Getting Start With Notion API

I want to do a video of IT tutorial, can you arrange the text content of the video tutorial for me according to the content of the website. Let’s start with the Notion API tutorial, and you will give me a list of things to cover. ChatGPT

Of course! Here’s a summary of the Notion API-based video tutorial:

  1. Course description
    • Introduces the basic concepts and uses of the Notion API
    • Course objectives and expected results
  2. Overview of the Notion API
    • Functionality of the Notion API
    • API keys and permissions
    • API endpoints and data structures
  3. Preparations
    • Sign up for a Notion account
    • Create a new integration
    • Get the API key
  4. Set up your development environment
    • Install Python and necessary libraries (such as requests)
    • Create a Python project using a text editor or IDE
  5. Meet the Notion API object
    • Database
    • Page
    • Block
  6. Read the Notion database
    • Use the API key to obtain user information
    • List all databases
    • Gets information for a specific database
  7. Create and edit pages
    • Creates a new page in the specified database
    • Add content to the new page
    • Update the content of an existing page
  8. Use blocks and content
    • Create and edit different types of blocks (such as text blocks, title blocks, and so on)
    • Nested block structure
  9. Filter and sort database content
    • Use filters to query pages for specific criteria
    • Sort the query results
  10. Listen for Notion events (Webhooks)
    • Create a webhook
    • Handle webhook events
  11. Practical application cases
    • Show a simple project built using the Notion API
    • Analyze project code and implementation ideas
  12. Course summary
    • Review the highlights of this course
    • Explore other possible uses of the Notion API
    • Resources and advice for extended learning are available

This is a preliminary summary of the Notion API tutorial that you can adapt to your actual needs. Hope this helps!


Please explain in detail the basic concepts and uses of the Notion API

The previous model used in this conversation is unavailable. We’ve switched you to the latest default modelChatGPT

The Notion API (Application Programming Interface) is a set of programming interfaces provided by Notion, allowing developers to programmatically access and manage content in Notion. The Notion API allows developers to create, read, update, and delete everything from databases, pages, and blocks in Notion, allowing them to automate or extend Notion’s functionality in other applications or tools.

The basic concepts and uses of the Notion API are detailed below:

  1. Basic concepts
    • Database: In Notion, a database is a structured form of data that can be organized and queried, and each database can contain multiple pages. The Notion API allows developers to read and edit content in a database, such as adding new pages, updating existing pages, filtering and sorting pages, and more.
    • Page: In Notion, a page is an instance in a database that represents a specific thing or topic. Each page can contain multiple blocks, such as text, pictures, lists, and so on. The Notion API allows developers to create and edit pages, such as adding new blocks, updating existing blocks, etc.
    • Block: In Notion, blocks are a fundamental part of a page and can contain a variety of content types such as text, images, embedded content, etc. The Notion API allows developers to create and edit blocks, such as adding new text blocks, updating existing text blocks, and more.
  2. Main uses
    • Automate tasks in Notion: Using the Notion API, developers can write scripts or applications to automate tasks in Notion, such as automatically creating new pages or blocks at specified times, or updating page content based on specific conditions.
    • Extend the functionality of Notion: Using the Notion API, developers can integrate Notion with other applications or tools to extend its functionality. For example, Notion can be integrated with a mail client to convert specific emails into Notion pages; Or integrate Notion with task management tools and use Notion pages as task checklists.
    • Build apps: Using the Notion API, developers can build apps so that users can access and edit content in Notion directly in the app. For example, a Notion client can be built that allows users to access Notion pages without opening a browser.
    • Analyze data in Notion: Using the Notion API, developers can easily extract and analyze data in Notion for data analysis and visualization. For example, data from the Notion database can be exported to Excel or PowerBI for analysis.

In summary, the Notion API makes it easier for developers to access and manage content in Notion, increasing productivity and extending Notion’s capabilities.


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Please explain in detail the course objectives and expected results ChatGPT

Course objectives refer to the level of skills and knowledge that this course expects students to achieve after learning. Expected outcomes are the specific competencies or application scenarios that students will be able to achieve after completing this course. The following are the objectives and expected outcomes of this course:

  1. target
    • Understand the basic concepts and uses of the Notion API, as well as important concepts such as API keys and permissions.
    • Acquire basic skills in using Python and related libraries to access and manage Notion APIs.
    • Familiarity with the object model of the Notion API, including databases, pages, blocks, etc., and how to read, create, update, and delete these objects.
    • Proficient in querying Notion database content using filters and sorters.
    • Master the basic skills of listening to Notion events using webhooks.
    • Explore the possibilities of building applications using the Notion API.
  2. Expected Results
    • Ability to use Python and related libraries to access and manage the Notion API.
    • Ability to read, create, update, and delete objects such as databases, pages, and blocks in Notion.
    • Ability to query and filter Notion database content using filters and sorters.
    • Ability to use webhooks to listen for Notion events and respond as needed.
    • Ability to explore and build applications based on actual needs, extending the capabilities of Notion.
    • Ability to further learn and explore Notion APIs.

In summary, the goal of this course is to equip students with the basic skills and knowledge to use the Notion API, as well as to understand how to apply the Notion API to scale and automate workflows. The expected outcome is for students to use the Notion API to read and manage content in Notion, and to apply what they have learned to build more efficient and automated workflows.


Please explain in detail the functionality of the Notion API ChatGPT

The Notion API is a set of programmable interfaces that allow developers to programmatically access and manage content in Notion, automating, extending, and integrating Notion’s functionality. Here are the key features of the Notion API:

  1. Read and manage objects such as databases, pages, and blocks in Notion: Using the Notion API, developers can access and manage various objects such as databases, pages, and blocks in Notion. These objects can be read, created, updated, and deleted using API keys and permissions to automate and extend workflows.
  2. Filter and sort Notion database content: Using the Notion API, developers can use filters and sorters to query and filter content in the Notion database. You can set specific criteria as needed, such as filtering and sorting database content by date, status, tags, and so on.
  3. Create and edit Notion pages and blocks: Using the Notion API, developers can create and edit Notion pages and blocks. API keys and permissions can be used to add new pages, blocks, and content, such as adding text, images, links, etc. You can also update the contents of existing pages and blocks.
  4. Nesting and Combining Notion Blocks: Using the Notion API, developers can create, nest, and combine blocks in Notion. API keys and permissions can be used to create new blocks and combine them into nested structures, such as creating lists, tables, embedded content, etc.
  5. Listen for Notion events: Using the Notion API, developers can use webhooks to listen for events that occur in Notion, such as creating, updating, or deleting pages. You can set specific conditions as needed, such as listening only for events for a database or page, for automation and scaling.
  6. Export and analyze data in Notion: Using the Notion API, developers can easily export and analyze data in Notion. Data can be exported to CSV or JSON format and analyzed and visualized using various data analysis tools, such as Excel, PowerBI, etc.

In summary, the function of the Notion API is mainly to allow developers to programmatically access and manage content in Notion to automate, extend and integrate the functionality of Notion, thereby improving productivity and better leveraging the benefits of Notion.


Please explain the API key and permissions ChatGPT in detail

API keys and permissions are two key concepts in the Notion API that empower developers to access and manage content in Notion. The following is a detailed explanation of the API keys and permissions:

  1. API key
    • An API key is a special token that authorizes developers to access and manage content in Notion.
    • Developers can create an integration in Notion and generate an API key.
    • API keys need to be kept confidential and should not be shared with others or used in public.
    • Using API keys, developers can use various API endpoints to access and manage content in Notion, such as reading, creating, updating, and deleting objects such as databases, pages, and blocks.
  2. Permissions
    • Permission in the Notion API refers to the level of permission that the API key has to access and manage content in Notion.
    • The Notion API provides two permission levels: global permissions and individual integration permissions.
    • Global permissions allow API keys to access and manage everything in your Notion account, including all objects such as databases, pages, and blocks.
    • A single integration permission allows API keys to access and manage only the content associated with a specific integration, such as objects such as specific databases, pages, and blocks.
    • Developers can set permission levels for each integration in Notion to control the scope of access to API keys.

In summary, API keys and permissions are two important concepts in the Notion API that empower developers to access and manage content in Notion. An API key is a token that is used to authorize access to and manage content in Notion. Permissions are the level of access and management that an API key has to access and manage content in Notion, which can be controlled globally or restricted to specific integrations.


Please explain the API endpoints and data structure ChatGPT in detail

API endpoints and data structures are two key concepts in the Notion API for accessing and managing content in Notion. The following is a detailed explanation of the API endpoints and data structures:

  1. API endpoints
    • An API endpoint is a URL path in the Notion API that is used to access and manage content in Notion.
    • The Notion API provides many different API endpoints for accessing and managing different types of objects in Notion, such as databases, pages, and blocks.
    • API endpoints typically include HTTP verbs (e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.) and paths (e.g. /database/{database_id}, /pages/{page_id}, etc.).
    • Developers can use API keys and permissions to access and manage these API endpoints in order to read, create, update, and delete content in Notion.
  2. data structure
    • Data structures are the object model in Notion that organizes and manages content in Notion.
    • The data structures supported by the Notion API include databases, pages, blocks, etc.
    • A database is a structured form of data that can be organized and queried, and each database can contain multiple pages.
    • A page is an instance in a database that represents a specific thing or topic. Each page can contain multiple blocks, such as text, pictures, lists, and so on.
    • Blocks are a fundamental part of a page and can contain a variety of content types such as text, pictures, embedded content, and so on.
    • Developers can use API keys and permissions to read, create, update, and delete these data structures in order to automate and extend workflows.

In summary, API endpoints and data structures are two key concepts in the Notion API for accessing and managing content in Notion. API endpoints are URL paths for accessing and managing different types of objects in Notion. Data structures are the object model in Notion that organizes and manages content in Notion, including databases, pages, blocks, and so on. Developers can use API keys and permissions to read, create, update, and delete these data structures to automate, extend, and integrate Notion’s functionality.


Please explain in detail the preparation for registering a Notion account ChatGPT

Before you start learning to use the Notion API, you need to do the preparation. The most important step in this is to sign up for a Notion account. Here’s a detailed explanation of signing up for a Notion account:

  1. Visit the Notion website
    • Open your browser and visit the official website of Notion:
    • Click the “Sign up” button to enter the registration page.
  2. Sign up for an account
    • From the sign-up page, you can choose to sign up with a Google account, GitHub account, or email.
    • If you choose to sign up with email, you’ll need to enter your name, email address, and password, and tick to agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
    • Click the “Sign up” button to complete the account registration.
  3. Verify the email address
    • After registration is complete, Notion sends a verification link to the email address entered.
    • Open the email and click the verification link to complete the email verification.
  4. Get started with Notion
    • Once you’ve signed up and verified your email address, you’re ready to start using Notion.
    • You can create various objects such as pages, databases, blocks, etc., to organize and manage your own content.
    • In addition, you can further learn how to use the Notion API to access and manage content in Notion to automate, extend, and integrate Notion’s functionality.

In conclusion, signing up for a Notion account is one of the important preparations to start learning to use the Notion API. You need to visit the Notion website, choose to sign up with Google, GitHub or email, complete the registration and verify your email address, and you can start using Notion.


Please explain in detail the preparation for creating a new integrated ChatGPT

Before you start learning to use the Notion API, you need to do the preparation. One of them is to create a new integration in Notion and generate an API key. Here’s a detailed explanation of creating a new integration:

  1. Log in to your Notion account
    • Open your browser and visit the official website of Notion:
    • Enter your email and password to log in to your Notion account.
  2. Go to the integration page
    • From the Notion homepage, click on the “Integrations” option in the left navigation bar.
    • In the Integrations page, you can see the integrations that already exist and the option to create a new one.
  3. Create a new integration
    • In the integration page, click the “Add a new integration” button.
    • Enter the integration name and select the Notion page you want to integrate.
    • Click the “Create integration” button to complete the creation of the new integration.
  4. Generate an API key
    • On the new integration page, you can see the API key and permission settings.
    • Click the “Enable API” button to generate an API key.
    • Copy the API key and keep it in a safe place.
  5. Set permissions
    • In the new integration page, you can set the permission level of the API key.
    • You can select global permissions or individual integration permissions to control the scope of access to API keys.
    • Once you’ve set up permissions, you can start using API keys to access and manage content in Notion.

In summary, before you can start using the Notion API, you need to create a new integration and generate an API key. You need to log in to your Notion account, go to the integrations page, create a new integration and generate an API key, and then set the permission level of the API key. Creating a new integration and generating an API key is a critical step in the preparation and must be done correctly to start using the Notion API.


Please explain in detail the preparation to get the API key ChatGPT

Before you can start using the Notion API, you need to do the preparation. One of them is to get API keys to empower developers to access and manage content in Notion. The following is a detailed explanation of getting the API key:

  1. Create a new integration
    • Log in to your Notion account and go to the integrations page.
    • Click the “Add a new integration” button to create a new integration.
    • Enter the integration name and select the Notion page you want to integrate.
  2. Enable the Notion API
    • On the new integration page, click the “Enable API” button to enable the Notion API.
    • An API key will be automatically generated and displayed on the page.
  3. Copy the API key
    • Copy the system-generated API key and keep it in a safe place.
    • Be careful not to share the API key with others or use it in public.
  4. Set the permission level of the API key
    • In the new integration page, you can set the permission level of the API key.
    • You can select global permissions or individual integration permissions to control the scope of access to API keys.
    • Once you’ve set up permissions, you can start using API keys to access and manage content in Notion.

In conclusion, getting an API key is one of the important preparations to start using the Notion API. You need to create a new integration and enable the Notion API, then copy the API key and set the permission level of the API key. API keys are tokens necessary to access and manage content in Notion and must be kept confidential and secure. Obtaining an API key is a critical step in the preparation and must be done correctly to start using the Notion API.


Please explain in detail the installation of Python and the necessary libraries (such as requests) for setting up the development environment ChatGPT

Before you can start using the Notion API, you need to configure your development environment, which includes installing Python and the necessary libraries. The following is a detailed explanation of installing Python and the necessary libraries:

  1. Install Python
  2. Install the requests library
    • requests is a Python library for sending HTTP requests to communicate with the Notion API.
    • You can use the pip tool, Python’s package management tool, to install the requests library.
    • Open a terminal (Mac/Linux) or command prompt (Windows) and enter the following command to install the requests library: Copy codepip install requests
  3. Other libraries
    • If you need to use other Python libraries for specific functionality, you can use the pip tool to install these libraries.
    • You can check the official documentation or third-party tutorials to understand the required libraries and install them using the pip command.

In conclusion, configuring the development environment is one of the important preparations to start using the Notion API. A Python environment and necessary Python libraries, such as requests, need to be installed in order to communicate with the Notion API. These libraries can be installed using the pip tool, or other methods can be used. Installing Python and the required libraries is a critical step in the preparation and must be done correctly to start using the Notion API.


Please explain in detail how to set up a development environment using a text editor or IDE to create a Python project ChatGPT

After configuring the development environment, you need to use a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) to create a Python project. Here’s a detailed explanation of creating a Python project with a text editor or IDE:

  1. Select a text editor or IDE
    • You can choose any text editor or IDE that suits your personal preferences and project needs.
    • Commonly used text editors are VS Code, Sublime Text, Atom, Notepad++, etc.
    • Commonly used IDEs are PyCharm, Visual Studio, Spyder, etc.
  2. Create a Python project
    • Open a text editor or IDE and choose to create a new Python project.
    • Create a new Python file in the project directory, such as
    • Write Python code in files and use the Notion API to access and manage content in Notion.
  3. Import the necessary libraries
    • In Python code, you need to import the required libraries, such as the requests library.
    • The requests library can be imported using the following statement: arduinoCopy codeimport requests
  4. Run the Python project
    • In a text editor or IDE, you can run Python code directly and see the results.
    • Or you can go to the project directory in the terminal or command prompt and run Python code, such as cssCopy codepython

In conclusion, creating a Python project with a text editor or IDE is one of the important preparations to start using the Notion API. You need to choose a text editor or IDE that suits your personal preferences and project needs, create a new Python project, and write Python code to access and manage content in Notion using the Notion API. In Python code, you need to import the required libraries, such as the requests library. You can run Python code directly in a text editor or IDE, or you can run Python code in a terminal or command prompt. Creating a Python project is one of the key steps in the preparation and must be done correctly to start using the Notion API.


Please explain in detail the database of the Notion API object, ChatGPT

In the Notion API, Database is an important object type for organizing and managing structured data. Here’s a detailed explanation of the database:

  1. Database overview
    • A database is a structured form of data that can be organized and queried.
    • In Notion, databases are often used to organize and manage large amounts of structured data, such as project management, customer relationship management, blog posts, etc.
    • A database can contain multiple pages, each of which is an instance in the database.
  2. Database structure
    • A database consists of several properties, each representing a type of data, such as text, numbers, dates, and so on.
    • Properties can be defined as different types, such as single line of text, multiple lines of text, numbers, check boxes, dates, people, and so on.
    • You can define multiple properties in the database and arrange them together as needed.
  3. Database page
    • A database page is an instance in a database that represents a record in the database.
    • You can populate the page with data, enter data based on the attribute type, and save it to the database.
    • Each page can contain multiple blocks, such as text, pictures, lists, and so on.
  4. Database API endpoints
    • The Notion API provides a set of API endpoints for accessing and managing database objects.
    • You can use API endpoints to read, create, update, and delete pages in your database to automate and extend workflows.

In summary, databases are an important object type in the Notion API for organizing and managing structured data. A database consists of several properties, each representing a type of data, such as text, numbers, dates, and so on. You can define multiple properties in the database and arrange them together as needed. A database page is an instance in a database that represents a record in the database that can be populated with data and saved to the database. The Notion API provides a set of API endpoints for accessing and managing database objects to automate and scale workflows.


Please explain in detail the page of the Notion API object ChatGPT

In the Notion API, a page is an important object type for organizing and managing unstructured data. Here’s a detailed explanation of the page:

  1. Page overview
    • Pages are the basic unit in Notion for organizing and managing unstructured data.
    • A page can contain multiple blocks, such as text, pictures, embedded links, and so on.
    • Pages can be used to create blog posts, notes, task lists, and more.
  2. Page structure
    • A page consists of multiple blocks, each of which represents a content type in the page.
    • Blocks can be text, titles, embedded links, lists, pictures, and so on.
    • Blocks can be added, removed, and moved as needed to adjust the structure and content of the page.
  3. Page properties
    • Pages can have properties such as title, tags, status, and so on.
    • Properties can be defined as different types as needed, such as text, selection, date, and so on.
    • You can add attributes to your page and associate them with blocks and content.
  4. Page API endpoint
    • The Notion API provides a set of API endpoints for accessing and managing page objects.
    • Pages can be read, created, updated, and deleted using API endpoints to automate and scale workflows.

In summary, pages are an important object type in the Notion API for organizing and managing unstructured data. A page consists of multiple blocks, each of which represents a content type in the page. Blocks can be text, titles, embedded links, lists, pictures, and so on. Pages can have properties such as title, tags, status, and so on. Properties can be defined as different types and associated with blocks and content. The Notion API provides a set of API endpoints for accessing and managing page objects to automate and scale workflows.


Please explain in detail the block of the Notion API object ChatGPT

In the Notion API, a block is an important object type used to represent content in a page. Here is a detailed explanation of the block:

  1. Block overview
    • A block is the basic unit used in Notion to represent the content in a page.
    • Blocks can be text, titles, embedded links, lists, pictures, and so on.
    • Blocks are the basic building blocks of a page that can be added, removed, and moved to adjust the structure and content of the page.
  2. Block type
    • The Notion API supports multiple block types, including text, titles, embedded links, lists, images, and more.
    • Different types of blocks have different properties and methods and can be used for different purposes and scenarios.
  3. Block attribute
    • Blocks can have attributes such as text content, link address, title, and so on.
    • Properties can be defined as different types based on the block type, such as text, URL, date, and so on.
    • You can use API endpoints to read, create, update, and delete the properties of a block to automate and scale workflows.
  4. Block API endpoint
    • The Notion API provides a set of API endpoints for accessing and managing block objects.
    • Blocks can be read, created, updated, and deleted using API endpoints to automate and scale workflows.

In summary, blocks are an important object type in the Notion API for representing content in a page. Blocks can be text, titles, embedded links, lists, pictures, and so on. Blocks are the basic building blocks of a page that can be added, removed, and moved to adjust the structure and content of the page. Blocks can have attributes such as text content, link address, title, and so on. Properties can be defined as different types and accessed and managed using API endpoints to automate and scale workflows.


Please explain in detail reading the Notion database using the API key to obtain user information ChatGPT

Before reading a database using the Notion API, you need to authenticate with an API key. API keys can be used to access various endpoints of the Notion API, including reading databases. The following is a detailed explanation of using API keys to retrieve user information for reading the Notion database:

  1. Get the API key
    • You can create a new integration in Notion’s Developer Center and generate an API key.
    • In the integrated settings page, the generated API key can be found and used to access the Notion API.
  2. Read the database
    • You can use API endpoints to access the database and read the data in it.
    • HTTP GET requests can be made using the requests library in Python and the API key can be passed into the request header as a Bearer Token.
    • The request URL should contain the ID of the database, for example: kotlinCopy codedatabase_id = 'database_id' url = f'{database_id}/query' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) data = response.json()
  3. Get user information
    • The API response contains information about the pages in the database.
    • The properties and values of the page can be taken from the response and used for further processing.
    • You can use API endpoints to get user information, including name, email, etc., such as kotlinCopy codeurl = '' response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) data = response.json()

In summary, reading a database using the Notion API requires authentication using an API key and accessing the database using an API endpoint. HTTP GET requests can be made using the requests library in Python and the API key can be passed into the request header as a Bearer Token. The API response contains information about the page in the database, and the properties and values of the page can be taken from the response and used for further processing. You can use API endpoints to get user information, including name, email, etc.


Please explain in detail Read Notion database list all databases ChatGPT

Before reading a database using the Notion API, you can list all databases in a user account so that you can select which databases to read. The following is a detailed explanation of reading the Notion database to list all the databases:

  1. Use the API key for authentication
    • You first need to authenticate with the API key to access the endpoint of the Notion API.
    • You can create a new integration in Notion’s Developer Center and generate an API key.
    • In the integrated settings page, the generated API key can be found and used to access the Notion API.
  2. List all databases
    • All databases can be accessed using the API endpoint, listing all databases in a user account.
    • HTTP GET requests can be made using the requests library in Python and the API key can be passed into the request header as a Bearer Token.
    • The request URL is, for example: kotlinCopy codeurl = '' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) data = response.json()
  3. Process response data
    • The API response contains information about all databases.
    • Properties such as ID, name, and so on for each database can be taken from the response and used for further processing. lessCopy codedatabases = data['results'] for db in databases: database_id = db['id'] database_name = db['title'][0]['text']['content'] print(f"Database '{database_name}' has ID '{database_id}'")

In summary, listing all databases using the Notion API requires authentication using API keys and accessing all databases using API endpoints. HTTP GET requests can be made using the requests library in Python and the API key can be passed into the request header as a Bearer Token. The API response contains information about all the databases, and attributes such as ID, name, etc. of each database can be taken from the response and used for further processing. This process can help you find the databases to read and prepare the API endpoints to access them.


Please explain in detail reading the Notion database to get the information of a specific database ChatGPT

Before reading a database using the Notion API, you need to determine the ID of the database you want to read. You can use the API endpoint to list all databases and get the ID of the desired database from the response. The following is a detailed explanation of reading the Notion database to get information about a specific database:

  1. Use the API key for authentication
    • You first need to authenticate with the API key to access the endpoint of the Notion API.
    • You can create a new integration in Notion’s Developer Center and generate an API key.
    • In the integrated settings page, the generated API key can be found and used to access the Notion API.
  2. Gets information for a specific database
    • You can use API endpoints to access specific databases and read the data in them.
    • You need to provide the ID of the required database and make an HTTP GET request using the requests library in Python and pass the API key as a Bearer token into the request header.
    • The request URL should contain the ID of the database, for example: kotlinCopy codedatabase_id = 'database_id' url = f'{database_id}' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } response = requests.get(url, headers=headers) data = response.json()
  3. Process response data
    • The API response contains information about a specific database.
    • You can get the name, properties, pages, and so on of the database from the response and use them for further processing. cssCopy codedatabase_name = data['title'][0]['text']['content'] properties = data['properties'] pages = data['parent']['database_pages']

In summary, reading information from a specific database using the Notion API requires authentication using an API key and accessing a specific database using an API endpoint. You need to provide the ID of the required database and make an HTTP GET request using the requests library in Python and pass the API key as a Bearer token into the request header. The API response contains information about a specific database, from which information such as the name, properties, pages, etc. of the database can be obtained and used for further processing.


Please explain in detail to create and edit pages Create new pages in the specified database ChatGPT

In the Notion API, you can use API endpoints to create and edit pages in a specified database. The following is a detailed explanation of creating and editing pagesCreating new pages in the specified database:

  1. Use the API key for authentication
    • You first need to authenticate with the API key to access the endpoint of the Notion API.
    • You can create a new integration in Notion’s Developer Center and generate an API key.
    • In the integrated settings page, the generated API key can be found and used to access the Notion API.
  2. Determine the ID of the desired database
    • Before you can create a new page in the specified database, you need to determine the ID of the desired database.
    • You can use the API endpoint to list all databases and get the ID of the desired database from the response.
  3. Create a new page
    • You can use API endpoints to create new pages in a specified database.
    • HTTP POST requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key is passed into the request header as a Bearer Token.
    • The request URL should contain the ID of the database and contain the properties and values of the page to be created, for example: cssCopy codedatabase_id = 'database_id' url = f'' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'parent': {'database_id': database_id}, 'properties': { 'Title': {'title': [{'text': {'content': 'New Page'}}]}, 'Tags': {'multi_select': [{'name': 'Tag 1'}, {'name': 'Tag 2'}]}, 'Status': {'select': {'name': 'In Progress'}}, }, } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()
  4. Edit an existing page
    • You can use the API endpoint to edit an existing page and update its properties and values.
    • You need to provide the ID of the page you want to edit and make an HTTP PATCH request using the requests library in Python and pass the API key as a Bearer token into the request header.
    • The request URL should contain the ID of the page to be edited and contain the properties and values to update, for example: pythonCopy codepage_id = 'page_id' url = f'{page_id}' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'properties': { 'Status': {'select': {'name': 'Completed'}}, }, } response = requests.patch(url, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()

In summary, the Notion API allows you to create and edit pages in a specified database. You need to authenticate with an API key and access databases and pages using the API endpoint. HTTP POST or PATCH requests can be made using the requests library in Python and the API key is passed into the request header as a Bearer Token. When you create a new page, you need to provide the ID of the database and include the properties and values of the page you want to create. In the edit now


qjx ChatGPT

Sorry, I don’t understand your question. Can you provide more context or clarify your question? I will try my best to answer your questions.


Please continue with ChatGPT

Thank you very much for your reply. Please tell me which topic you need me to continue explaining or explaining and I will do my best to answer your questions.


Please go ahead and explain creating and editing pages to create new pages in the specified database of ChatGPT

I’m sorry my previous answer was interrupted, here is a further explanation of creating and editing pages to create new pages in the specified database:

  1. Process response data
    • After you create a new page or edit an existing page, the API response will contain information about the page.
    • The ID, name, properties, and values of the page can be obtained from the response and used for further processing. cssCopy codepage_id = data['id'] page_title = data['properties']['Title']['title'][0]['text']['content'] page_tags = data['properties']['Tags']['multi_select'] page_status = data['properties']['Status']['select']['name']

In summary, the Notion API allows you to create and edit pages in a specified database. You need to authenticate with an API key and access databases and pages using the API endpoint. HTTP POST or PATCH requests can be made using the requests library in Python and the API key is passed into the request header as a Bearer Token. When you create a new page, you need to provide the ID of the database and include the properties and values of the page you want to create. When editing an existing page, you need to provide the ID of the page you want to edit, including the properties and values you want to update. When processing response data, you can get the ID, name, properties, and values of the page from the response and use them for further processing.


Please explain in detail creating and editing pages, adding content to new pages ChatGPT

In the Notion API, you can use the API endpoint to create and edit pages and add various content to new pages, such as text, lists, images, attachments, etc. Here’s a detailed explanation of creating and editing pages to add content to new pages:

  1. Determine the block ID to which you want to add content
    • Before you can add content to a new page, you need to determine the block ID to which you want to add content.
    • You can access the page using the API endpoint, read the block of the page, and get the block ID from the response to add the content.
  2. Add a text block
    • You can use the API endpoint to add a block of text to a new page.
    • HTTP PATCH requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key passed as a Bearer Token into the request header.
    • The request URL should contain the block ID of the content to be added and contain the text content to be added, for example: pythonCopy codeblock_id = 'block_id' url = f'{block_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'paragraph', 'paragraph': {'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is a new paragraph.'}}]}, } response = requests.patch(url, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()
  3. Add a list block
    • You can use the API endpoint to add a list block to a new page.
    • HTTP PATCH requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key passed as a Bearer Token into the request header.
    • The request URL should contain the block ID of the content to be added and contain the list item to be added, for example: pythonCopy codeblock_id = 'block_id' url = f'{block_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'bulleted_list_item', 'bulleted_list_item': {'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is a new list item.'}}]}, } response = requests.patch(url, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()
  4. Add a picture block
    • You can use the API endpoint to add image blocks to a new page.
    • HTTP PATCH requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key passed as a Bearer Token into the request header.
    • The request URL should contain the block ID of the content to be added, and contain the image URL and title to be added, for example: pythonCopy codeblock_id = 'block_id' url = f'{block_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'embed', 'embed': { 'url': '',

Please continue with ChatGPT

I’m sorry my previous answer was interrupted, here is a further explanation of creating and editing pages to add content to new pages:

  1. Add an image block (continued)
    • You can use the API endpoint to add image blocks to a new page.
    • HTTP PATCH requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key passed as a Bearer Token into the request header.
    • The request URL should contain the block ID of the content to be added, and contain the image URL and title to be added, for example: pythonCopy codeblock_id = 'block_id' url = f'{block_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'embed', 'embed': { 'url': '', 'caption': [{'text': {'content': 'This is an image.'}}], }, } response = requests.patch(url, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()
  2. Add an attachment block
    • You can use the API endpoint to add attachment blocks to new pages.
    • HTTP PATCH requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key passed as a Bearer Token into the request header.
    • The request URL should contain the block ID of the content to be added, and contain the attachment URL and title to be added, for example: pythonCopy codeblock_id = 'block_id' url = f'{block_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'file', 'file': { 'name': 'example.pdf', 'external': {'url': ''}, }, } response = requests.patch(url, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()

In summary, using the Notion API, you can create and edit pages and add various content to new pages, such as text, lists, images, attachments, etc. You need to authenticate with an API key and access pages and blocks using an API endpoint. HTTP PATCH requests can be made using the requests library in Python and the API key passed as a Bearer Token into the request header. When you add a block, you need to provide the block ID of the content to be added, and include the type, value, and other information of the content to be added. When processing response data, information such as ID, type, value, etc. of the added block can be obtained from the response and used for further processing.


Please explain in detail the content of updating an existing page on ChatGPT

In the Notion API, you can use API endpoints to update the content of an existing page, including modifying the content of an existing block, adding a new block, moving an existing block, etc. Here’s a detailed explanation of updating the contents of an existing page:

  1. Determine the block ID of the content to update
    • Before updating the content of an existing page, you need to determine the block ID of the content you want to update.
    • You can access the page using the API endpoint, read the block of the page, and get the block ID from the response to update the content.
  2. Update the text block
    • Existing text blocks can be updated using API endpoints.
    • HTTP PATCH requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key passed as a Bearer Token into the request header.
    • The request URL should contain the block ID of the content to be updated, and contain the text content to update, for example: pythonCopy codeblock_id = 'block_id' url = f'{block_id}' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'paragraph', 'paragraph': {'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is an updated paragraph.'}}]}, } response = requests.patch(url, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()
  3. Add a new block
    • You can use API endpoints to add new blocks to existing pages.
    • HTTP PATCH requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key passed as a Bearer Token into the request header.
    • The request URL should contain the block ID of the new block to be added, and contain the type and value of the block to be added, for example: pythonCopy codeblock_id = 'block_id' url = f'{block_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'paragraph', 'paragraph': {'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is a new paragraph.'}}]}, } response = requests.patch(url, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()
  4. Move an existing block
    • You can use API endpoints to move existing blocks to other locations.
    • HTTP PATCH requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key passed as a Bearer Token into the request header.
    • The request URL should contain the block ID to be moved and the location to be moved, for example: pythonCopy codeblock_id = 'block_id' url = f'{block_id}/move' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'parent': {'page_id': 'page_id'}, 'position': 'after_block', 'after_block

Please continue with ChatGPT

I’m sorry my previous answer was interrupted, here is a further explanation of updating the content of an existing page:

  1. Move an existing block (continued)
    • You can use API endpoints to move existing blocks to other locations.
    • HTTP PATCH requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key passed as a Bearer Token into the request header.
    • The request URL should contain the block ID to be moved and the location to be moved, for example: pythonCopy codeblock_id = 'block_id' url = f'{block_id}/move' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'parent': {'page_id': 'page_id'}, 'position': 'after_block', 'after_block': 'after_block_id', } response = requests.patch(url, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()

In summary, using the Notion API you can update the content of an existing page, including modifying the content of an existing block, adding a new block, moving an existing block, etc. You need to authenticate with an API key and access pages and blocks using an API endpoint. HTTP PATCH requests can be made using the requests library in Python and the API key passed as a Bearer Token into the request header. When updating a block, you need to provide the block ID of the content to be updated, and include the type, value, and other information of the content to be updated. When you add a block, you need to provide the block ID of the new block, and include the type, value, and other information of the block to be added. When you move a block, you need to provide the block ID to be moved and include the location to move, such as in front of or behind another block. When processing response data, information such as IDs, types, values, and so on of the updated or added blocks can be obtained from the response and used for further processing.


Please explain in detail the different types of blocks (such as text blocks, title blocks, etc.) that use blocks and content in ChatGPT

In the Notion API, you can use API endpoints to create and edit different types of blocks, such as text blocks, title blocks, task blocks, list blocks, embed blocks, image blocks, attachment blocks, etc. The following is a detailed explanation of the different types of blocks created and edited using blocks and content:

  1. Create a text block
    • New text blocks can be created using API endpoints.
    • HTTP POST requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key is passed into the request header as a Bearer Token.
    • The request URL should contain the ID of the page to be added to the block and contain the text content to be added, for example: pythonCopy codepage_id = 'page_id' url = f'{page_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'paragraph', 'paragraph': {'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is a new paragraph.'}}]}, } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()
  2. Create a title block
    • New title blocks can be created using API endpoints.
    • HTTP POST requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key is passed into the request header as a Bearer Token.
    • The request URL should contain the ID of the page to which the block is to be added, and the title content and level to be added, for example: pythonCopy codepage_id = 'page_id' url = f'{page_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'heading_1', 'heading_1': {'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is a new heading.'}}]}, } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()
  3. Create a task block
    • You can use the API endpoint to create a new task block.
    • HTTP POST requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key is passed into the request header as a Bearer Token.
    • The request URL should contain the ID of the page to be added to the block, and contain the content and status of the task to be added, for example: pythonCopy codepage_id = 'page_id' url = f'{page_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'to_do', 'to_do': {'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is a new task.'}}], 'checked': False}, } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()
  4. Create a list block
    • Can be used

Please continue with ChatGPT

I’m sorry my previous answer was interrupted, here is a further explanation of the different types of blocks created and edited using blocks and content:

  1. Create a list block
    • New list blocks can be created using API endpoints.
    • HTTP POST requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key is passed into the request header as a Bearer Token.
    • The request URL should contain the ID of the page to add the block, and contain the list content and type to be added, for example: pythonCopy codepage_id = 'page_id' url = f'{page_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'bulleted_list_item', 'bulleted_list_item': {'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is a new bulleted item.'}}]}, } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()
  2. Create an embedding block
    • New embedding blocks can be created using API endpoints.
    • HTTP POST requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key is passed into the request header as a Bearer Token.
    • The request URL should contain the ID of the page to be added to the block and contain the embed to be added, for example: pythonCopy codepage_id = 'page_id' url = f'{page_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'embed', 'embed': {'url': ''}, } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()
  3. Create a picture block
    • New image blocks can be created using API endpoints.
    • HTTP POST requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key is passed into the request header as a Bearer Token.
    • The request URL should contain the ID of the page to be added to the block, and contain the image content and properties to be added, for example: pythonCopy codepage_id = 'page_id' url = f'{page_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } files = { 'file': open('image.jpg', 'rb'), } response =, headers=headers, files=files) data = response.json()
  4. Create an attachment block
    • New attachment blocks can be created using API endpoints.
    • HTTP POST requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key is passed into the request header as a Bearer Token.
    • The request URL should contain

Please continue with ChatGPT

I’m sorry my previous answer was interrupted, here is a further explanation of the different types of blocks created and edited using blocks and content:

  1. Create an attachment block
    • New attachment blocks can be created using API endpoints.
    • HTTP POST requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key is passed into the request header as a Bearer Token.
    • The request URL should contain the page ID to be added to the block, and contain the attachment content and properties to be added, for example: pythonCopy codepage_id = 'page_id' url = f'{page_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } files = { 'file': open('document.pdf', 'rb'), } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'file', 'file': {'type': 'pdf', 'name': 'Document.pdf'}, } response =, headers=headers, files=files, json=payload) data = response.json()

In summary, different types of blocks such as text blocks, title blocks, task blocks, list blocks, embed blocks, image blocks, attachment blocks, etc. can be created and edited using the Notion API endpoint. When you create a block, you need to provide the page ID of the block you want to add, and include the content, type, and attributes you want to add. When editing a block, you need to provide the block ID of the block to be edited, and include the content, type, and attributes to be edited. HTTP POST or PATCH requests need to be made using the requests library in Python and the API key is passed into the request header as a Bearer token. When creating or editing blocks, payloads and files need to be built based on the block type and the content and properties to be added or edited. When processing response data, information such as ID, type, value, and so on of the created or edited block can be obtained from the response and used for further processing.


Please explain in detail the nested block structure using blocks and content in ChatGPT

In Notion, a block can contain other blocks, forming a nested structure of blocks. For example, you can create a block structure in a page that contains title blocks, text blocks, and nested list blocks. Here’s a detailed explanation of the nested block structure that uses blocks and content:

  1. Nested blocks of text
    • You can add additional text blocks to the text block, forming a nested text block structure.
    • You need to include a list of children in the payload of the main text block, and add the text blocks to be nested in the subblock list, for example: cssCopy codepage_id = 'page_id' url = f'{page_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'paragraph', 'paragraph': { 'text': [ {'text': {'content': 'This is a paragraph with nested text blocks.'}}, {'text': {'content': 'This is a nested text block.'}}, ], 'children': [ {'object': 'block', 'type': 'text', 'text': {'content': 'This is a child text block.'}}, ], }, } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()
  2. Nested list blocks
    • You can add additional list blocks to the list block, forming a nested list block structure.
    • You need to include a list of children in the payload of the main list block, and add the list blocks to be nested in the child block list, for example: cssCopy codepage_id = 'page_id' url = f'{page_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'numbered_list_item', 'numbered_list_item': { 'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is a numbered list item with nested list items.'}}], 'children': [ { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'bulleted_list_item', 'bulleted_list_item': {'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is a nested bulleted list item.'}}]}, }, { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'numbered_list_item', 'numbered_list_item': {'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is a nested numbered list item.'}}]}, }, ], }, } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()
  3. Nested title blocks
    • You can add additional title blocks to the title block, forming a nested title block structure.
    • Need:

Please continue with ChatGPT

I’m sorry my previous answer was interrupted, here is a further explanation of the nested block structure that uses blocks and content:

  1. Nested title blocks
    • You can add additional title blocks to the title block, forming a nested title block structure.
    • You need to include a list of children in the payload of the main header block, and add the title block to be nested in the subblock list, for example: cssCopy codepage_id = 'page_id' url = f'{page_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'heading_1', 'heading_1': { 'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is a heading with nested headings.'}}], 'children': [ {'object': 'block', 'type': 'heading_2', 'heading_2': {'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is a nested heading 2.'}}]}}, {'object': 'block', 'type': 'heading_2', 'heading_2': {'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is another nested heading 2.'}}]}}, ], }, } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()
  2. Nested task blocks
    • You can add other task blocks to the task block, forming a nested task block structure.
    • You need to include a list of children in the payload of the main task block, and add task blocks to be nested in the subblock list, such as cssCopy codepage_id = 'page_id' url = f'{page_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'to_do', 'to_do': { 'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is a to-do with nested to-dos.'}}], 'children': [ {'object': 'block', 'type': 'to_do', 'to_do': {'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is a nested to-do.'}}]}}, {'object': 'block', 'type': 'to_do', 'to_do': {'text': [{'text': {'content': 'This is another nested to-do.'}}]}}, ], }, } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()

When using nested block structures, care needs to be taken to avoid creating overly complex nested structures that will affect the reading and management of blocks. At the same time, you need to pay attention to correctly fetching and resolving the subblock list and subblock content in the nested block structure when processing the response data


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  1. Nested embedding blocks
    • You can add additional embedding blocks to the embedding block, forming a nested embedding block structure.
    • You need to include a list of children in the payload of the main embedded block, and add the embedded blocks to be nested in the subblock list, such as cssCopy codepage_id = 'page_id' url = f'{page_id}/children' headers = { 'Notion-Version': '2021-05-13', 'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } payload = { 'object': 'block', 'type': 'embed', 'embed': { 'url': '', 'caption': [{'type': 'text', 'text': {'content': 'This is an embedded video with nested embedded videos.'}}], 'children': [ {'object': 'block', 'type': 'embed', 'embed': {'url': ''}}, {'object': 'block', 'type': 'embed', 'embed': {'url': ''}}, ], }, } response =, headers=headers, json=payload) data = response.json()

When working with nested block structures, be aware that different types of blocks can contain different types of subblocks. For example, a list block can contain only a block of list items, not a block of text or a title block. Therefore, when working with nested block structures for blocks and content, you need to pay attention to the correct nested block type and subblock type to ensure the correctness and readability of the block.


Please explain in detail how to filter and sort the contents of the database using filters to query specific criteria for ChatGPT

Using the Notion API, you can query the database for pages with specific criteria through filters. Filters allow you to specify criteria when querying the database so that only pages that match the criteria are returned. Here is a detailed explanation of the filter:

  1. The basic structure of the filter
    • A filter is a list of conditions, each consisting of a field name, operator, and action value. For example, you can query a task page in the database with a status of Complete using the following filter: jsonCopy code{ "property": "Status", "select": { "equals": "完成" } }
    • In the above filter, the field represents the field name to filter, the field represents the action to be performed, the operator is represented, and the operation value is represented.propertyselectequals完成
  2. Supported filter actions
    • The Notion API supports a variety of filter operations, including equals, not equal to (does_not_equal), contains, not containing (does_not_contain), and so on. You can select different operators as needed.
    • Here are some commonly used filter operations and their examples: jsonCopy code{ "property": "Status", "select": { "equals": "完成" } } { "property": "Name", "title": { "contains": "项目" } } { "property": "Due Date", "date": { "on_or_after": "2022-01-01" } }
    • In the example above, the first filter queries pages with a status of “Complete”, the second filter queries pages with “Projects” in the title, and the third filter queries pages with a due date of January 2022, 1 or later.
  3. A combination of multiple filters
    • Multiple filters can be combined to query pages that meet multiple criteria. In this case, each filter is separated by a comma. Here’s an example: jsonCopy code{ "and": [ { "property": "Status", "select": { "equals": "完成" } }, { "property": "Due Date", "date": { "on_or_after": "2022-01-01" } } ] }
    • In the example above, two filters are combined using fields to query for pages with a status of Complete and a due date of January 2022, 1 or later.and
  4. Application of filters
    • When querying a database using the Notion API, filters can be used to filter and sort pages to meet different query needs. For example, in a task list, you can use filters to query all outstanding tasks, or sort the task list by due date to better manage tasks.
    • When using filters, you need to pay attention to the correctness and validity of the filters to avoid query results that are not available

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Met expectations. You need to make sure that the field names and operators in the filter are correct, that the operation values match the field type, and that the logic of the filter is correct. In addition, when making advanced queries, you need to consider the performance and responsiveness of filters to ensure that query results can be returned in a reasonable amount of time.

When using the Notion API, you can use the API documentation and developer documentation to understand different types of filter operations and how to use them, and select appropriate filters according to actual needs. You can use the libraries in Python to send API requests and use the response data for post-processing and analysis.requests


Please explain in detail how to filter and sort the contents of the database ChatGPT for sorting query results

In addition to filtering, the Notion API supports sorting query results for better management and presentation of pages. Here’s a detailed explanation of sorting:

  1. The basic structure of sorting
    • A sort is a list of field names and sort direction. One or more fields can be specified for sorting, and each field can be assigned ascending or descending.
    • For example, you can sort a list of tasks in ascending order by due date using the following collation: jsonCopy code{ "property": "Due Date", "direction": "ascending" }
    • In the collation above, the field represents the name of the field to sort, and the field represents the sort direction.propertydirection
  2. Supported sort fields
    • The Notion API supports sorting of multiple fields, including text, numbers, dates, checkboxes, etc. You can select different fields to sort as needed.
    • Here are some commonly used sort fields and their examples: jsonCopy code{ "property": "Name", "direction": "ascending" } { "property": "Due Date", "direction": "descending" } { "property": "Priority", "direction": "ascending" }
    • In the example above, the first collation is sorted ascending by task name, the second collation is sorted by due date, and the third collation is sorted ascending by task priority.
  3. A combination of multiple sort fields
    • You can combine multiple sort fields to meet different sorting needs. In this case, each sort field can specify a different sort direction. Here’s an example: jsonCopy code{ "timestamp": "last_edited_time", "direction": "descending" }, { "property": "Due Date", "direction": "ascending" }
    • In the example above, sort first in descending order by last edit time, and then sort by due date in ascending order.
  4. A combination of filters and sorting
    • You can use a combination of filters and sorting to meet more complex query needs. In this case, first use the filter to filter out the pages that match the criteria, and then use sort to sort the query results. Here’s an example: cssCopy code{ "filter": { "and": [ { "property": "Status", "select": { "equals": "完成" } }, { "property": "Due Date", "date": { "on_or_after": "2022-01-01" } } ] }, "sorts": [ { "property": "Due Date", "direction": "ascending" } ] }
    • In the example above, first use the filter to query for pages with a status of “Complete” and a due date of January 2022, 1 or later, and then follow the cut

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The stop date is sorted in ascending order.

  1. Sorted applications
    • When querying a database using the Notion API, you can use sorting to sort pages according to different criteria for better management and presentation. For example, in a task list, you can sort the task list by due date to better manage tasks. Another example is that in a customer list, you can sort the customer list by customer name or creation time to better manage customers.
    • When using sorting, you need to pay attention to the correctness and validity of the sorting to avoid query results that are not as expected. You need to make sure that the sort field names and sort direction are correct, and that the sort logic is correct. In addition, when making advanced queries, you need to consider the performance and responsiveness of sorting to ensure that query results can be returned in a reasonable amount of time.

When using the Notion API, you can use the API documentation and developer documentation to understand the different types of sorting fields and how to use them, and choose the appropriate sorting method according to actual needs. You can use the libraries in Python to send API requests and use the response data for post-processing and analysis.requests


Please explain in detail how to listen to Notion events (Webhooks) ChatGPT

The Notion API provides Webhooks functionality that allows developers to be notified when specific events occur for subsequent processing. Webhooks are a callback-like mechanism that can receive POST requests at a specified URL to notify developers of the occurrence of specific events.

Here’s a detailed explanation of listening to Notion events:

  1. The basic structure of webhooks
    • Webhooks are a mechanism consisting of an event type, a trigger URL, and an optional authentication token. Webhooks can be set up in Notion to receive notifications when specific events occur, such as pages, databases, or users.
    • For example, you can use the following webhooks to notify a page creation event to a specified URL: arduinoCopy codePOST
    • In the example above, represents the URL that receives event notifications.
  2. Supported event types
    • The Notion API supports multiple event types, including page creation, page update, page deletion, etc. You can select different event types to listen to as needed.
    • Here are some commonly used event types and their examples: cssCopy code"event": { "object": "page", "id": "8c09036c-5f6c-45f7-bb9c-1f7c3c3155e6", "created_time": "2022-05-04T01:23:45.678Z", "last_edited_time": "2022-05-04T01:23:45.678Z" }
    • In the above example, the field represents the event type, which can be , or so on, the field represents the ID of the event object, the field represents the creation time of the event object, and the field represents the last editing time of the event object.objectpagedatabaseuseridcreated_timelast_edited_time
  3. Settings for trigger URLs
    • When setting up webhooks in Notion, you need to specify a URL to receive event notifications. You can set the trigger URL in the webhooks settings and select the type of event you want to listen to. When an event occurs, Notion sends the event data as a POST request to the specified URL.
    • It is important to note that when setting up webhooks, you need to ensure the availability and security of trigger URLs. You need to ensure that the URL can be accessed properly and prevent the URL from being exploited by malicious attackers.
  4. Application of webhooks
    • When developing applications using the Notion API, you can use webhooks to listen for specific events and receive notifications when events occur for subsequent processing. For example, in a task management application, you can use webhooks to listen for update events of tasks in the task list so that relevant people can be notified in a timely manner.
    • When using webhooks, you need to pay attention to the correctness and effectiveness of webhooks to avoid notifications that are not as expected or security issues occur. You need to ensure the correctness of event types and trigger URLs, and consider the responsiveness and security of webhooks.

When using the Notion API, you can do so through the API


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Documentation and developer documentation to learn how to use webhooks and set up and manage webhooks according to actual needs. You can use libraries in Python to receive and process POST requests, and use the response data for post-processing and analysis. It should be noted that when using webhooks, you need to ensure the availability and security of URLs and avoid URLs being exploited by malicious attackers.flask


Please explain in detail a practical use case demonstration: a simple project built using the Notion API: ChatGPT

Below is an example of a simple project built using the Notion API, which uses Notion as a task management tool to easily create, edit, and track tasks. The project is written in Python and uses the Notion API for task management.

Project name: Notion Task Management

Project Objectives:

  1. Create and edit tasks;
  2. Sort tasks by due date and priority;
  3. Automatically mark tasks as completed when they are complete;
  4. Support multi-user sharing of task lists.

Project realization:

  1. Create and edit tasks
    • Create and edit tasks through the Notion API, saving tasks in a specified database.
    • You can use different types of blocks and contents to record the details of a task, such as task name, due date, priority, description, and so on.
  2. Sort tasks by due date and priority
    • Use the Notion API to sort tasks by due date and priority.
    • You can choose different sorting methods according to actual needs, such as creation time and task status.
  3. Automatically mark a task as completed when it completes
    • Listen for the status change of the task and automatically mark the task as completed when the task status changes to “completed”.
    • You can use webhooks to listen for changes in the status of tasks, or periodically query the status of tasks and update the task list.
  4. Support multi-user sharing of task lists
    • Task lists can be shared with multiple users so that multiple people can collaborate on tasks.
    • Access control can be done using the Notion API to restrict access to task lists for different users.

The project can be realized by following these steps:

  1. Sign up for a Notion account and create a database to hold task information;
  2. Create API keys and make API calls using libraries in Python;requests
  3. Create a task management application, including functions such as creating, editing, sorting, and monitoring task status changes;
  4. Use webhooks to listen for task status changes to automatically mark tasks as completed when they are completed;
  5. Use access control to restrict access to task lists for different users.

The project helps users easily create, edit, and track tasks, and can support multi-user sharing of task lists so that multiple people can manage tasks collaboratively. The project can be extended and customized according to actual needs to meet different task management needs.


Please explain in detail the analysis project code and implementation ideas of practical use cases ChatGPT

The following is sample code and implementation ideas for a simple task management project built using the Notion API.

Code implementation:

pythonCopy codeimport requests
import json

# 设置API密钥和数据库ID

# 获取数据库信息
def get_database(database_id):
    url = f"{database_id}"
    headers = {
        "Notion-Version": "2022-05-03",
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}",
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
    response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    database = response.json()
    return database

# 获取任务列表
def get_tasks(database_id):
    url = f"{database_id}/query"
    headers = {
        "Notion-Version": "2022-05-03",
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}",
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
    data = {
        "sorts": [
                "property": "deadline",
                "direction": "ascending"
                "property": "priority",
                "direction": "descending"
    response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
    tasks = response.json()["results"]
    return tasks

# 创建新任务
def create_task(database_id, task_name, deadline, priority):
    url = ""
    headers = {
        "Notion-Version": "2022-05-03",
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}",
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
    data = {
        "parent": {
            "database_id": database_id
        "properties": {
            "Name": {
                "title": [
                        "text": {
                            "content": task_name
            "Deadline": {
                "date": {
                    "start": deadline
            "Priority": {
                "select": {
                    "name": priority
            "Status": {
                "select": {
                    "name": "Not started"
    response =, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
    task = response.json()
    return task

# 更新任务状态
def update_task_status(task_id, status):
    url = f"{task_id}"
    headers = {
        "Notion-Version": "2022-05-03",
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}",
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
    data = {
        "properties": {
            "Status": {
                "select": {
                    "name": status
    response = requests.patch(url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(data))
    task = response.json()
    return task

Implementation ideas:

  1. Define the API key and database ID to call the Notion API;
  2. Defines functions that get information about a specified database;get_database
  3. Define functions to get a list of tasks and sort them by due date and priority;get_tasks
  4. Definition ‘create_task

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  1. Define functions for creating new tasks;create_task
  2. Define functions to update task status;update_task_status
  3. In the main function, first obtain the database information, and create, edit, sort, and update the task status according to actual needs.
  4. You can use webhooks to listen for task status changes so that tasks are automatically marked as completed when they are complete.

The implementation idea of the project is relatively simple, mainly calling the Notion API to achieve the functions of task creation, editing, sorting, and updating. Among them, the library is used to make API calls, and the library is used to process JSON data. The core code of the project includes four functions: , , , and for getting database information, getting task list, creating new tasks, and updating task status. In the main function, you can call these functions according to actual needs to implement task management functions.requestsjsonget_databaseget_taskscreate_taskupdate_task_status

Overall, the project uses Notion as a task management tool that makes it easy to create, edit, and track tasks, and supports multi-user sharing of task lists for multiple people to manage tasks collaboratively. The project can be extended and customized according to actual needs to meet different task management needs.


Please review the highlights of this course: ChatGPT

The highlights of this course are as follows:

  1. The basic concepts and purposes of the Notion API, including the functionality of the Notion API, API keys and permissions, API endpoints and data structures;
  2. Preparations, including registering a Notion account, creating a new integration, obtaining API keys, installing Python and necessary libraries, creating Python projects using a text editor or IDE, etc.;
  3. Basic concepts and usage of Notion API objects, including Database, Page, and Block;
  4. Sample code and implementation ideas for task management using the Notion API, including creating and editing tasks, sorting tasks by due date and priority, automatically marking tasks as completed when they are completed, and supporting multi-user sharing of task lists.

The focus of this course is to introduce the basic concepts and usage of the Notion API, as well as examples of using the Notion API for task management. Through this course, you can master the basic use of Notion API, understand how to use Notion API for task management, and extend and customize the project according to actual needs to meet different task management needs.


Explore other possible uses of the Notion API: ChatGPT

There are many other possible uses for the Notion API besides task management, and here are some examples:

  1. Personal note management: You can use the Notion API to create a personal note management system that allows users to create, edit, organize, and share notes. Through the Notion API, you can automate the processing, export, and synchronization of notes.
  2. Team Knowledge Base: You can use the Notion API to create a team knowledge base to store and share your team’s knowledge and information. The Notion API enables real-time updates and synchronization of the team’s knowledge base so that team members can access the latest knowledge and information at any time.
  3. Event Management: An event management system can be created using the Notion API to manage the schedule, participants, task assignments, etc. of an event. The Notion API enables real-time updates and synchronization of event information so that event organizers can stay informed of the latest event information at any time.
  4. Customer relationship management: You can use the Notion API to create a customer relationship management system that manages customer information, history, task assignments, etc. The Notion API enables real-time updates and synchronization of customer information so that salespeople can stay informed of the latest customer information and sales opportunities.
  5. Knowledge management: You can use the Notion API to create a knowledge management system that manages a variety of knowledge and information, including documents, tutorials, videos, audio, and more. The Notion API enables automated processing, classification, and export of knowledge so that users can easily access and share knowledge.

In summary, the Notion API has many potential uses to provide users with a variety of management and collaboration solutions. Through the understanding and use of the Notion API, users can create custom applications according to their needs and implement features such as automated processing, real-time updates, and multi-platform synchronization to improve efficiency and productivity.


Please provide some resources and suggestions for extended learning on ChatGPT

Here are some extended learning resources and suggestions to help students learn more about the Notion API and related technologies:

  1. Official documentation: Notion officially provides detailed API documentation and development guides to help developers understand how to use the Notion API and best practices. The official documentation also provides some sample code and applications for developers to refer to and learn.
  2. Code Libraries and Sample Applications: Many sample code and open source applications for the Notion API can be found in Github and other open source code bases for students to refer to and learn. Some example applications include the Notion Calendar, the Notion Notes app, the Notion Task Management app, and more.
  3. Online courses and tutorials: Many online courses and tutorials about Notion API can be found on online learning platforms such as Udemy, Coursera, edX, etc., including basic, intermediate, and advanced courses. These courses and tutorials help students systematically learn the Notion API and related technologies.
  4. Communities and Forums: Many discussions and suggestions about the Notion API can be found in the Notion community and other technical forums to help students solve problems and share experiences. In these communities and forums, students can also find other developers and technologists to network and exchange experiences.
  5. Hands-on projects and competitions: Students can participate in hands-on projects and competitions to apply and demonstrate their Notion API skills. These projects and competitions can help students improve their practical ability and innovation ability, while also increasing students’ visibility and career competitiveness.

In conclusion, the Notion API is a powerful tool that helps students develop a variety of applications and solutions. Through extended learning, students gain an in-depth understanding of the Notion API and related technologies and apply them to real-world projects and innovations, improving their skills and competitiveness.


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