Getting Start With Zabbix

I want to make a video of an IT tutorial, can you arrange the text content of the video tutorial for me according to the content of the website. Let’s start with the Zabbix tutorial first, and you first give me an overview of the content to be explained.

sure! The following is an outline of the content of the video tutorial arranged for you based on the Zabbix tutorial:

  1. Introduction and overview 1.1. Introduction to Zabbix 1.2. Features and advantages of Zabbix 1.3. Application scenarios of Zabbix
  2. Zabbix installation and configuration 2.1. System requirements 2.2. Install Zabbix Server 2.3. Install Zabbix Web front end 2.4. Install Zabbix Agent 2.5. Configure Zabbix Server and Agent 2.6. Configure database connection
  3. Basic use of Zabbix 3.1. Login and interface introduction 3.2. Create host group 3.3. Add host 3.4. Configure monitoring items 3.5. Configure triggers 3.6. Set alarm actions
  4. Zabbix Advanced Features 4.1. Automatic Discovery 4.2. Template Management 4.3. Custom Graphics Display 4.4. Network Map Configuration 4.5. Zabbix API Introduction
  5. Zabbix maintenance and optimization 5.1. Database maintenance and optimization 5.2. Server performance tuning 5.3. Log analysis and troubleshooting 5.4. Zabbix backup and recovery
  6. Conclusion 6.1. Summary and review 6.2. Frequently asked questions 6.3. Recommended learning resources

Please develop your tutorial content according to this outline, and provide the audience with a detailed and easy-to-understand Zabbix tutorial. Good luck with your video tutorial!

gun tei

Please explain Zabbix introduction in detail

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Of course Zabbix introduction can be explained in detail for you.

Zabbix is ​​an open source enterprise-level monitoring system developed by Alexei Vladishev and first released in 2001. Zabbix is ​​widely used in the monitoring of IT infrastructure, applications and services, which can help administrators track and analyze various indicators and events, so as to realize the control of the entire IT infrastructure.

The main functions of Zabbix include: server, network and application monitoring, automatic discovery, visual display, alarm and notification, log file monitoring, performance data analysis, capacity planning, etc. The design principle of Zabbix is ​​scalability, flexibility and efficiency, supports multiple platforms, multiple data collection methods and notification methods, and can monitor various types of devices and services, such as operating systems, databases, Web applications, virtualization , cloud services, network equipment, etc.

Zabbix’s architecture is divided into four components: Zabbix Server, Zabbix Agent, Zabbix Proxy, and Zabbix Web Frontend. Zabbix Server and Zabbix Agent are required, and other components are configured according to requirements. Zabbix Server is the core of the entire system, responsible for collecting, storing, processing and displaying monitoring data, and also responsible for alarm and notification functions. Zabbix Agent is an agent program running on the monitored device, responsible for collecting performance data of the device and sending it to Zabbix Server. Zabbix Proxy is an intermediate agent used for distributed monitoring and relieving the pressure of Zabbix Server, which can provide monitoring services in different geographical locations and network environments. Zabbix Web Frontend is a web interface for managing and operating Zabbix Server.

In short, Zabbix is ​​a powerful, flexible and scalable enterprise-level monitoring system that can help IT operation and maintenance teams achieve comprehensive monitoring and management, and improve the reliability and performance of IT infrastructure.

gun tei

Please explain the characteristics and advantages of Zabbix in detail

Of course, you can explain the characteristics and advantages of Zabbix in detail.

  1. Open source and free: Zabbix is ​​a completely open source monitoring system that users can obtain and use freely without any copyright fees.
  2. Multi-platform support: Zabbix can run on a variety of operating systems, including Linux, Unix, Windows, etc.
  3. Custom monitoring: Zabbix supports custom monitoring items, which can be flexibly monitored for various applications, services and devices.
  4. Multiple data collection methods: Zabbix supports multiple data collection methods, including SNMP, JMX, IPMI, Agent, etc.
  5. Powerful alarm and notification functions: Zabbix supports flexible alarm and notification settings, which can trigger alarms according to various conditions, and can be notified in a variety of ways, such as email, SMS, WeChat, etc.
  6. Visual display: Zabbix provides a powerful visual display function, supporting custom graphics, trends and reports, etc.
  7. Automatic discovery: Zabbix supports automatic discovery, which can automatically scan devices and services, and automatically add monitoring items and triggers.
  8. Network map: Zabbix provides a network map function, which can display the entire network topology and provide real-time monitoring status.
  9. API support: Zabbix provides an API interface that can be integrated with other systems to achieve automation and automated operation and maintenance.
  10. Scalability: Zabbix’s architectural design has good scalability and can be easily extended to large-scale and distributed environments.

In short, Zabbix is ​​an enterprise-level monitoring system with powerful functions, high reliability, and good flexibility. It has a wide range of application scenarios and can help enterprises achieve comprehensive IT infrastructure monitoring and management, improving efficiency and reliability.

gun tei

Please explain the application scenarios of Zabbix in detail

Of course, you can explain the application scenarios of Zabbix in detail.

  1. Enterprise-level IT infrastructure monitoring: Zabbix is ​​a monitoring system suitable for enterprise-level IT infrastructure monitoring, which can be used to monitor various types of equipment and services, such as servers, storage, network equipment, databases, applications, etc., to help enterprises Realize real-time monitoring and management of the entire IT infrastructure.
  2. Data center monitoring: Zabbix can realize comprehensive monitoring and management of data centers, real-time monitoring and alarming of key performance indicators such as computer room temperature, UPS power supply, network equipment, storage, etc., to help data center administrators quickly identify and deal with abnormal situations, and ensure data security High reliability and stability of the center.
  3. Application performance monitoring: Zabbix can monitor the performance of various types of applications, such as web applications, databases, message queues, etc., and help the development team understand the performance of applications in real time by monitoring indicators such as response time and throughput situation, and to detect and resolve performance bottlenecks and problems in a timely manner.
  4. Cloud environment monitoring: Zabbix can monitor and manage cloud environments, such as OpenStack, AWS, Azure, etc., monitor various indicators of cloud environments, and automatically expand or shrink cloud resources as needed to ensure high availability and high performance of cloud environments .
  5. Security monitoring: Zabbix can monitor and manage security aspects, such as monitoring network attacks, intrusion detection, vulnerability scanning, etc., to understand the security situation in real time, and provide real-time alarms and notifications to help administrators respond to security issues in a timely manner.

In short, Zabbix has a wide range of application scenarios and can be used to monitor and manage various types of devices and services, helping administrators achieve comprehensive monitoring and management, and improving the efficiency and reliability of IT infrastructure.

gun tei

Please explain Zabbix system requirements in detail

Of course Zabbix system requirements can be explained in detail for you.

Zabbix’s system requirements mainly include hardware requirements and software requirements.

Hardware requirements:

  1. CPU: Dual-core CPU or higher is recommended.
  2. Memory: 2GB or more is recommended.
  3. Storage: 20GB or more is recommended, and the specific storage space depends on the number of monitoring devices and the amount of monitoring data.

Software requirements:

  1. Operating system: Zabbix supports a variety of operating systems, including Linux, Unix, Windows, etc. Among them, the Linux system is the most commonly used, and it is recommended to use CentOS, Red Hat, Debian and other stable versions.
  2. Database: Zabbix supports a variety of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc. It is recommended to use MySQL or PostgreSQL database, among which MySQL is the most commonly used.
  3. Web server: Zabbix needs to use a web server to provide a web interface. It is recommended to use Apache or Nginx as the web server.
  4. PHP: Zabbix uses PHP as the backend language of the web server, and it is recommended to use PHP 7.x or above.

In conclusion, Zabbix has relatively low system requirements and can run on a variety of platforms. However, it is recommended to ensure sufficient memory and storage space on the machine running Zabbix to ensure the stability and reliability of the monitoring data. In addition, it is recommended to ensure that components such as the operating system, database, web server, and PHP have been properly installed and configured before installing Zabbix to ensure that Zabbix can run normally.

gun tei

Please explain in detail about installing Zabbix Server

Installation of Zabbix Server can of course be explained in detail for you.

The following are the steps to install Zabbix Server in Linux environment:

  1. First of all, before installing Zabbix Server, you need to ensure that the required dependencies and components have been installed on the server, including MySQL, Apache, PHP, etc. The dependency package can be installed by the following command: bashCopy codeyum install -y httpd httpd-devel mysql mysql-devel mysql-server php php-common php-devel php-gd php-mbstring php-mysql php-xml php-bcmath php-ldap
  2. Next, you need to download the Zabbix Server installation package. You can download the latest version of the installation package from the Zabbix official website. After the download is complete, use the following command to extract the installation package: bashCopy codetar -zxvf zabbix-<version>.tar.gz
  3. Enter the decompressed directory and run the configure command to configure: bashCopy codecd zabbix-<version> ./configure --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --with-net-snmp --with-libcurl --with-libxml2
  4. After executing the configure command, run the make command to compile: bashCopy codemake install
  5. After the compilation is complete, the initial configuration of Zabbix Server is required. You can use the following commands to create databases and users: bashCopy codemysql -uroot -p create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin; grant all privileges on zabbix.* to zabbix@localhost identified by 'zabbix'; flush privileges; exit;
  6. Enter the installation directory of Zabbix Server and import the database initialization script into the database: bashCopy codecd /usr/local/zabbix/ mysql -uzabbix -p zabbix < database/mysql/schema.sql mysql -uzabbix -p zabbix < database/mysql/images.sql mysql -uzabbix -p zabbix < database/mysql/data.sql
  7. Finally, edit the Zabbix Server configuration file /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf, modify the database and Zabbix Agent configuration: bashCopy codeDBName=zabbix DBUser=zabbix DBPassword=zabbix DBHost=localhost ListenIP=
  8. Start Zabbix Server and Zabbix Agent services: bashCopy codesystemctl start zabbix-server systemctl enable zabbix-server systemctl start zabbix-agent systemctl enable zabbix-agent

At this point, the installation of Zabbix Server has been completed and can be accessed through the web interface. The default web management interface is provided through the Apache server, and you can log in by visiting http://<Zabbix Server IP>/zabbix through a browser. The default login account is Admin and the password is zabbix.

gun tei

Please explain in detail about installing Zabbix web frontend

Installation of Zabbix web frontend can of course be explained in detail for you.

Following are the steps to install Zabbix web frontend in Linux environment:

  1. First of all, you need to make sure that the server has installed Apache Web server, PHP and Zabbix Server, you can use the following command to install: bashCopy codeyum install -y httpd httpd-devel php php-common php-devel php-gd php-mbstring php-mysql php-xml php-bcmath php-ldap
  2. Download the latest version of the Zabbix web frontend, which can be downloaded from the Zabbix official website. After the download is complete, use the following command to extract the installation package: bashCopy codetar -zxvf zabbix-web-<version>.tar.gz
  3. Enter the decompressed directory and copy the Zabbix Web front-end files to Apache’s Web directory: bashCopy codecd zabbix-web-<version> cp -a . /var/www/html/zabbix/
  4. Configure the configuration file of the Zabbix Web front end, open the /etc/httpd/conf.d/zabbix.conf file, and add the following to the end of the file: bashCopy codeAlias /zabbix /var/www/html/zabbix <Directory "/var/www/html/zabbix"> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride None Require all granted php_value max_execution_time 300 php_value memory_limit 128M php_value post_max_size 16M php_value upload_max_filesize 2M php_value max_input_time 300 php_value date.timezone Asia/Shanghai </Directory>
  5. Modify the configuration file /etc/zabbix/web/zabbix.conf.php of Zabbix Web front end, configure the database information and the IP address of Zabbix Server: bashCopy code<?php // Zabbix GUI configuration file. global $DB; $DB['TYPE'] = 'MYSQL'; $DB['SERVER'] = 'localhost'; $DB['PORT'] = '0'; $DB['DATABASE'] = 'zabbix'; $DB['USER'] = 'zabbix'; $DB['PASSWORD'] = 'zabbix'; // Schema name. Used for IBM DB2 and PostgreSQL. $DB['SCHEMA'] = ''; $ZBX_SERVER = ''; $ZBX_SERVER_PORT = '10051'; $ZBX_SERVER_NAME = ''; $IMAGE_FORMAT_DEFAULT = IMAGE_FORMAT_PNG;
  6. Start the Apache Web server and set it to start automatically: bashCopy codesystemctl start httpd systemctl enable httpd
  7. Finally, visit http://<Zabbix Web front-end IP or domain name>/zabbix in the browser to log in, and you can see the login page of Zabbix Web front-end. The default login account is Admin and the password is zabbix.

So far, the installation of Zabbix Web front end has been completed. Zabbix Server can be managed and monitored through the Zabbix Web front end.

gun tei

Please explain in detail about installing Zabbix Agent

Installation of Zabbix Agent can of course be explained in detail for you.

The following are the steps to install Zabbix Agent in Linux environment:

  1. First of all, before installing Zabbix Agent, you need to ensure that the required dependencies and components have been installed on the server, including gcc, make, etc. You can use the following command to install dependencies: bashCopy codeyum install -y gcc make
  2. Next, you need to download the Zabbix Agent installation package. You can download the latest version of the installation package from the Zabbix official website. After the download is complete, use the following command to extract the installation package: bashCopy codetar -zxvf zabbix-<version>.tar.gz
  3. Enter the decompressed directory and run the configure command to configure: bashCopy codecd zabbix-<version> ./configure --enable-agent
  4. After executing the configure command, run the make command to compile: bashCopy codemake install
  5. After the compilation is complete, edit the Zabbix Agent configuration file /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf, and modify the Server and ServerActive parameters to the IP address of the Zabbix Server: bashCopy codeServer=<Zabbix Server IP> ServerActive=<Zabbix Server IP> Hostname=<Zabbix Agent的名称>
  6. Start the Zabbix Agent service: bashCopy codesystemctl start zabbix-agent systemctl enable zabbix-agent

So far, the installation of Zabbix Agent has been completed. Zabbix Agent host can be added on Zabbix Server, and monitoring items and triggers can be configured to monitor Zabbix Agent.

gun tei

Please explain in detail how to configure Zabbix Server and Agent

Of course, configuration Zabbix Server and Agent can be explained in detail for you.

The following are the steps to configure Zabbix Server and Agent in Linux environment:

  1. First, you need to add the Zabbix Agent host on the Zabbix Server. Log in to the Zabbix Web front end, enter the “Configuration” menu, select “Hosts”, and click the “Create Host” button to create a host.
  2. In the create host page, enter the host name, visible name, IP address and host group, then in the “Templates” tab, select the template to apply, such as “Template OS Linux” and “Template App Apache”, and save the host information.
  3. Next, you need to add the IP address of Zabbix Server to Zabbix Agent so that Zabbix Agent can communicate with Zabbix Server. Edit the Zabbix Agent configuration file /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf, and set the Server and ServerActive parameters to the IP address of the Zabbix Server.
  4. Restart the Zabbix Agent service to reload the configuration file: bashCopy codesystemctl restart zabbix-agent
  5. Confirm that Zabbix Agent has successfully connected to Zabbix Server, and you can view the host status and monitoring items in the “Monitoring” menu on the Zabbix Web front end. If the value of the monitoring item is correct, it means that the connection between Zabbix Agent and Zabbix Server has been established.
  6. Next, you need to add monitoring items and triggers to monitor the performance and status of Zabbix Agent. In the “Configuration” menu on the Zabbix Web front end, select “Hosts”, then select the host to be monitored, and enter the details page of the host.
  7. On the details page, select the “Items” tab, and click the “Create Item” button to create a monitoring item. Enter the monitoring item name, key value, type and other relevant information, for example, “CPU Load”, “system.cpu.load[all,avg1]”, “Numeric (float)”, etc.
  8. Then, in the Triggers tab, click the “Create Trigger” button to create a trigger. Enter a trigger name and an expression, for example, “CPU Load is too high”, “{<Zabbix Agent host name>:system.cpu.load[all,avg1].last()}>2.0”, etc.
  9. Finally, save the monitoring items and triggers, and wait for a period of time until Zabbix Server collects enough data, then you can view the monitoring data and alarm information in the “Monitoring” menu on the Zabbix Web front end.

So far, the configuration of Zabbix Server and Agent has been completed. More monitoring items and triggers can be added to monitor more hosts and services.

gun tei

Please explain the configuration database connection in detail

Of course, you can explain in detail how to configure the connection between Zabbix Server and the database.

Zabbix Server needs to use a database to store monitoring data and configuration information. By default, Zabbix Server uses MySQL database. Before installing and configuring Zabbix Server, you need to create a MySQL database and user, and authorize the user to access the database.

The following are the steps to configure the connection between Zabbix Server and MySQL database in Linux environment:

  1. Create a MySQL database and user, and grant the user permission to access the database. You can use the following command to create and authorize: bashCopy code mysql -uroot -p create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin; grant all privileges on zabbix.* to zabbix@localhost identified by 'zabbix'; flush privileges; exit; In the above command, “zabbix” is the name of the database, “zabbix” is the user name, and “zabbix” is the password. You can change it yourself as needed.
  2. Open the Zabbix Server configuration file /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf and find the following configuration items: bashCopy code DBName= DBUser= DBPassword= DBSocket= Set the values ​​of the above configuration items to the name of the MySQL database, user name, password and the connection method of the MySQL database (if using a local socket connection, you do not need to set this item).
  3. After the configuration is complete, save the configuration file and restart the Zabbix Server service: bashCopy codesystemctl restart zabbix-server
  4. Confirm that Zabbix Server has successfully connected to the MySQL database. You can log in to the Zabbix Web front end, enter the “Monitoring” menu, select the “Zabbix Server” host, and view the monitoring data in the “Latest data” tab. If the value of the monitoring data is correct, it means that the connection between Zabbix Server and MySQL database has been established.

So far, the connection configuration between Zabbix Server and MySQL database has been completed. If you use other types of databases, such as PostgreSQL or Oracle, you can refer to the official documentation for configuration.

gun tei

Please explain in detail the basic use of Zabbix login and interface introduction

Of course, we can explain Zabbix basic usage login and interface introduction in detail.

Zabbix is ​​a web-based monitoring system that can be accessed and managed through a web interface. The following is the basic usage of Zabbix:

  1. Log in to the Zabbix web frontend. Enter the IP address or domain name of Zabbix Server in the browser, and then enter the user name and password to log in. The default username is “Admin” and the default password is “zabbix”.
  2. Interface introduction. After successful login, you can see the main interface of Zabbix Web front end, including the menu bar on the left and the main window in the middle. The menu bar includes the following:
    • Dashboard: Dashboard, used to display an overview and summary of various monitoring data;
    • Monitoring: monitoring, used to display monitoring data of various monitoring items and hosts;
    • Inventory: asset list, used to manage and view asset list;
    • Reports: Reports, used to generate and view various reports and analyze data;
    • Configuration: configuration, used to configure various hosts, monitoring items, triggers, etc.;
    • Administration: Administration, used to manage users, permissions, media types, etc.
    The main window includes the following:
    • Navigation bar: used to quickly jump to various menus and functions;
    • Overview: used to display various important monitoring data and charts;
    • Monitoring list: used to display all monitoring items and hosts;
    • Graphics: Graphical display for displaying various monitoring data;
    • Reports: used to generate and view various reports and analyze data;
    • Configuration: used to configure various hosts, monitoring items, triggers, etc.;
    • Administration: Used to manage users, permissions, media types, etc.
  3. Configure monitoring items. In Zabbix, various system indicators and service status can be monitored by configuring monitoring items. In the “Configuration” menu on the Zabbix Web front end, select “Hosts”, then select the host to be monitored, and enter the details page of the host. On the details page, select the “Items” tab, and click the “Create Item” button to create a monitoring item. Enter the monitoring item name, key value, type and other relevant information, for example, “CPU Load”, “system.cpu.load[all,avg1]”, “Numeric (float)”, etc.
  4. Configure triggers. In Zabbix, triggers can be configured to alarm and trigger the value of monitoring items. On the details page of the host, select the “Triggers” tab, and click the “Create Trigger” button to create a trigger. Enter a trigger name and an expression, for example, “CPU Load is too high”, “{<Zabbix Agent host name>:system.cpu.load[all,avg1].last()}>2.0”, etc.
  5. View monitoring data. In the Zabbix web frontend
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please continue

In the “Monitoring” menu, select the “Latest data” tab to view real-time values ​​and trend charts of various monitoring data. In the filter on the left, you can select the hosts and monitoring items to be displayed, and then click the “Go” button to view. You can also select the monitoring items and time range to be displayed in the “Graphs” tab, and then generate a trend chart.

  1. Generate reports. In the “Reports” menu of the Zabbix Web front end, select the type of report to be generated, such as “Availability report” or “Performance report”, and then select the host and time range to be counted. The system will automatically generate a report and display it in the interface, and the report can be downloaded or printed.
  2. Configure users and permissions. In the “Administration” menu of the Zabbix Web front end, select the “Users” tab and click the “Create user” button to create a user. Enter a user name, login name, and password, and select the permissions and roles to grant. Different permissions and roles can be assigned to users for fine-grained user management and authorization.
  3. Configure media type and alarm mode. In the “Administration” menu of the Zabbix Web front end, select the “Media types” tab and click the “Create media type” button to create a media type. Enter the media type name, type and related parameters, such as “Email”, “SMTP”, “SMTP server”, etc. Then, in the “Actions” tab, select the action to be executed and the alarm method, such as “Send message”, “Send email”, “Execute remote command”, etc.

The above is the basic usage method of Zabbix. Through these functions, various hosts, services and applications can be monitored and managed to ensure the stability and high availability of the system.

gun tei

Please explain in detail the basic use of Zabbix to create host groups

Of course, Zabbix can explain in detail the basic use of creating host groups for you.

In Zabbix, hosts can be classified and managed by creating host groups. Host groups can be divided according to different applications or functions, such as Web servers, database servers, and application servers. Following are the steps to create a host group in Zabbix web frontend:

  1. Log in to the Zabbix web frontend. Enter the IP address or domain name of Zabbix Server in the browser, and then enter the user name and password to log in. The default username is “Admin” and the default password is “zabbix”.
  2. Enter the “Configuration” menu. In the left menu bar of the Zabbix Web front end, select the “Configuration” menu, and then select the “Host groups” submenu to enter the host group management page.
  3. Create host groups. On the host group management page, click the “Create host group” button to enter the page for creating a host group. Enter a name, visible name, and description for the host group, then click the “Add” button to create it.
  4. Assign hostgroups. After a host group is created, hosts can be assigned host groups to belong to. On the host details page, select the “Groups” tab, then select the host group to be assigned, and click the “Add” button to save.
  5. View host groups. On the host group management page, you can view all host groups and the number of hosts contained in each host group. The list of hosts contained in each host group can be displayed by checking the “Show hosts” option.

Through the above steps, you can create and manage host groups in Zabbix. Host groups can conveniently classify and manage hosts for more efficient monitoring and management.

gun tei

Please explain in detail the basic use of Zabbix to add hosts

Of course, you can explain the basic use of Zabbix to add hosts in detail.

In Zabbix, hosts can be monitored and managed by adding hosts. Following are the steps to add a host in Zabbix web frontend:

  1. Log in to the Zabbix web frontend. Enter the IP address or domain name of Zabbix Server in the browser, and then enter the user name and password to log in. The default username is “Admin” and the default password is “zabbix”.
  2. Enter the “Configuration” menu. In the left menu bar of the Zabbix Web front end, select the “Configuration” menu, and then select the “Hosts” submenu to enter the host management page.
  3. Create a host. On the host management page, click the “Create host” button to enter the host creation page. Enter information such as the host name, visible name, host group, host IP address, and Zabbix Agent connection port number.
  4. Configure templates. On the host creation page, one or more templates can be applied to the host to achieve finer monitoring of the host. In the “Templates” tab, select the template to apply, such as “Template OS Linux” and “Template App Apache”.
  5. Configure macros. In the create host page, you can configure some macro variables for use in monitoring items and triggers. For example, you can define the {$MYSQL.PORT} macro to indicate the connection port number of the MySQL database. Then, in monitoring items and triggers, you can use {$MYSQL.PORT} instead of the specific port number.
  6. Configure the proxy. If you want to use Zabbix Agent for monitoring, you need to configure the connection information of Zabbix Agent. In the create host page, you can configure the connection parameters of Zabbix Agent, including parameters such as Server, ServerActive and Hostname.
  7. Save host information. On the create host page, after entering all the information, click the “Add” button to save. Then, Zabbix Server will automatically send a monitoring request to the host and start monitoring various indicators and service status of the host.

Through the above steps, you can add and manage hosts in Zabbix. Different monitoring items and triggers can be configured for each host to achieve comprehensive monitoring and management of the host.

gun tei

Please explain Zabbix basic usage configuration monitoring items in detail

Of course, Zabbix can explain the basic configuration monitoring items for you in detail.

In Zabbix, various system indicators and service status can be monitored by configuring monitoring items. Following are the steps to configure monitoring items in Zabbix web frontend:

  1. Log in to the Zabbix web frontend. Enter the IP address or domain name of Zabbix Server in the browser, and then enter the user name and password to log in. The default username is “Admin” and the default password is “zabbix”.
  2. Enter the “Configuration” menu. In the left menu bar of the Zabbix Web front end, select the “Configuration” menu, and then select the “Hosts” submenu to enter the host management page.
  3. Select a host. On the host management page, select the host to configure monitoring items, and then enter the details page of the host.
  4. Create monitoring items. On the host details page, select the “Items” tab, and then click the “Create item” button to enter the page for creating monitoring items. Enter the name, key value, monitoring type, unit, trigger and other information of the monitoring item on the page.
  5. Configure the key value of the monitoring item. On the create monitoring item page, the key value is a required item, indicating the source of the data to be monitored. The format and content of the key value differs depending on the type of data and data source to be monitored. For example, to monitor the load of the CPU, the key value can be “system.cpu.load[all,avg1]”; to monitor the status of the network interface, the key value can be “net.if.status[eth0]” and so on.
  6. Configure the type and unit of the monitoring item. On the Create Monitoring Items page, the monitoring type indicates the type of data to be monitored, including numeric, text, log, and other types. The unit indicates the unit of the data monitored by the monitoring item, such as percentage, byte, millisecond, etc.
  7. Configure triggers for monitoring items. On the Create Monitor Item page, you can configure triggers for monitor items to realize alarms and triggers for monitor items. The trigger configuration method is similar to creating a host group, and can be configured according to conditions such as the value and trend of monitoring items.
  8. Save monitoring item information. On the create monitoring item page, after entering all the information, click the “Add” button to save. Then, Zabbix Server will automatically start monitoring the data of the monitoring item, and alarm and trigger according to the preset trigger.

Through the above steps, you can configure monitoring items in Zabbix, and realize the monitoring and management of various system indicators and service status. The configuration of monitoring items can be adjusted and modified according to actual needs to achieve finer monitoring and management of the system.

gun tei

Please explain Zabbix basic configuration triggers in detail

Of course Zabbix basic usage configuration triggers can be explained in detail for you.

In Zabbix, alarms and triggers for monitoring items can be realized by configuring triggers. Following are the steps to configure triggers in Zabbix web frontend:

  1. Log in to the Zabbix web frontend. Enter the IP address or domain name of Zabbix Server in the browser, and then enter the user name and password to log in. The default username is “Admin” and the default password is “zabbix”.
  2. Enter the “Configuration” menu. In the left menu bar of the Zabbix Web front end, select the “Configuration” menu, and then select the “Hosts” submenu to enter the host management page.
  3. Select a host. On the host management page, select the host to configure the trigger, and then enter the details page of the host.
  4. Create triggers. On the host details page, select the “Triggers” tab, and click the “Create trigger” button to enter the trigger creation page. Enter the name, expression, priority, dependency and other information of the trigger on the page.
  5. An expression to configure the trigger. On the Create Trigger page, Expression is required and represents the condition of the trigger. The format and content of expressions vary, depending on the data type and data source to be monitored. For example, to monitor whether the CPU load exceeds 80%, the expression can be “{HOSTNAME:system.cpu.load[all,avg1].last()}>0.8”; to monitor whether the disk space is less than 10%, the expression It can be “{HOSTNAME:vfs.fs.size[/,pfree].last()}<10” etc.
  6. Configure the priority and dependencies of triggers. In the create trigger page, you can configure the priority and dependencies for the trigger. The higher the priority, the higher the alarm level of the trigger and should be handled as soon as possible. Dependency indicates whether the trigger’s alarm depends on the status of other triggers. For example, you can configure that when the CPU load is higher than 80%, the trigger priority is “High” and depends on the status of other triggers.
  7. Save trigger information. On the create trigger page, after entering all the information, click the “Add” button to save. Then, Zabbix Server will automatically monitor according to the conditions of the trigger, and alarm and trigger according to the preset priority.

Through the above steps, triggers can be configured in Zabbix, and alarms and triggers for various monitoring items can be realized. The configuration of triggers can be adjusted and modified according to actual needs, so as to realize finer monitoring and management of the system.

gun tei

Please explain Zabbix basic usage setting alarm action in detail

Of course, you can explain Zabbix’s basic use and set alarm actions in detail.

In Zabbix, alarms and notifications for monitored items can be realized by setting alarm actions. The following are the steps to set alert actions in Zabbix web frontend:

  1. Log in to the Zabbix web frontend. Enter the IP address or domain name of Zabbix Server in the browser, and then enter the user name and password to log in. The default username is “Admin” and the default password is “zabbix”.
  2. Enter the “Configuration” menu. In the left menu bar of the Zabbix Web front end, select the “Configuration” menu, and then select the “Actions” submenu to enter the alarm action management page.
  3. Create an alert action. On the alarm action management page, click the “Create action” button to enter the create alarm action page. Enter the name, trigger, condition, operation and other information of the alarm action on the page.
  4. Configure triggers and conditions for alarm actions. On the create alarm action page, you need to configure the triggers and conditions corresponding to the alarm action. The trigger indicates the data item to be monitored, and the condition indicates the condition to be met by the trigger, for example, the CPU load is higher than 80%, the disk space is less than 10%, and so on.
  5. Configure the operation of the alarm action. On the create alarm action page, you need to configure the actions to be performed by the alarm action, such as sending emails, sending SMS messages, executing commands, and so on. Different actions and templates can be specified for each operation to implement different alarm methods and content.
  6. Save the alarm action information. On the create alarm action page, after entering all the information, click the “Add” button to save. Then, Zabbix Server will automatically monitor according to the conditions of the alarm action, and perform alarm and notification according to the preset operation.

Through the above steps, the alarm action can be set in Zabbix, and the alarm and notification of various monitoring items can be realized. The configuration of alarm actions can be adjusted and modified according to actual needs, so as to realize more detailed monitoring and management of the system.

gun tei

Please explain Zabbix advanced function automatic discovery in detail

Of course, you can explain Zabbix advanced function automatic discovery in detail.

Zabbix’s auto-discovery function can automatically identify hosts, services, and applications on the network, and then automatically create corresponding monitoring items, triggers, and graphics to achieve comprehensive monitoring and management of the system. Here are the steps to use the autodiscover feature in Zabbix:

  1. Log in to the Zabbix web frontend. Enter the IP address or domain name of Zabbix Server in the browser, and then enter the user name and password to log in. The default username is “Admin” and the default password is “zabbix”.
  2. Enter the “Configuration” menu. In the left menu bar of the Zabbix Web front end, select the “Configuration” menu, and then select the “Discovery” submenu to enter the automatic discovery management page.
  3. Create autodiscover rules. On the automatic discovery management page, click the “Create discovery rule” button to enter the creation automatic discovery rule page. Enter information such as the name, condition, and action of the automatic discovery rule on the page.
  4. Configure conditions for auto-discovery rules. On the Create Auto Discovery Rule page, you need to configure the conditions that the Auto Discovery rule must meet, such as automatically discovering hosts, services, and applications based on conditions such as IP addresses, SNMP OID, and ICMP ping.
  5. Configure the action of the automatic discovery rule. On the page of creating an automatic discovery rule, you need to configure the actions to be performed by the automatic discovery rule, such as creating a host, creating a monitoring item, creating a trigger, creating a graph, and so on. Different templates and parameters can be specified for each action to achieve different monitoring and management needs.
  6. Enable autodiscover rules. On the Create Auto Discovery Rule page, after entering all the information, click the “Add” button to save. Then, select the rule on the auto-discovery management page, and click the “Enable” button to enable it.
  7. View the autodiscover results. On the auto-discovery management page, you can view the results of auto-discovery and make further configurations and adjustments as needed. For example, you can create host groups based on automatically discovered hosts, and then configure different monitoring items and triggers for each host group.

Through the above steps, you can use the automatic discovery function in Zabbix to realize automatic identification and monitoring of hosts, services and applications on the network. The auto-discovered configuration can be adjusted and modified according to actual needs to achieve finer monitoring and management of the system.

gun tei

Please explain Zabbix advanced function template management in detail

Of course, Zabbix advanced function template management can be explained in detail for you.

In Zabbix, a template is an important configuration object used to define related configurations such as monitoring items, triggers, graphics, and alarms. Through templates, unified configuration and management of multiple hosts can be realized. Here are the steps to use template management in Zabbix:

  1. Log in to the Zabbix web frontend. Enter the IP address or domain name of Zabbix Server in the browser, and then enter the user name and password to log in. The default username is “Admin” and the default password is “zabbix”.
  2. Enter the “Configuration” menu. In the left menu bar of the Zabbix Web front end, select the “Configuration” menu, and then select the “Templates” submenu to enter the template management page.
  3. Create templates. On the template management page, click the “Create template” button to enter the template creation page. Enter the name, description, monitoring items, triggers, graphics and other information of the template on the page.
  4. Configure the monitoring items and triggers of the template. On the template creation page, you need to configure the monitoring items and triggers corresponding to the template. Different parameters and conditions can be specified for each monitoring item and trigger to achieve different monitoring and management needs.
  5. Configure template graphics and alarms. In the template creation page, you can configure the corresponding graphics and alarm methods for the template. Graphics can be used to display trends and changes of monitoring items, and alarms can be used to remind and deal with abnormal situations.
  6. Save template information. In the create template page, after entering all the information, click the “Add” button to save. Then, Zabbix Server will automatically monitor and manage according to the configuration of the template.
  7. Apply the template to the host. On the template management page, you can select the host to which the template will be applied, and then apply the template to the host. Multiple templates can be selected for application to realize unified management and monitoring of hosts.

Through the above steps, template management can be used in Zabbix to realize unified configuration and management of multiple hosts. The configuration of the template can be adjusted and modified according to actual needs, so as to realize finer monitoring and management of the system.

gun tei

Please explain in detail Zabbix advanced function custom graphic display

Of course, we can explain Zabbix’s advanced functions and customize graphic display for you in detail.

Zabbix provides a flexible graphic display function, which can create customized graphics and views according to different monitoring items and requirements, so as to achieve more in-depth and comprehensive monitoring and management of the system. Here are the steps to use a custom graphic display in Zabbix:

  1. Log in to the Zabbix web frontend. Enter the IP address or domain name of Zabbix Server in the browser, and then enter the user name and password to log in. The default username is “Admin” and the default password is “zabbix”.
  2. Enter the “Monitoring” menu. In the left menu bar of the Zabbix Web front end, select the “Monitoring” menu, and then select the “Graphs” submenu to enter the graphic display management page.
  3. Create custom graphics. On the graph display management page, click the “Create graph” button to enter the page for creating a custom graph. Enter the name, type, monitoring items and other information of the graph on the page.
  4. Configure monitoring items for custom graphs. On the Create Custom Graph page, you need to configure the monitoring items corresponding to the custom graph. You can select existing monitoring items or customize monitoring items to monitor and display specific indicators.
  5. Configure display options for custom graphics. In the Create Custom Graph page, you can configure the display options of the custom graph, such as time range, color, line type, etc. It can be adjusted and modified according to actual needs.
  6. Save custom graphic information. On the Create Custom Graphics page, after entering all the information, click the “Add” button to save. Zabbix Server then automatically monitors and manages according to the configuration of the custom graph.
  7. Check out the custom graphic presentation. On the graphic display management page, you can select an existing custom graphic, and then view the display effect of the graphic. Further adjustments and modifications can be made as needed to achieve more in-depth and comprehensive monitoring and management of the system.

Through the above steps, you can use custom graphic display in Zabbix to realize customized display and management of various monitoring items. The configuration of custom graphics can be adjusted and modified according to actual needs, so as to realize more detailed monitoring and management of the system.

gun tei

Please explain Zabbix advanced function network map configuration in detail

Of course, we can explain Zabbix advanced function network map configuration in detail for you.

Zabbix provides a network map function, which can display the relationship and connection between various hosts and devices in the network in the form of a network topology map, so as to realize comprehensive monitoring and management of the network. Following are the steps to use network map in Zabbix:

  1. Log in to the Zabbix web frontend. Enter the IP address or domain name of Zabbix Server in the browser, and then enter the user name and password to log in. The default username is “Admin” and the default password is “zabbix”.
  2. Enter the “Monitoring” menu. In the left menu bar of the Zabbix Web front end, select the “Monitoring” menu, and then select the “Maps” submenu to enter the network map management page.
  3. Create a network map. On the network map management page, click the “Create map” button to enter the page for creating a network map. Enter the name, description and other information of the network map on the page.
  4. Add hosts and devices. On the page of creating a network map, you need to add hosts and devices to be displayed. You can select existing hosts and devices, or manually add information about hosts and devices to monitor and manage specific devices.
  5. Configure the connection between the host and the device. In the Create Network Map page, you can manually configure lines between hosts and devices to represent connections and relationships between them. It can be adjusted and modified according to the actual situation.
  6. Configure monitoring items and triggers for hosts and devices. In the Create Network Map page, you can configure monitoring items and triggers for each host and device to achieve in-depth monitoring and management of them. You can select existing monitoring items and triggers, or customize monitoring items and triggers.
  7. Save network map information. In the web map creation page, after entering all the information, click the “Add” button to save. Then, Zabbix Server will automatically monitor and manage according to the configuration of the network map.
  8. View the network map display. On the network map management page, you can select an existing network map, and then view the display effect of the network map. Further adjustments and modifications can be made as needed to achieve more in-depth and comprehensive monitoring and management of the network.

Through the above steps, you can use the network map in Zabbix to realize the display and management of the relationship and connection between each host and device in the network. The configuration of the network map can be adjusted and modified according to actual needs, so as to realize finer monitoring and management of the system.

gun tei

Please explain in detail Zabbix advanced functions Zabbix API Introduction

Of course, you can explain Zabbix advanced functions Zabbix API introduction in detail.

Zabbix API is a set of application programming interfaces provided by Zabbix for interacting and communicating with Zabbix Server to realize automated management and monitoring of Zabbix. Following are the steps to use Zabbix API:

  1. Prepare the development environment. Before using Zabbix API, you need to prepare the corresponding development environment. Zabbix Server, Web server, PHP, JSON-RPC and other related components and tools need to be installed to access and call Zabbix API.
  2. Get an API token. Before using Zabbix API, an API token needs to be obtained. It can be obtained through the web interface or through the command line. After obtaining the API token, it can be used for API access and calls.
  3. Call the API method. When using Zabbix API, you need to use API methods to access and call. Zabbix API provides a variety of API methods, such as obtaining host information, creating monitoring items, modifying triggers, etc. You can select an appropriate API method to call according to actual needs.
  4. Process API return results. When using the Zabbix API, you need to process the results returned by the API. It can be processed through the JSON format, the result is parsed into a data object, and then corresponding processing and operations are performed.

Through the above steps, you can use the Zabbix API to realize the automatic management and monitoring of Zabbix. Zabbix API provides flexible interfaces and methods, which can be adjusted and modified according to actual needs to achieve more in-depth and comprehensive monitoring and management of the system.

gun tei

Please explain Zabbix maintenance and optimization in detail Database maintenance and optimization

Of course, Zabbix maintenance and optimization can be explained in detail for you Database maintenance and optimization.

Zabbix uses MySQL or PostgreSQL as its database backend. In order to ensure the normal operation and stable performance of the system, regular maintenance and optimization of the database is required. The following are the steps for Zabbix database maintenance and optimization:

  1. Back up your database regularly. When maintaining the database, you first need to back up the database regularly. You can use MySQL or PostgreSQL backup tools to back up the database to a local disk or a remote server. The frequency of backup can be adjusted according to actual needs, and it is generally recommended to perform a backup every day.
  2. Clean up useless data. When using Zabbix, a large amount of useless data may be generated, such as historical data, log data, etc. In order to reduce the burden on the database and improve the performance of the system, it is necessary to regularly clean up useless data. You can use the cleaning tool that comes with Zabbix or manually clean up useless data.
  3. Optimize the database structure. In order to improve the performance and stability of the database, the database structure needs to be optimized. It can be optimized by adjusting indexes, optimizing queries, analyzing tables, etc. You can use MySQL or PostgreSQL optimization tools, or manually optimize the database structure.
  4. Monitor database performance. When maintaining and optimizing a database, it is necessary to monitor the performance of the database. You can use Zabbix’s built-in monitoring tools or third-party tools to monitor and count database performance indicators. It can be optimized and adjusted according to the monitoring results to improve the performance and stability of the database.
  5. Upgrade the database version. For better performance and stability, the database version needs to be upgraded regularly. You can use the MySQL or PostgreSQL upgrade tool to upgrade the database to the latest version. The database needs to be backed up before upgrading, and full testing and verification should be carried out.

Through the above steps, the Zabbix database can be maintained and optimized to improve the performance and stability of the system. It should be noted that database maintenance and optimization is a long-term process that requires constant adjustment and improvement to meet the needs and requirements of the system.

gun tei

Please explain Zabbix maintenance and optimization server performance tuning in detail

Of course, Zabbix maintenance and optimization server performance tuning can be explained in detail for you.

Zabbix uses a client/server architecture, which requires performance tuning on the server and client to improve system performance and stability. The following are the steps for Zabbix server performance tuning:

  1. Adjust the server hardware configuration. When improving the performance of the Zabbix server, you can consider upgrading the hardware configuration of the server, such as increasing memory, CPU, hard disk, etc. It needs to be adjusted and upgraded according to the load and usage of the system.
  2. Adjust Zabbix server parameters. In the Zabbix server, there are several parameters that can be adjusted to improve the performance of the system. For example, parameters such as cache size, thread pool size, and log level can be adjusted. It needs to be adjusted according to the load and usage of the system.
  3. Configure Zabbix Proxy. If the network bandwidth between Zabbix Server and client is small, you can consider using Zabbix Proxy. Zabbix Proxy can cache and filter client data, reduce the burden on Zabbix Server, and improve system performance.
  4. Optimize client data collection. Client data collection is also an important factor affecting system performance. The efficiency of client data collection can be improved by adding monitoring items, adjusting the data collection cycle, and optimizing scripts.
  5. Configure monitoring items and triggers. When using Zabbix, it is necessary to configure monitoring items and triggers reasonably. It can be adjusted according to actual needs and business conditions to avoid invalid monitoring and alarming.
  6. Monitor system performance. In Zabbix, various monitoring items and templates can be used to monitor system performance indicators. It can be adjusted and optimized according to the monitoring results to improve the performance and stability of the system.

Through the above steps, the performance of the Zabbix server can be tuned to improve the performance and stability of the system. It should be noted that server performance tuning is a long-term process that needs to be continuously adjusted and improved to meet the needs and requirements of the system.

gun tei

Please explain Zabbix maintenance and optimization log analysis and troubleshooting in detail

Of course, we can explain Zabbix maintenance and optimization log analysis and troubleshooting for you in detail.

When using Zabbix, various problems may occur, such as abnormal monitoring data, inaccurate alarms, etc. In order to discover and solve these problems in a timely manner, Zabbix logs need to be analyzed and checked. The following are the steps for Zabbix log analysis and troubleshooting:

  1. Check Zabbix Server and client logs. In Zabbix Server and client, there will be corresponding log records. You can learn about the system’s operating status and exceptions by viewing the log files. You can troubleshoot and solve problems based on the error information in the logs.
  2. Use the monitoring tool that comes with Zabbix. Zabbix provides a variety of monitoring tools, such as Zabbix Agent, Zabbix Proxy, etc. Through these monitoring tools, all aspects of the system can be monitored and counted. Troubleshooting and resolution can be carried out based on the monitoring results.
  3. Use third-party monitoring tools. In addition to the monitoring tools that come with Zabbix, you can also use third-party monitoring tools to troubleshoot and solve problems. For example, tools such as Nagios and Grafana can be used to monitor and analyze the performance and operation status of the system.
  4. Analyze database and network performance. In Zabbix, database and network are important factors affecting system performance. By analyzing database and network performance indicators, you can understand the bottlenecks and bottlenecks of the system. You can use MySQL or PostgreSQL performance analysis tools and network performance analysis tools for analysis and troubleshooting.
  5. Adjust monitoring policies and configurations. When troubleshooting, consider adjusting monitoring policies and configurations. For example, monitoring items can be added, monitoring cycle can be adjusted, triggers can be optimized, etc. to improve the monitoring efficiency and accuracy of the system.

Through the above steps, you can analyze and troubleshoot Zabbix logs, discover and solve system problems in time, and improve system stability and reliability. It should be noted that troubleshooting and resolution is a long-term process that requires continuous adjustment and improvement to meet the needs and requirements of the system.

gun tei

Please explain in detail Zabbix maintenance and optimization Zabbix backup and recovery

Of course, we can explain Zabbix maintenance and optimization Zabbix backup and recovery for you in detail.

When using Zabbix, Zabbix configuration and data need to be backed up regularly to ensure system stability and reliability. Following are the steps for Zabbix backup and restore:

  1. Backup Zabbix configuration files. In Zabbix Server and client, there are corresponding configuration files, which contain various settings and configurations of the system. Regular backups of these configuration files are required to allow recovery in the event of system failure or data loss. Backups can be made using file backup tools or scripts.
  2. Backup Zabbix database. In Zabbix, the database is the core component for storing monitoring data and configuration information. Zabbix database needs to be backed up regularly to ensure data integrity and reliability. You can use MySQL or PostgreSQL backup tools to back up the database to a local disk or a remote server.
  3. Backup Zabbix monitoring data. In Zabbix, monitoring data is one of the most important data. Monitoring data needs to be regularly backed up for recovery in the event of system failure or data loss. You can use the monitoring data backup tool that comes with Zabbix to back up monitoring data to a local disk or a remote server.
  4. Restore Zabbix backup data. When Zabbix fails or data is lost, backup data needs to be used for recovery. You can use the corresponding recovery tools or scripts to restore the backup data to the system. It should be noted that when restoring backup data, it is necessary to operate carefully to avoid misuse and data loss.

Through the above steps, Zabbix can be backed up and restored to ensure the stability and reliability of the system. It should be noted that backup and recovery is a long-term process that needs to be continuously adjusted and improved to meet the needs and requirements of the system.

gun tei

Please summarize and review

Ok, let me do a summary review of the Zabbix tutorial content we discussed earlier:

Zabbix is ​​a powerful open source monitoring system, which can monitor various IT infrastructure and applications, and provide rich monitoring data and alarm functions. When using Zabbix, the following steps are required:

  1. Install Zabbix Server and web frontend. Zabbix uses a client/server architecture and needs to be installed and configured on the server side and the web front end.
  2. Install Zabbix Agent. Zabbix Agent is a component used to collect client data and needs to be installed and configured on the monitored client.
  3. Configure Zabbix monitoring items, triggers and alerts. In Zabbix, various monitoring items, triggers and alarms can be configured to monitor and alarm various conditions of the system.
  4. Perform Zabbix maintenance and optimization. When using Zabbix, Zabbix needs to be maintained and optimized, such as backing up the database, cleaning up useless data, optimizing the database structure, etc.
  5. Use Zabbix API and auto-discovery. Zabbix provides API and auto-discovery functions for automated operation and maintenance and batch management.
  6. Perform Zabbix log analysis and troubleshooting. When using Zabbix, various problems may occur, and log analysis and troubleshooting are required to solve system problems in a timely manner.

Through the above steps, Zabbix can be used to monitor and manage IT infrastructure and applications to improve system stability and reliability.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Of course, I can answer some frequently asked questions about Zabbix for you.

  1. What technical and knowledge reserves does Zabbix need?

To use Zabbix, you need to have certain basic knowledge of Linux system management and network, such as Linux command line operation, network protocol, firewall configuration, etc. At the same time, you need to understand the architecture and working principle of Zabbix, as well as how to configure and manage it.

  1. Does Zabbix support distributed deployment?

Yes, Zabbix supports distributed deployment and can use multiple Zabbix Servers and Zabbix Proxies for monitoring. It needs to be deployed and configured according to the load and requirements of the system.

  1. What is the storage method of Zabbix monitoring data?

Zabbix monitoring data is stored in the database, which can be stored using MySQL or PostgreSQL. It is necessary to regularly back up and clear useless data to avoid excessive database storage and affect system performance.

  1. Does Zabbix support custom monitoring items and alarm actions?

Yes, Zabbix supports custom monitoring items and alarm actions, which can be configured according to actual needs and business conditions. Custom monitoring and alerting can be done using custom scripts and APIs.

  1. Can Zabbix monitor cloud platforms and containers?

Yes, Zabbix can monitor cloud platforms and containers such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Docker, Kubernetes, etc. It needs to be configured and deployed according to the actual situation.

  1. How to achieve high availability of Zabbix?

High availability of Zabbix can be achieved by using Zabbix Server cluster, Zabbix Proxy cluster, database master-slave replication, etc. It needs to be configured and deployed according to actual requirements and system load.

Hope the above answers can help you. If you have other questions, welcome to continue asking.

gun tei

Please recommend learning resources

Of course, some resources for learning Zabbix can be recommended for you:

  1. Zabbix official documentation: Zabbix officially provides detailed user manuals and administrator manuals, which cover the installation, configuration, use and maintenance of Zabbix. You can download the latest version of the manual from the Zabbix official website, or view it online.
  2. Zabbix video tutorials: You can search for many Zabbix video tutorials on major video websites, such as Bilibili, Youku, etc. These video tutorials usually cover the installation, configuration and use of Zabbix, which is a good way to get started quickly.
  3. Zabbix community: Zabbix community is an open discussion and communication platform, where you can get the latest Zabbix information and materials, and communicate and share with other Zabbix users and developers. Some practical Zabbix skills and experience can be obtained in the community.
  4. Zabbix books: There are many books about Zabbix on the market, such as “Zabbix Practical Combat”, “Zabbix Monitoring Application Guide” and so on. These books usually introduce the installation, configuration, use and optimization of Zabbix from a practical point of view.
  5. Zabbix official training: Zabbix officially provides training courses and certification exams, and you can learn about the latest training and exam information from the official website. During the training courses, trainees can acquire more systematic Zabbix knowledge and experience.

The above are the recommendations of some Zabbix learning resources, hoping to be helpful to you.


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