, users, postId) => {
        const post = posts[postId];
        return users[];

This version of the selector is now memorable, which means that if , , or has not changed, it will immediately return the previous result,getAuthorOfPoststate.postsstate.userspostId


Please explain Redux’s best practices for handling asynchronous operations through an example of ChatGPT

The recommended way to handle asynchronous operations, such as API calls, in Redux is to use Redux middleware such as Redux Thunk or Redux Saga. These middleware allow us to write asynchronous logic when dispatching actions.

Below is an example of using Redux Thunk to handle asynchronous operations. We’ll create a simple Redux app that will fetch some user data from an API.

First, we need to define some actions:

javascriptCopy code// actions.js

export const fetchUsersRequest = () => ({

export const fetchUsersSuccess = (users) => ({
    payload: users

export const fetchUsersFailure = (error) => ({
    payload: error

Then, we need to create a thunk action creator. This function returns a function that receives as a parameter:dispatch

javascriptCopy code// actions.js
import axios from 'axios';

export const fetchUsers = () => {
    return function(dispatch) {
            .then(response => {
                const users =;
            .catch(error => {

Next, we need to create a reducer that handles these actions:

javascriptCopy code// reducer.js

const initialState = {
    loading: false,
    users: [],
    error: ''

export const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
    switch(action.type) {
            return {
                loading: true
            return {
                loading: false,
                users: action.payload,
                error: ''
            return {
                loading: false,
                users: [],
                error: action.payload
            return state;

最后,我们可以在我们的组件中使用 action:fetchUsers

javascriptCopy codeimport React, { useEffect } from 'react';
import { useSelector, useDispatch } from 'react-redux';
import { fetchUsers } from './actions';

function Users() {
    const dispatch = useDispatch();
    const { users, error, loading } = useSelector(state => state);

    useEffect(() => {
    }, [dispatch]);

    return (
            {loading && <p>Loading...</p>}
            {error && <p>Error: {error}</p>}
            { => 
                <p key={}>{}</p>

export default Users;

In this example, we dispatch three different actions in the action: dispatch at the start of the request, dispatch when the request succeeds, and dispatch when the request fails. This allows us to update state in the reducer based on these different actions, so that loading status, error messages, and user data are displayed correctly in the UI.fetchUsersfetchUsersRequestfetchUsersSuccessfetchUsersFailure


Please explain in detail about Redux ToolkitChatGPT

The Redux Toolkit is the official toolset developed by the Redux team to simplify the use of Redux. It provides useful functions to help developers write Redux code faster and more concisely.

Here are the key features and benefits of the Redux Toolkit:

  1. configureStore(): This function is used to create a Redux store and automatically set up some middleware (including Redux Thunk and Redux DevTools Extension). It can also handle some common configurations of Redux.
  2. createReducer(): This function provides a more concise way to define reducer, using an object lookup table instead of the switch statement.
  3. createAction(): This function is used to generate the action creator function. It will automatically use the parameters passed to the Action Creator as payloads.
  4. createSlice(): This is probably the most powerful feature in the Redux Toolkit. The createSlice() function can generate slice reducers, action types, and action creators at the same time. This greatly simplifies the boilerplate code for Redux.
  5. createAsyncThunk(): This function handles asynchronous logic, generates corresponding action types, and automatically dispatches actions.
  6. createSelector(): This is part of the Reselect library and is used to generate memorable selectors. This can improve the performance of your application.

Here’s a simple example of using the Redux Toolkit:

javascriptCopy codeimport { configureStore, createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const counterSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'counter',
  initialState: 0,
  reducers: {
    increment: (state) => state + 1,
    decrement: (state) => state - 1,

const store = configureStore({
  reducer: counterSlice.reducer,

console.log(store.getState()); // Outputs: 1

console.log(store.getState()); // Outputs: 0

In this example, we created a slice containing reducers and actions using and then created a Redux store using . We can use it directly to dispatch actions without having to write additional action creators.createSlice()configureStore()counterSlice.actions

Overall, the Redux Toolkit can make Redux easier to use and easier to understand, while still maintaining Redux’s flexibility and predictability. For new Redux projects, the Redux Toolkit is highly recommended.


Please explain in detail the use of createSlice to create reducers and actionChatGPT

createSlice() is a function in the Redux Toolkit that accepts as a parameter an object that describes a set of action reducers (functions that handle actions), an initial state value, and a slice name. This function returns a generated slice object containing an automatically generated action creator and a reducer.

Here’s an example of using where we create a slice that manages the state of a simple counter:createSlice()

javascriptCopy codeimport { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'

const counterSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'counter',
  initialState: 0,
  reducers: {
    increment: state => state + 1,
    decrement: state => state - 1,
    reset: () => 0,

// Extract the action creators object and the reducer
const { actions, reducer } = counterSlice

// Extract each action creator by name
const { increment, decrement, reset } = actions

// {type: "counter/increment", payload: undefined}

console.log(reducer(10, increment()))
// 11

In this example, accept an object containing , , and properties. An object is a set of functions that correspond to a particular action, each of which should be a reducer that accepts the current state and an action, and then returns a new state. In this example, we have three action reducers: , , and .createSlice()nameinitialStatereducersreducersincrementdecrementreset

createSlice() An object is returned, containing the generated Action Creators and a reducer. Action creators are functions corresponding to reducers that can be used to generate actions. These action creators automatically accept a parameter as a payload for the generated action. The generated reducer is a typical Redux reducer that accepts state and action and returns a new state.

In our case, we use deconstructed assignments to extract action creators and reducers from the returned object. We can then use these action creators to generate actions and use reducers to handle those actions.

This example demonstrates the main advantage of redux: it reduces the boilerplate code for Redux and makes it easier to define action creators and reducers.createSlice()


Please explain in detail the use of configureStore to create storeChatGPT

configureStore() Part of the Redux Toolkit, it provides a simplified way to create a Redux store. With , you can easily set up reducers, middleware, developer tools, etc.configureStore()

The following is a basic example of using :configureStore()

javascriptCopy codeimport { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit'
import rootReducer from './reducer'

const store = configureStore({
  reducer: rootReducer,

export default store

In this example, we import the function and our own. Then we call , pass in as a parameter, and create a new Redux store.configureStorerootReducerconfigureStorerootReducer

configureStore() Comes with some excellent default settings:

  1. Redux Thunk Middleware: Redux Thunk is a Redux middleware that allows us to write asynchronous logic and dispatch actions when needed. Redux Thunk is enabled by default.configureStore()
  2. Redux DevTools Extended Integration: Redux DevTools is a powerful developer tool for tracking state changes, logging actions, time travel debugging, and more. Support for Redux DevTools is enabled by default.configureStore()
  3. Automatic merge reducer: You can pass an object to the option of , and each property of this object is a separate reducer. These reducers are automatically merged and you no longer need to use them.configureStore()reducerconfigureStore()combineReducers()
  4. Automatically check state and action immutability: In development mode, automatically check if your reducer is modifying state or action. This helps you find and fix errors in your code.configureStore()

Overall, provides an easier and more convenient way to create a Redux store, with some developer-friendly default settings built in.configureStore()


Please explain in detail the practical exercise: Refactoring the application ChatGPT with the Redux Toolkit

Let’s say we have a counter app built using the original Redux. Now we’ll use the Redux Toolkit to refactor it.

Here is the original Redux code:

javascriptCopy code// actions.js
export const INCREMENT = 'INCREMENT';
export const DECREMENT = 'DECREMENT';

export const increment = () => ({ type: INCREMENT });
export const decrement = () => ({ type: DECREMENT });

// reducer.js
import { INCREMENT, DECREMENT } from './actions';

const initialState = 0;

export const counterReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
  switch (action.type) {
    case INCREMENT:
      return state + 1;
    case DECREMENT:
      return state - 1;
      return state;

// store.js
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import { counterReducer } from './reducer';

const store = createStore(counterReducer);

export default store;

Now we use the Redux Toolkit to refactor it:

javascriptCopy code// slice.js
import { createSlice } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';

const counterSlice = createSlice({
  name: 'counter',
  initialState: 0,
  reducers: {
    increment: state => state + 1,
    decrement: state => state - 1

export const { increment, decrement } = counterSlice.actions;

export default counterSlice.reducer;

// store.js
import { configureStore } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import counterReducer from './slice';

const store = configureStore({
  reducer: counterReducer

export default store;

在新代码中,我们使用 创建了一个包含 reducer 和 action creators 的 slice。我们导出了 action creators 和 reducer,所以我们可以在其他地方使用它们。createSlice()

然后我们使用 创建了 store,这个函数自动应用了 Redux Thunk 和 Redux DevTools 扩展,并且可以自动合并多个 reducer。configureStore()

现在,我们的代码更简洁,更容易理解。我们使用了更少的样板代码,可以更专注于实际的业务逻辑。这就是 Redux Toolkit 的优势。


Please summarize this tutorial on ChatGPT

Good, let’s review the main takeaways from this Redux tutorial:

  1. What is Redux: We explain what Redux is and how it can be used to manage the state of JavaScript applications.
  2. How Redux works: We discussed the main parts of Redux (actions, reducers, and store) and how they work together to manage state.
  3. How to use Redux: We detail how to create and send actions, how to define and use reducers, and how to create and use stores. We also discussed how to subscribe to the store, how to update status, and how to integrate Redux with React using the react-redux library.
  4. Redux Middleware: We explain what Redux Middleware is and how to use Redux Thunk to handle asynchronous operations.
  5. Redux DevTools: We covered how to install and configure Redux DevTools, and how to use it for debugging.
  6. Designing Redux applications: We explain with examples how to design actions and reducers, how to create store and React components, and how to use Redux for state management. We also discuss some of Redux’s best practices, including state normalization, using selectors, and handling asynchronous operations.
  7. Redux Toolkit: Finally, we introduced the Redux Toolkit, a set of tools developed by the Redux team to simplify the use of Redux. We discussed how to use Create Reducers and Actions, and how to use Create Store. We also show examples of how to refactor Redux applications using the Redux Toolkit.createSlice()configureStore()

This tutorial is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to Redux so that you can understand and use Redux to manage the state of your application. Hope you benefit from it.


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