Getting Start With Flutter

I want to do a video of IT tutorial, can you arrange the text content of the video tutorial for me according to the content of the website. Let’s start with the Flutter tutorial, and you start by giving me a list of things to cover.

Of course, it can help you list the list of things to be covered in the Flutter tutorial, and here is the suggested outline:

  1. Flutter introduction and environment building
    • What is Flutter, its advantages and features
    • Install Flutter and related tools
    • Configure Android Studio and VS Code
  2. Flutter basic syntax and components
    • Dart Language Basics
    • Components and layouts of Flutter
    • Flutter’s life cycle
  3. Flutter development basics
    • The basic UI component of Flutter
    • State management and data binding
    • Routing and navigation
  4. Flutter advanced development
    • Animation and transition effects
    • Network requests and data parsing
    • Internationalization and localization of Flutter
  5. Flutter hands-on application development
    • Build a complete Flutter app
    • Implement a simple login and sign-up functionality
    • Call third-party APIs and integrate third-party SDKs

I hope this outline can help you, if you need more detailed explanation, feel free to ask me.

gun tei

Please explain in detail what Flutter is, its advantages and features

Flutter is a cross-platform mobile app development framework developed and maintained by Google. Flutter uses the Dart programming language, which enables developers to quickly build high-performance, high-fidelity applications. Flutter can develop not only mobile apps, but also platforms such as web, desktop, and embedded devices.

Here are the advantages and features of Flutter:

  1. Rapid development

Flutter provides rich UI components and pre-built styles that allow developers to build applications quickly. Flutter also has a hot reload feature that allows developers to see the effect of code changes in real time, improving development efficiency.

  1. High fidelity

Flutter uses its own rendering engine to make the app’s UI look like the native app. Flutter also offers a beautiful set of Material Design and Cupertino-style UI components that make applications look consistent across different platforms.

  1. Performance

Flutter uses its own rendering engine and can render UI directly on the GPU, so it has high performance. Flutter also uses its own compiler, which can compile Dart code to native machine code, avoiding the performance penalty of the interpreter.

  1. Cross-platform

Flutter can run on multiple platforms, including Android, iOS, web, desktop, and embedded devices. This means that developers can build applications for multiple platforms using the same code, reducing development time and costs.

  1. Highly customizable

Flutter provides a framework for custom UI components, allowing developers to customize UI components according to their needs. Flutter also supports custom themes, which allow apps to look different on different platforms.

In summary, Flutter is a fast, high-fidelity, high-performance, cross-platform, customizable mobile application development framework suitable for a variety of different application development needs.

gun tei

Please explain in detail how to install Flutter and related tools

Installing Flutter and related tools is the first step to getting started with Flutter. Here are the steps to install Flutter and related tools:

  1. Download the Flutter SDK

First, you need to download the Flutter SDK. The zip archive of the Flutter SDK can be downloaded from the Flutter website ( After the download is complete, extract the compressed package to a suitable directory.

  1. Configure the Flutter environment variable

In order to run the Flutter command in the terminal, Flutter’s bin directory needs to be added to the system’s PATH environment variable. The specific operation mode is as follows:

(1) Open the .bashrc or .zshrc file in the terminal and add the following:

bashCopy codeexport PATH="$PATH:[flutter sdk 的路径]/bin"

(2) Run the following command to make the configuration take effect:

shellCopy code$ source ~/.bashrc


shellCopy code$ source ~/.zshrc
  1. Install the Flutter dependencies

Flutter needs some dependencies before it can run, which need to be installed first. For specific dependency installation methods, please refer to the official documentation of Flutter.

  1. Install Android Studio or VS Code

Flutter can be developed using a variety of editors, but Android Studio or VS Code is recommended. Both editors have great Flutter plugin support.

  1. Install the Flutter plugin

If you use Android Studio, you need to install the Flutter plugin. For specific installation methods, you can search for the Flutter plugin in the plug-in market of Android Studio and install it.

If you use VS Code, you need to install the Flutter and Dart plugins. Flutter and Dart plugins can be searched for and installed in VS Code’s Extension Market.

  1. Check if Flutter is installed successfully

Finally, you can check whether Flutter is successfully installed by entering the following command in the terminal:

rubyCopy code$ flutter doctor

The command examines Flutter’s environment and outputs any questions and suggestions.

The above is the steps to install Flutter and related tools, follow these steps, and you can start developing with Flutter.

gun tei

Please explain in detail configuring Android Studio and VS Code

Configuring Android Studio and VS Code is an important step in developing with Flutter, which is detailed below.

Configure Android Studio

  1. Install Android Studio

First of all, you need to install Android Studio, you can download the installation package from the Android official website ( and follow the installation wizard to install it.

  1. Install the Flutter plugin

After installing Android Studio, you need to install the Flutter plugin. From the welcome screen or main screen of Android Studio, click the “Configure” button, select the “Plugins” option, search for “Flutter” and install it. After the installation is complete, you need to restart Android Studio to take effect.

  1. Create the Flutter project

Once you’ve installed the Flutter plugin, you’re ready to create a Flutter project. In the main interface of Android Studio, click the “Start a new Flutter project” button, select the type and name of the Flutter project, and select the appropriate storage location, and then click the “Finish” button to create a Flutter project.

  1. Run the Flutter app

After creating a Flutter project, you can run the Flutter app through the Android Studio’s toolbar or menu bar. The Flutter app can be run by selecting the Run or Debug button in the toolbar or menu bar and selecting the device or emulator you want to run.

Configure VS Code

  1. Install VS Code

You need to install VS Code first, you can download the installation package from the VS Code official website ( and follow the installation wizard to install it.

  1. Install the Flutter and Dart plugins

After installing VS Code, you need to install the Flutter and Dart plugins. Search for “Flutter” and “Dart” plugins in VS Code’s Extension Market and install them. After the installation is complete, you need to restart VS Code to take effect.

  1. Create the Flutter project

Once you’ve installed the Flutter and Dart plugins, you’re ready to create your Flutter project. In the sidebar of VS Code, click the “Explorer” button, select the directory where you want to store the Flutter project, and create the Flutter project by entering the following command in the terminal:

luaCopy code$ flutter create <project_name>

Among them, <project_name> is the name of the Flutter project.

  1. Run the Flutter app

Once you’ve created a Flutter project, you can run the Flutter app through VS Code’s terminal. Go to the Flutter project directory in the terminal and enter the following command to run the Flutter application:

arduinoCopy code$ flutter run

This command starts the Flutter application and outputs the application’s log information in the terminal.

These are the steps to configure Android Studio and VS Code, follow these steps, and you can start using Android Studio or VS Code for Flutter development.

gun tei

Please explain the basics of the Dart language in detail

Dart, the official programming language of Flutter, is an object-oriented, statically typed programming language, and the basics of Dart are detailed below.

Variables and data types

In Dart, variables can be declared using var, dynamic, or specific data types, for example:

csharpCopy codevar name = 'John';
dynamic age = 30;
int height = 180;
double weight = 70.5;
bool isMarried = false;

Data types supported by Dart include: numeric types (int, double), boolean (bool), string (String), and list (List). Dart also supports other data types such as Map, Set, Runes, and Symbols.


The operators supported by Dart include arithmetic operators (+、-、*, /, %), relational operators (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=), logical operators (&&, ||, ! ) and other common operators.

Flow control statements

Dart supports common flow control statements, including if statements, for loops, while loops, and switch statements. For example:

phpCopy codeif (score >= 90) {
} else if (score >= 80) {
} else if (score >= 70) {
} else {

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

while (count < 5) {

switch (value) {
  case 'A':
  case 'B':
  case 'C':


Functions in Dart can be declared using Function, void, or a specific return value type, and can contain parameters and function bodies. For example:

arduinoCopy codevoid printMessage(String message) {

int add(int a, int b) {
  return a + b;

double divide(double a, double b) => a / b;



arduinoCopy codeclass Person {
  String name;
  int age;

  Person(, this.age);

  void sayHello() {
    print('Hello, my name is $name, I am $age years old.');

Person p = Person('John', 30);



csharpCopy codetry {
  // 代码块
} catch (e) {
  // 异常处理代码
} finally {
  // finally代码块

That’s all for the basics of the Dart language, which are essential for learning Flutter

gun tei

Please explain Flutter’s components and layout in detail

Flutter is a component-based UI framework that provides rich components and layout methods to help developers quickly build beautiful interfaces. Flutter’s components and layout are detailed below.


Components in Flutter can be divided into two categories: Material Design-style components and Cupertino-style components. Material Design is a design style launched by Google, characterized by flat, simple and rich colors; Cupertino style is a design style launched by Apple, characterized by flatness, simplicity and less color.

Material Design-style components

In Flutter, modern applications can be built quickly using Material Design-style components. Material Design-style components include:

  • Text: A text component that displays text content.
  • RaisedButton: The RaisedButton component, which is used to create raised buttons.
  • FlatButton: The FlatButton component, which is used to create flat buttons.
  • IconButton: The IconButton component, which creates buttons with icons.
  • TextField: The TextField component, which is used to enter text content.
  • Checkbox: A Checkbox component that selects one or more options.
  • Radio: The Radio component, which is used to select an option from several options.
  • Switch: A Switch component that toggles the switch state.
  • Slider: The Slider component, which selects a range of values.
  • AppBar: The AppBar component, which creates the top bar of the application.
  • BottomNavigationBar: The BottomNavigationBar component is used to create the bottom navigation bar.
  • Drawer: The Drawer component is used to create a drawer navigation menu.
  • Snackbar: The Snackbar component that displays notifications at the bottom of the screen.

Cupertino style components

In Flutter, iOS-style apps can be built quickly using Cupertino-style components. Cupertino style components include:

  • CupertinoButton: A Cupertino style button component.
  • CupertinoTextField: A Cupertino style text input box component.
  • Cupertino Switch: Cupertino style switch assembly.
  • CupertinoSlider: A Cupertino style slider component.
  • Cupertino AlertDialog: A Cupertino style warning box component.
  • Cupertino NavigationBar: A Cupertino style navigation bar component.


Layouts in Flutter can be divided into two categories: linear layouts and elastic layouts. A linear layout is the arrangement of components horizontally or vertically; Flexible layout arranges components according to certain rules, which can adapt to changes in screen size and component size.

Linear layout

In Flutter, you can use the Row and Column components to create linear layouts both horizontally and vertically. For example:

scssCopy codeRow(
  children: <Widget>[
gun tei

Please explain Flutter’s other layouts in detail

In addition to linear layouts, Flutter offers other common layout methods, including:

Cascading layout (Stack)

Cascading layouts lay out subcomponents in a cascading manner, similar to z-index in the web. In Flutter, cascading layouts can be created using the Stack component. For example:

lessCopy codeStack(
  children: <Widget>[
      left: 10.0,
      top: 10.0,
      child: Text('Hello, world!'),
      right: 10.0,
      top: 10.0,
      child: Text('Flutter'),

Flow layout (Wrap)

Flow layouts can wrap words to automatically adjust the position and size of subcomponents based on available space. In Flutter, streaming layouts can be created using the Wrap component. For example:

lessCopy codeWrap(
  children: <Widget>[
      label: Text('Apple'),
      avatar: Icon(Icons.favorite),
      label: Text('Banana'),
      avatar: Icon(Icons.favorite),
      label: Text('Cherry'),
      avatar: Icon(Icons.favorite),
      label: Text('Durian'),
      avatar: Icon(Icons.favorite),
      label: Text('Elderberry'),
      avatar: Icon(Icons.favorite),


Grid layout allows subcomponents to be laid out in a grid fashion, and supports automatic resizing of subcomponents. In Flutter, grid layouts can be created using the GridView component. For example:

lessCopy codeGridView.count(
  crossAxisCount: 2,
  children: List.generate(10, (index) {
    return Center(
      child: Text(
        'Item $index',
        style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headline5,

List layout (ListView)

List layout can lay out subcomponents in a list manner and support scrolling. In Flutter, a list layout can be created using the ListView component. For example:

phpCopy codeListView.builder(
  itemCount: items.length,
  itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
    return ListTile(
      title: Text('${items[index]}'),


gun tei




1. createState()


javaCopy codeclass MyWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyWidgetState createState() => _MyWidgetState();

2. initState()


javaCopy codeclass _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
  void initState() {
    // 初始化操作

3. didChangeDependencies()


javaCopy codeclass _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
  void didChangeDependencies() {
    // 获取父Widget传递过来的数据

4. build()


javaCopy codeclass _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      child: Text('Hello, World!'),

5. didUpdateWidget()

The method is called when the Widget state changes, such as updating some data in the method, for example:

javaCopy codeclass _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
  void didUpdateWidget(MyWidget oldWidget) {
    // 更新数据

6. deactivate()

This method is called when the State object is removed, and usually some cleanup work is done in this method, such as:

javaCopy codeclass _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
  void deactivate() {
    // 清理工作

7. disposes()

This method is called when the State object is permanently removed, and usually performs some resource release operations in this method, such as:

javaCopy codeclass _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
  void dispose() {
    // 资源释放操作

The above are common lifecycle methods in Flutter, and implementing these methods according to specific needs can give you more control over the state and behavior of the widget.

gun tei

Please explain in detail how to create basic UI components for Flutter

In Flutter, UI components are implemented through widgets. Flutter provides rich basic UI components, including text, images, buttons, input boxes, and more. Here’s how to create a few basic UI components common in Flutter.

1. Text component

The Text component is used to display text content, and you can style the text through TextStyle, for example:

lessCopy codeText(
  'Hello, World!',
  style: TextStyle(
    fontSize: 20,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,

2. Image component

The image component is used to display images, and you can load network or local images through or Image.asset, for example:

arduinoCopy codeImage.asset(

3. Button component

Button components are used to trigger events, and different styles of buttons can be created from RaisedButton, FlatButton, or IconButton, for example:

lessCopy codeRaisedButton(
  onPressed: () {
    // 点击事件
  child: Text('Click me'),
lessCopy codeFlatButton(
  onPressed: () {
    // 点击事件
  child: Text('Click me'),
lessCopy codeIconButton(
  onPressed: () {
    // 点击事件
  icon: Icon(,

4. Input Box component

The Input Box component is used for users to enter text content, and text input boxes can be created through TextField, for example:

lessCopy codeTextField(
  onChanged: (value) {
    // 输入框内容发生变化时触发的回调函数
  decoration: InputDecoration(
    hintText: '请输入内容',

The above are several basic UI components commonly found in Flutter, and you can choose the right components to achieve UI design according to specific needs.

gun tei

Please explain in detail Flutter’s state management

In the Flutter app, state refers to data or variables that change in the app. For example, text entered by the user, data returned by a network request, screen size, and so on are all states in the application. Flutter provides a variety of state management scenarios for managing state in applications to enable data updates and UI refreshes.

Here are a few state management scenarios commonly used in Flutter:

1. StatefulWidget and State

StatefulWidget and State are commonly used state management schemes in Flutter. StatefulWidget represents a mutable widget that does not contain state data itself, but can be accessed and modified through the State object. StatefulWidget and State usually come in pairs, for example:

lessCopy codeclass MyWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyWidgetState createState() => _MyWidgetState();

class _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
  int _counter = 0;

  void _incrementCounter() {
    setState(() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
              onPressed: _incrementCounter,
              child: Text('Increment'),

In the above example, MyWidget is a StatefulWidget, _MyWidgetState the corresponding State object, _counter state data, _incrementCounter a method to update state data. When the user clicks the button, the _incrementCounter method is called to update the state data, and then the setState method is called to notify the Flutter framework to rebuild the UI, thus realizing the UI refresh.

2. Provider

Provider is a lightweight state management library that provides a simple yet powerful way to share data. In the provider, data is shared via an InheritedWidget. The following is an example of using a provider to share a counter:

lessCopy codeclass Counter with ChangeNotifier {
  int _count = 0;

  int get count => _count;

  void increment() {

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ChangeNotifierProvider(
      create: (context) => Counter(),
      child: Scaffold(
        body: Center(
          child: Consumer<Counter>(
            builder: (context, counter, child) {
              return Column(
                children: <Widget>[
                    onPressed: () {
                    child: Text('Increment'),

In the above example, Counter is a data model that manages the state data of the counters. Use the ChangeNotifierProvider to create a Counter object and provide it to all parts in the subtree. In the subassembly, use Consumer to access the Counter object and listen for changes in the Counter object. When the user clicks the button, the increment method of the Counter object is called to update the state data, and then the notifyListeners method is called to notify all parts that depend on the Counter object to be rebuilt.

3. Redux

Redux is a framework for managing application state

gun tei

Please explain Flutter’s Redux in detail

Redux is a framework for managing application state, which is a variant of the Flux-based architecture and a pattern of unidirectional data flow. In Flutter, Redux stores the application’s state data through a central repository and updates the state data by triggering an action. Redux then notifies all parts that rely on state data to rebuild.

Here are three core concepts in Redux:

1. Store

The Store is the central repository in Redux, which contains the state data of the application. The Store can get the state data through the getState method and trigger the action through the dispatch method to update the state data. The Store can also listen for changes in state data via the subscribed method in order to notify all parts that depend on state data to rebuild.

In Flutter, you can use the redux library to create Stores, for example:

cssCopy codefinal store = Store<AppState>(
  initialState: AppState(),

In the above example, a Store object named store is created, where AppState is the type of state data and appReduce is a pure function that updates state data.

2. Action

An Action is an object in Redux that describes state changes, which contains a type and some data. When the application needs to update the state data, an Action is triggered and sent to the Store. The Store updates the state data based on the type and data of the Action and notifies all parts that depend on the state data to rebuild.

In Flutter, you can create Actions using the Action class from the redux library, for example:

kotlinCopy codeclass IncrementAction {
  final int amount;


In the above example, an Action class called IncrementAction is created, which contains an amount attribute that describes the increased amount.

3. Reducer

Reducer is a pure function in Redux for updating state data, which receives the current state data and the Action object as parameters and returns a new state data. In the Reduce function, the state data should be updated according to the type of Action and a new state data returned.

In Flutter, you can use the combineReduce function in the redux library to combine multiple Reducer functions into a single Reducer function, for example:

csharpCopy codeAppState appReducer(AppState state, dynamic action) {
  return AppState(
    counter: counterReducer(state.counter, action),
    // other reducers

int counterReducer(int state, dynamic action) {
  if (action is IncrementAction) {
    return state + action.amount;
  return state;

In the above example, appReduce is a Reducer function that combines multiple Reducer functions, where counterReduce is the Reducer function used to update counter state data. When IncrementAction is received, the current counter value is appended to the action.amount and a new status data is returned.

Overall, Redux is a powerful state management solution that helps Flutter developers effectively manage state data in their applications and implement data updates and UI refreshes. Using Redux requires a certain learning cost, but once you are familiar with the basic concepts and usage of Redux, you can improve development efficiency

gun tei

Please explain Flutter’s data binding in detail

Data binding in Flutter is to bind controls in the data model and user interface (UI) together to achieve automatic data updates. When the data in the Model changes, the controls in the UI automatically update to display the latest data.

Flutter provides a variety of data binding methods, including the following:

1. StatelessWidget

StatelessWidget is an immutable control that takes a data model as a parameter and builds the UI based on the data model. When the data model changes, the StatelessWidget is rebuilt to update the UI.

For example, here’s an example of implementing data binding using StatelessWidget:

javaCopy codeclass MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  final int count;

  MyWidget({required this.count});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Text('Count: $count');

In the above example, MyWidget is a StatelessWidget that receives the count parameter. When count changes, MyWidget is rebuilt to update the UI.

2. StatefulWidget

StatefulWidget is a mutable control that contains a State object that manages the state of the control. When the data model changes, the StatefulWidget passes the changed data to its State object and requests the State object to update the UI.

For example, here’s an example of data binding using StatefulWidget:

javaCopy codeclass MyWidget extends StatefulWidget {
  final int count;

  MyWidget({required this.count});

  _MyWidgetState createState() => _MyWidgetState();

class _MyWidgetState extends State<MyWidget> {
  int _count = 0;

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Text('Count: $_count');

  void didUpdateWidget(MyWidget oldWidget) {
    if (oldWidget.count != widget.count) {
      setState(() {
        _count = widget.count;

In the above example, MyWidget is a StatefulWidget that receives the count parameter, which contains a _MyWidgetState object that manages the state of the control. When count changes, MyWidget passes the changed data to its State object and requests that the _State object update the UI.

3. StreamBuilder

StreamBuilder is a control that uses Stream to implement data binding, which takes a Stream as a parameter and builds the UI from the data in the Stream. When the data in Stream changes, StreamBuilder automatically updates the UI to display the latest data.

For example, here’s an example of data binding using StreamBuilder:

kotlinCopy codeclass MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  final Stream<int> countStream;

  MyWidget({required this.countStream});

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return StreamBuilder<int>(
      stream: countStream,
      builder: (context, snapshot) {
        if (snapshot.hasData) {
          return Text('Count: ${}');
        } else {
          return Text('Loading...');

In the example above, MyWidget is a StatelessWidget that receives the countStream parameter, which uses Stream

gun tei

Please explain Flutter’s routing and navigation in detail

In Flutter, routing and navigation are important concepts for managing navigation and transitions between application pages. Routing manages the application’s stack of pages, while navigation is the movement from one page to another.


A route is a page in an application that can be accessed by the route name or path. In Flutter, routing is managed by Navigator, which manages the stack of pages in an application so that the application can transition between different pages.

Flutter provides two types of routes: named routes and anonymous routes.

Name the route

A named route is a route that is accessed using a name in an application. They are usually predefined at application startup and accessed via the Navigator.pushNamed() method.

For example, here is an example of using named routes:

typescriptCopy codeclass MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      initialRoute: '/',
      routes: {
        '/': (context) => HomePage(),
        '/second': (context) => SecondPage(),
        '/third': (context) => ThirdPage(),

class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Home')),
      body: Center(
        child: ElevatedButton(
          onPressed: () => Navigator.pushNamed(context, '/second'),
          child: Text('Go to second page'),

In the example above, MyApp defines three named routes: /, /second, and /third. HomePage contains a button that, when clicked, uses the Navigator.pushNamed() method to navigate the user to the /second route.

Anonymous routing

An anonymous route is a route that does not have a name in the application. They are usually created dynamically through the Navigator.push() method.

For example, here is an example of using anonymous routing:

lessCopy codeclass MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: HomePage(),

class HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Home')),
      body: Center(
        child: ElevatedButton(
          onPressed: () => Navigator.push(
            MaterialPageRoute(builder: (context) => SecondPage()),
          child: Text('Go to second page'),

In the example above, HomePage contains a button that, when clicked, dynamically creates an anonymous route using the Navigator.push() method and navigates the user to that route.


Navigation refers to the movement of going from one page to another. In Flutter, navigation can be achieved using the following two methods:

1. Navigator.push()

The Navigator.push() method pushes the user from one page to another, and it receives a BuildContext and a Route as arguments.

For example, here is an example of navigation using the Navigator.push() method:

javaCopy codeclass HomePage extends StatelessWidget {
gun tei

Please explain Flutter animations and transitions in detail

Flutter is a framework with powerful animations and transitions. By using Flutter’s animations and transition effects, developers can create amazing user experiences.


Flutter provides some built-in animation classes, including AnimatedContainer, AnimatedOpacity, AnimatedPadding, AnimatedPositioned, AnimatedAlign, and AnimatedBuilder, which make it easy for developers to create animation effects.

Use Tween

Tween is a key class in Flutter animations that defines a scope that defines the start and end states of the animation. In Flutter, Tween is often used to create a motion tween that receives a start value and an end value and provides a method to calculate the current value. In animation, Tween is used to calculate the median value of a property value.

For example, here’s an example of creating motion tweens using Tween:

scssCopy codeclass MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage>
    with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
  AnimationController _controller;
  Animation<double> _animation;

  void initState() {
    _controller = AnimationController(
        duration: const Duration(seconds: 2), vsync: this);
    _animation = Tween<double>(begin: 0, end: 1).animate(_controller);

  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Center(
      child: Opacity(
        opacity: _animation.value,
        child: Text(
          'Hello World',
          style: TextStyle(fontSize: 40),

In the example above, we used Tween to create an animation from 0 to 1 and applied it to Opacity’s transparency property. When the animation starts, the transparency gradually increases from 0 to 1, achieving a fading animation effect.

Use AnimationBuilder

AnimationBuilder, another commonly used animation class in Flutter, takes an Animation as a parameter and calls a callback function on each frame of the animation. AnimationBuilder is often used to build complex UI elements in animation.

For example, here’s an example of creating an animation using AnimationBuilder:

scssCopy codeclass MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
  _MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage>
    with SingleTickerProviderStateMixin {
  AnimationController _controller;
  Animation<double> _animation;

  void initState() {
    _controller = AnimationController(
        duration: const Duration(seconds: 2), vsync: this);
    _animation = Tween<double>(begin: 0, end: 1).animate(_controller);

  void dispose() {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Center(
      child: AnimatedBuilder(
        animation: _animation,
        builder: (BuildContext context, Widget child) {
          return Transform.scale(
gun tei

Please explain in detail Flutter’s network requests and data parsing

Flutter provides some built-in tools and packages for making network requests and data parsing. In this section, we will introduce in detail the methods and techniques for network requests and data parsing in Flutter.

Network requests

Network requests in Flutter usually require the use of Dart’s built-in packages or third-party packages such as , , etc. These packages all provide similar interfaces for initiating network requests, and all support asynchronous operations.httpdioretrofit

Use HTTP packets for network requests

httpPackages are built-in packages for making HTTP requests in Dart, which provide a series of classes and methods to make HTTP requests conveniently. For example, to send a GET request using a package, you can follow these steps:http

  1. Ingestion package:http
dartCopy codeimport 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
  1. Send a GET request:
dartCopy codehttp.Response response = await http.get(Uri.parse(''));

In the above code, we send a GET request using the method, pass in the URL of the request, and return an object. Use keywords to make this asynchronous operation synchronous, waiting for the request to complete before continuing with the following code.gethttp.Responseawait

Use DIO packets for network requests

dioPackages is a feature-rich, easy-to-use HTTP client that supports RESTful APIs, FormData, file uploads, downloads, request cancellations, and more. To send a GET request using a package, you can do it by following these steps:dio

  1. Ingestion package:dio
dartCopy codeimport 'package:dio/dio.dart';
  1. Create an object:Dio
dartCopy codeDio dio = Dio();
  1. Send a GET request:
dartCopy codeResponse response = await dio.get('');

In the above code, we send a GET request using the method, pass in the URL of the request, and return an object. Similar to packages, using keywords makes this asynchronous operation synchronous.getResponsehttpawait

Data parsing

Data parsing in Flutter usually requires using Dart’s built-in packages or using third-party packages such as , , etc. These packages all provide similar interfaces for easy JSON data parsing.jsonjson_serializablebuilt_value

Use JSON packages for JSON data parsing

jsonPackage is a built-in package for JSON data parsing in Dart, which provides a series of classes and methods to facilitate JSON data parsing. For example, parse the following JSON data:

jsonCopy code{
  "userId": 1,
  "id": 1,
  "title": "sunt aut facere repellat provident occaecati excepturi optio reprehenderit",
  "body": "quia et suscipit\nsuscipit..."

This can be done by following these steps:

  1. Ingestion package:dart:convert
dartCopy codeimport 'dart:convert';
  1. Parsing JSON data:
dartCopy codeMap<String
gun tei

Please explain in detail the internationalization and localization of Flutter

Flutter provides an easy way to internationalize and localize your application to adapt to different languages and locales. In Flutter, these features can be easily implemented using Dart’s intl library.

Internationalization involves translating an application’s text and other localized resources into other languages. Flutter is internationalized by using the ARB (Application Resource Bundle) file format. An arb file is a simple JSON file format that contains localized strings and other resources.

In Flutter, you can use the Flutter intl plugin to create and manage the localization of your application. The plugin provides a set of command-line tools that can help you create and manage ARB files easily. With this plugin, it is easy to translate strings into other languages and save them to the corresponding ARB file.

In your application, you can use the Intl library to access localized strings and other resources. The intl library provides a set of methods to load the correct localized resources based on the current language and locale. For example, you can use methods to get localized strings:Intl.message

dartCopy codeString greeting = Intl.message('Hello', name: 'greeting');

In this example, ‘Hello’ is the default English string and ‘greeting’ is the name of the string. When the language of the application is set to another language, the intl library will automatically load the corresponding localized string.

Localization also involves formatting numbers, dates, currency, and more. Flutter provides a set of built-in formatting methods that make it easy to format numbers, dates, and currencies into the current language and locale. For example, you can use classes to format numbers:NumberFormat

dartCopy codeNumberFormat formatter = NumberFormat.currency(locale: 'en_US', symbol: '\$');
String formattedAmount = formatter.format(1234.56);

In this example, the class formats the number in USD currency format. The parameter specifies the current language and locale, and the parameter specifies the currency symbol.NumberFormatlocalesymbol

In summary, Flutter provides a powerful set of tools and libraries that make it easy to internationalize and localize applications. By using these tools and libraries, you can easily adapt your application to different languages and locales, providing a better user experience for your users.

gun tei

Please explain in detail to build a complete Flutter app

There are many aspects to consider when building a complete Flutter application, including the application’s architecture, UI design, data management, network requests, state management, and more. Here are a simple step that can help you build a complete Flutter app:

  1. Design the architecture of the application: The architecture of the application is the foundation of the application, which determines the organizational structure and logical flow of the application. In Flutter, there is an option to use different architectural patterns such as MVC, MVVM, Flux, Redux, etc. Choose the right architectural pattern for your application’s needs and size.
  2. Design the UI interface of the application: The UI interface is an important part of the application, which directly affects the user’s experience and satisfaction. In Flutter, you can use rich components and layouts to build your application’s UI interface. At the same time, you can use design tools and libraries, such as Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma, etc., to help design more beautiful and beautiful UI interfaces.
  3. Implement the business logic of the application: The business logic of the application determines the functionality and processes of the application. In Flutter, the Dart language can be used to implement the business logic of an application. Typically, the business logic of an application includes data management, network requests, local storage, and so on.
  4. Implement state management for your application: State management is an important part of Flutter’s application and determines the state and behavior of the application. In Flutter, various state management libraries, such as Provider, BLoC, Redux, etc., can be used to manage the state of an application.
  5. Implement navigation and routing of the application: Navigation and routing are an important part of the Flutter application and determine the page switching and navigation of the application. In Flutter, classes such as Navigator and Route can be used to implement navigation and routing of applications.
  6. Implement testing of your app: Testing is a very important part of the Flutter app development process that helps us find and fix problems and bugs in your app. In Flutter, various testing frameworks, such as Flutter Test, Integration Test, etc., can be used to test all aspects of the application.
  7. Publish your app: Finally, publish your app to an app store like the App Store or Google Play Store so that more users can download and use your app.

In conclusion, there are many aspects to consider when building a complete Flutter application, including the application’s needs, user experience, performance, and security. Through continuous practice and learning, you can gradually improve your Flutter development skills and build better and high-quality Flutter applications.

gun tei

Please explain in detail how to implement a simple login and registration function

To implement a simple sign-in and sign-up functionality, you need the following steps:

1. Create a landing page

First, you need to create a landing page. On this page, users need to enter their username and password. You can use or component to create an input box, or a component to create a login button.TextFormFieldTextFieldFlatButtonRaisedButton

2. Validate user input

When a user clicks the login button, you need to verify that their username and password are correct. You can use the if-else or switch statements in Dart to check the input. If the user input is invalid, an appropriate error message should be displayed.

3. Create a registration page

If the user doesn’t have an account, you’ll need to ask them to sign up for a new account. You can create a new page to display the sign-up form where users can enter their username and password. You can build a sign-up page using components similar to the login page.

4. Processing user registration information

When a user clicks the register button, you need to save their username and password to a database or other storage location. You can use or wait for the Flutter network request library to send user data to the server.httpdio

5. Verify user identity

After users have successfully signed up and signed in, you need to keep them authenticated in your application. You can use Flutter state management libraries (such as Provider, Bloc, etc.) to manage the state of your application.

6. Save user information

When users successfully sign in, you can save their user name and password in local storage. You can use the shared_preferences library in Flutter for local storage.

7. Create a logout feature

Finally, you can add sign-out functionality to your application. When the user clicks the Sign Out button, you need to clear their authentication status and the information saved in local storage.

These are the basic steps to implement simple sign-in and sign-up functionality, which you can scale and optimize based on your needs and the size of your application.

gun tei

Please explain in detail that Flutter calls third-party APIs and integrates third-party SDKs

Calling third-party APIs and integrating third-party SDKs in Flutter typically requires the following steps:

1. Find the appropriate API or SDK

First, you need to find the appropriate third-party API or SDK to meet your application needs. For example, if you need to add map functionality, you can use the Google Maps API or the Mapbox SDK. If you need to add payment functionality, you can use payment processing SDKs like Stripe or Braintree.

2. Get the access key or App ID of the API or SDK

Before calling third-party APIs or integrating third-party SDKs, you usually need to register on the provider’s website to obtain an access key or App ID. The process will be different because each API or SDK is registered differently. You will need to follow the provider’s documentation to complete this step.

3. Import API or SDK library

Once you have the access key or App ID, you need to import the API or SDK library in your Flutter project. In Flutter, you can use files to manage dependencies in your project. You can add the name and version of the required API or SDK library to this file.pubspec.yaml

4. Use APIs or SDKs

After importing an API or SDK library, you can call the API or SDK using Dart code. For example, if you use the Google Maps API, you can use the library to display maps in Flutter applications. In this case, you’ll need to set up an access key and use the appropriate code to display the map.google_maps_flutter

5. Process the response

Once you call the API, you will get a response object. You need to parse the object using Dart code and display the appropriate result in your application. For example, if you call the Weather API and get a JSON response, you need to parse the JSON response and display the weather information in your application.

In summary, calling third-party APIs and integrating third-party SDKs requires careful reading of the documentation and proper setting of API keys and SDK dependencies. Once set up, you can use Dart code to call an API or SDK and display the results in your Flutter app.

gun tei

What are the great Flutter-based systems on Github

Here are some great Flutter-based open source systems that are developed and maintained on GitHub:

  1. Flutter Gallery – A sample application developed by the Flutter team that demonstrates Flutter’s various features and UI controls.
  2. Flutter E-commerce App – An open-source e-commerce app that offers many features such as item search, shopping cart, order tracking, and more.
  3. Flutter Tutorials – A Flutter-based tutorial application that provides many tutorials and sample code from Flutter to help developers learn Flutter development.
  4. Flutter Music Player – A Flutter-based music player app that offers many common features of music players, such as playlists, song search, lyrics display, etc.
  5. Flutter News App – A Flutter-based news app that provides features common to many news apps, such as news classification, search, reading history, etc.
  6. Flutter Movie App – A Flutter-based movie app that provides features common to many movie apps, such as movie search, detail pages, recommendations, and more.
  7. Flutter Weather App – A Flutter-based weather app that offers features such as weather forecasting, city search, multilingual, and more.

These open source systems provide many best practices and sample code for Flutter development to help developers better understand the Flutter framework and the Dart language, speeding up the development of Flutter applications.

gun tei

What are the great Flutter-based tutorials and communities on Github

Here are some great Flutter-based tutorials and communities that are all developed and maintained on GitHub:

  1. Flutter China – Flutter Chinese community that provides Flutter tutorials, resources, tools, and plugins.
  2. Flutter Examples – A Flutter-based sample code library that provides many Flutter sample code to help developers learn Flutter development better.
  3. Flutter By Example – A Flutter-based sample code library that provides many Flutter sample code to help developers better understand the Flutter framework and the Dart language.
  4. Flutter Development – A Flutter-based developer community that provides resources such as Flutter tutorials, tools, and plugins to help developers learn Flutter development.
  5. Flutter Awesome – A list of Flutter-based open source libraries and tools that provide many of Flutter’s open source libraries and tools to help developers better develop Flutter applications.
  6. Flutter Examples – A Flutter-based sample code library that provides many Flutter sample code to help developers learn Flutter development better.

These tutorials and communities provide a wealth of Flutter development resources and best practices to help developers better understand the Flutter framework and the Dart language, and improve the efficiency of Flutter application development.


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