Getting Started with React 

I want to do a video of IT tutorial, can you arrange the text content of the video tutorial for me according to the content of the website. Let’s start with the React tutorial, and you start by giving me a list of things to cover.

Of course! Here’s an outline of a possible React tutorial:

  1. React overview
    • What is React?
    • History and origins of React
    • Features and benefits of React
  2. Environment setup
    • Node .js installation
    • NPM installation
    • React application creation
  3. JSX basics
    • What is JSX?
    • JSX syntax
    • JSX vs. HTML
  4. subassembly
    • What is a component?
    • The type of React component
    • Create React components
    • The lifecycle of the component
  5. Props和State
    • What are Props and State?
    • Distinction and usage
    • Updates to Props and State
  6. Event handling
    • Event handling overview
    • Event handlers
    • Bind this
  7. Conditional rendering
    • What is conditional rendering?
    • If statements and trinocular operators
    • AND operators and logical operators
  8. Lists and Keys
    • What is a list?
    • List rendering
    • The role of keys
  9. Form
    • What is a form?
    • Controlled and uncontrolled components
    • Work with form data
  10. Component communication
    • 父组件向子组件传递数据
    • 子组件向父组件传递数据
    • 兄弟组件之间的通信
  11. 高级主题
    • Context
    • Refs
    • Fragments
    • 组件性能优化


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React是一个JavaScript库,用于构建用户界面(User Interface,UI)的组件化的开发框架。React由Facebook的工程师Jordan Walke于2011年创建,目前已成为前端开发中最受欢迎的框架之一。


React的另一个重要特性是使用虚拟DOM(Virtual Document Object Model),将DOM操作的开销降到最低。虚拟DOM是一个内存中的JavaScript对象,表示真实DOM的抽象版本。每当组件状态(即“state”)发生变化时,React将自动计算出新的虚拟DOM,并且将它与上一次渲染的虚拟DOM进行比较,找出变化的部分,然后只更新这些变化的部分到真实DOM上。这种方式比传统的直接操作DOM的方式更加高效。


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React’s history dates back to 2010, when Facebook was working on a new messaging system that needed to build an efficient, scalable user interface. However, the mainstream JavaScript libraries and frameworks at the time did not meet Facebook’s needs, so Facebook engineer Jordan Walke set out to develop a new framework to solve this problem.

At JSConfUS in 2011, Jordan Walke unveiled the first prototype of React, which at the time was called “FaxJS”. Over the next few years, engineers within Facebook continued to develop and use React, gradually introducing it into Facebook’s core product.

In 2013, React was first released and immediately caught the attention of developers. Due to its excellent performance and maintainability, React quickly became one of the popular frameworks for front-end development.

In the early versions of React, its design philosophy was mainly borrowed from the traditional MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, but as React grew, its design philosophy gradually changed to componentized development, while using the virtual DOM to optimize performance.

As React continued to grow, Facebook gradually opened it up and built the React community, making React an open, shared development tool. At present, React has become one of the most popular frameworks in front-end development, with a wide range of application scenarios, from single page applications (SPA) to mobile applications and desktop applications.

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Please explain the features and benefits of React in detail

React has the following features and advantages:

  1. Componentized development: React treats the entire application as a tree of components, each of which can receive input parameters (i.e. “props”) and render the corresponding user interface based on these input parameters. React componentizes the UI, breaking large applications into small, independent components that can be reused.
  2. Virtual DOM: React uses the virtual DOM to minimize the overhead of DOM operations. A virtual DOM is an in-memory JavaScript object that represents an abstract version of the real DOM. Whenever the component state (i.e., “state”) changes, React will automatically compute a new virtual DOM and compare it to the last rendered virtual DOM, find out the changed parts, and then update only those changed parts to the real DOM. This approach is more efficient than the traditional way of manipulating the DOM directly.
  3. High performance: React achieves very high performance by using a virtual DOM and a sound component update strategy. React handles large amounts of data and complex user interfaces well without performance issues.
  4. Easy to learn and use: React’s API is designed to be straightforward and easy for beginners to pick up. React’s documentation and community are also very rich, making it easy for developers to find solutions to problems.
  5. A large number of third-party libraries and tools support: Due to the wide application of React, there are already many third-party libraries and tools that can be used with React, such as Redux, React Router, etc. These libraries and tools make React development easier and more efficient.
  6. Can integrate with other technology stacks: React does not rely on a specific backend framework or database, so it can be easily integrated with other technology stacks such as Angular, Vue.js, etc.

In summary, React’s advantages of componentized development, virtual DOM, high performance, ease of learning and use, support for a large number of third-party libraries and tools, and integration with other technology stacks make React one of the most popular frameworks for front-end development.

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Please explain the Node .js installation in detail

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime environment based on the Chrome V8 engine that can run JavaScript code on the server side. Here are the steps to install Node.js:

  1. Download the installation package: Download the installation package for your operating system from the official website ( of Node.js. On Windows, you can choose the msi installation package, while on Mac, you can choose the pkg installation package.
  2. Run the installation package: Double-click the downloaded installation package and follow the prompts of the installation wizard to install it. On Windows, you can choose to install Node.js in the C:\Program Files\nodejs directory. On Mac, you can choose the default installation path.
  3. Check the installation: After the installation is complete, open the command line tool (on Windows, you can use cmd or PowerShell; On a Mac, you can use Terminal), enter the node -v command to see the version number of the Node .js. If the version number of the Node .js is displayed, the installation is successful.
  4. Configure environment variables (optional): On Windows, if you want to use Node.js commands anywhere, you need to add the installation path of the Node .js to the Path of the system environment variable. On Mac, this step is done automatically.

Overall, installing Node .js is as simple as downloading the installation package and following the installation wizard. After the installation is complete, you can use the command line tool to check whether the Node .js is installed successfully, and configure environment variables if necessary.

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Please explain the NPM installation in detail

NPM (Node Package Manager) is a package manager for Node .js that helps you download, install, update, and manage Node .js modules. Here are the steps to install the Node.js module using NPM:

  1. Initialize a new Node.js project: In the command line tool, go to a project directory where you want to install the Node.js module and enter the npm init command. This will guide you to create a new Node.js project and generate a package.json file.
  2. Install modules: In the command line tool, enter the npm install <module-name> command, where <module-name> is the name of the Node.js module you wish to install. For example, if you wish to install the Express framework, you can enter the npm install express command.
  3. View installed modules: In the command line tool, enter the npm ls command to view all Node.js modules that have been installed.
  4. Upgrade modules: In the command line tool, enter the npm update command to update all installed Node.js modules.
  5. Uninstall modules: In the command line tool, enter the npm uninstall <module-name> command to uninstall the specified Node.js module.

It should be noted that NPM downloads modules from the official NPM repository ( by default. If you want to use a different NPM repository, you can configure it using the npm config command.

Overall, installing the Node.js module using NPM is very simple, just enter the corresponding command into the command line tool. NPM can greatly simplify the management of Node .js modules, so that developers can carry out Node .js development more efficiently.

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Please explain the Yarn installation in detail

Yarn is a Node.js package manager developed by Facebook that can be used to download, install, update, and manage Node.js modules. Similar to NPM, Yarn is simple, fast, secure, and has better performance and stability. Here are the steps to install the Node.js module using Yarn:

  1. Install Yarn: Download the installation package for your operating system from Yarn’s official website ( After the installation is complete, you can enter the yarn -v command in the command line tool to check whether Yarn is installed successfully.
  2. Initialize a new Node.js project: In the command line tool, go to a project directory where you want to install the Node.js module and enter the yarn init command. This will guide you to create a new Node.js project and generate a package.json file.
  3. Install modules: In the command line tool, enter the yarn add <module-name> command, where <module-name> is the name of the Node.js module you want to install. For example, if you wish to install the Express framework, you can enter the yarn add express command.
  4. View installed modules: In the command line tool, enter the yarn list command to view all Node.js modules that have been installed.
  5. Upgrade modules: In the command line tool, enter the yarn upgrade command to update all installed Node.js modules.
  6. Unload module: In the command line tool, enter the yarn remove <module-name> command to uninstall the specified Node.js module.

It should be noted that Yarn downloads modules from the official NPM repository ( by default. If you want to use other NPM repositories, you can create a file named .yarnrc in the project directory and add the following configuration:

arduinoCopy coderegistry ""

This configuration will use Taobao NPM images to download modules.

Overall, installing the Node.js module using Yarn is as simple as entering the corresponding command into the command line tool. Yarn greatly simplifies the management of Node.js modules, enabling developers to develop Node .js more efficiently.

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Please explain React application creation in detail

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Creating a React application requires the following steps:

  1. Install Node .js: Before creating a React application, you need to install the Node .js, as React applications are built using the Node .js. You can download the installation package for your operating system from the official website ( of the Node .js. After the installation is complete, you can enter the node -v command in the command line tool to check whether the node .js is installed successfully.
  2. Install Create React App: Create React App is a command-line tool developed by Facebook to quickly create React applications. In the command line tool, enter the following command to install Create React App:
luaCopy codenpm install -g create-react-app
  1. Create a React application: In the command line tool, go to a directory where you want to create a React application and enter the following command to create a new React application:
luaCopy codecreate-react-app my-app

where my-app is the name of the React application you wish to create. Create React App automatically creates a new React application and automatically installs all necessary dependencies.

  1. Start the React application: In the command line tool, go to the directory of the newly created React application and enter the following command to start the React application:
sqlCopy codenpm start

This command starts a development server and automatically opens a browser window showing the interface of the React application. During the development process, you can preview changes to the interface of your React application in real time by modifying the code of your React application and saving the changes.

  1. Build a React application: In the command line tool, go to the directory of the newly created React application and enter the following command to build the React application:
arduinoCopy codenpm run build

This command packages all the code and resources of the React application into static files that can be used to deploy to production.

Overall, creating a React app with Create React App is as simple as typing the appropriate command into the command line tool. Create React App greatly simplifies the creation and management of React applications, enabling developers to develop React more efficiently.

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Please explain in detail what is JSX?

JSX is a JavaScript syntax extension used to describe the structure of a user interface in React. It allows developers to build React components using HTML-like syntax, and JSX can be compiled into JavaScript code through tools such as Babel.

JSX allows developers to embed HTML markup in JavaScript code, which makes it easier to create React components and more intuitively describes the structure of the user interface. For example, here’s a simple React component described using JSX:

jsxCopy codeimport React from 'react';

function App() {
  return (
      <h1>Hello, World!</h1>
      <p>This is a simple React component.</p>

export default App;

In the above code, we used JSX to create a React component called App. The component contains a div element that contains an H1 element and a P element. By using JSX, we can describe the structure of this component more intuitively, making the code easier to read and maintain.

It’s worth noting that JSX isn’t necessary, and React can also use pure JavaScript to describe the structure of components. However, using JSX makes the code easier to read and maintain, so in React, JSX has become a standard way to describe the structure of components.

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Please explain JSX syntax in detail

JSX syntax is a syntax extension for JavaScript that describes the structure of a user interface in React. It allows developers to build React components using HTML-like syntax.

The basic syntax rules of JSX are as follows:

  1. Use angle brackets (<>) to wrap HTML markup, e.g., , etc.<div><p>
  2. The tag must be closed, for example, the tag must be written in the form of an or.<input><input /><input></input>
  3. You can add attributes in tags, for example.<input type="text" />
  4. You can nest other tags within tags, for example.<div><p>Hello, World!</p></div>
  5. JavaScript expressions can be nested within tags, wrapped in curly braces ({}), for example.<div>{1 + 2}</div>
  6. You can use variables, functions, expressions, and so on to dynamically generate tags and properties, such as.<input type={inputType} onChange={handleChange} />

JSX is converted to JavaScript code at compile time, for example the components mentioned above can be converted to the following code:

javascriptCopy codeReact.createElement("div", null, 
  React.createElement("h1", null, "Hello, World!"), 
  React.createElement("p", null, "This is a simple React component.")

This JavaScript code calls methods to create React elements. The first parameter is the type of element to create, the second parameter is the attribute of the element, and the third and subsequent parameters are the child elements of the element.React.createElement

It should be noted that JSX is only a syntax extension, and React does not rely on JSX to work. Developers can also use JavaScript directly to describe React components, but using JSX makes the code more intuitive, readable, and maintainable.

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  1. 属性名称采用驼峰式命名:在HTML中,属性名通常采用小写字母加横线的形式,例如和,而在JSX中,属性名采用驼峰式命名,例如和。这是因为在JavaScript中,属性名通常采用驼峰式命名的形式。classdata-xxxclassNamedataXxx
  2. 样式属性采用对象的形式:在HTML中,样式通常采用字符串的形式直接作为属性值,例如。而在JSX中,样式属性采用JavaScript对象的形式,例如。这是因为在JavaScript中,对象是一种非常常见的数据类型。<div style="color: red;">Hello, World!</div><div style={{ color: 'red' }}>Hello, World!</div>
  3. 使用花括号表示JavaScript表达式:在JSX中,可以使用花括号({})来嵌入JavaScript表达式,例如。而在HTML中,不支持嵌入JavaScript表达式。<div>{1 + 2}</div>
  4. 元素和组件名称需要首字母大写:在JSX中,元素和组件的名称必须以大写字母开头,例如和。而在HTML中,元素和组件的名称可以是小写字母,例如和。<div><Button><div><button>


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jsxCopy codefunction MyComponent(props) {
  return <div>Hello, {}!</div>;

类组件是一种基于ES6 class的组件形式,它继承自React.Component类,必须实现render()方法,并且可以通过state对象来管理内部状态。例如:

jsxCopy codeclass MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { count: 0 };

  handleClick() {
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 });

  render() {
    return (
        <p>You clicked {this.state.count} times.</p>
        <button onClick={() => this.handleClick()}>Click me</button>


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  1. 函数组件


jsxCopy codefunction Hello(props) {
  return <div>Hello, {}!</div>;
  1. 类组件

类组件是一种基于ES6 class的组件形式,它继承自React.Component类,必须实现render()方法,并且可以通过state对象来管理内部状态。类组件通常用于实现具有复杂交互逻辑的UI组件,例如表单、模态框等。类组件有自己的内部状态,可以通过setState()方法来更新状态,并且可以在生命周期方法中处理组件的生命周期事件,例如组件被挂载、更新、卸载等。例如:

jsxCopy codeclass Counter extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { count: 0 };

  handleClick() {
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 });

  render() {
    return (
        <p>You clicked {this.state.count} times.</p>
        <button onClick={() => this.handleClick()}>Click me</button>

In addition to these two basic types of components, React also supports some special types of components, such as pure components and higher-order components, which all have special uses and characteristics. Pure components are a way to optimize performance by performing some shallow comparisons in the shouldComponentUpdate() method to avoid unnecessary UI redraws. High-order components are a way of reusing logic that accepts a component as a parameter and returns a new component that can implement some common functions, such as logging, permission control, and so on.

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Please explain in detail how to create React components

In React, there are two basic ways to create components: function components and class components.

  1. Function components

A function component is the simplest form of component, it is simply a JavaScript function that receives props as arguments and returns a React element. Creating a function component is as simple as defining a function and returning a React element in the function. For example:

jsxCopy codefunction Hello(props) {
  return <div>Hello, {}!</div>;

This function component takes a props object as a parameter and then returns a React element containing the data in props.

  1. Class component

A class component is an ES6 class-based form of component that inherits from the React.Component class, must implement the render() method, and can manage internal state through the state object. Creating a class component is also as simple as defining a class that inherits from React.Component and implementing the render() method. For example:

jsxCopy codeclass Counter extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { count: 0 };

  handleClick() {
    this.setState({ count: this.state.count + 1 });

  render() {
    return (
        <p>You clicked {this.state.count} times.</p>
        <button onClick={() => this.handleClick()}>Click me</button>

This class component maintains a count status variable and implements a handleClick() method to update the count state. In the render() method, it returns a React element containing count data and binds a click event to the button.

  1. Use of components

Once we have created the components, we can use them elsewhere. Using components is similar to using HTML tags, just take the component name as the tag name, and then pass the attributes that the component needs as tag attributes. For example:

jsxCopy codeReactDOM.render(
    <Hello name="Alice" />
    <Hello name="Bob" />
    <Counter />

In this example, we create a tree of React elements with three components and render them onto the page. Among them, we used two Hello components and a Counter component, and passed different properties to them.

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Please explain in detail the lifecycle of React components

In React, the lifecycle of a component refers to the series of stages that a component goes through from being created to being destroyed. Each stage has corresponding methods that can be called, and developers can perform specific actions in these methods to meet the business needs of the component. The lifecycle of a React component can be divided into three phases: mounting, updating, and unmounting.

  1. Mount phase

When a component is first created and added to the DOM, the following methods are called sequentially:

  • constructor(props): The constructor of the component, where state and bind event-handling methods can be initialized.
  • static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state): Called before the component is mounted, its return value will be set to the component’s state, usually used to calculate the state from props.
  • render(): Render the component, returning a React element.
  • componentDidMount(): The component is mounted and can perform DOM operations or send network requests here.
  1. Update phase

When the props or state of the component changes, the following methods are called in turn:

  • static getDerivedStateFromProps(props, state): Called after the component is mounted and before it is updated, its return value will be set to the component’s state, usually used to calculate the state from the props.
  • shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState): Whether the component should be updated, returns a Boolean value. Here, you can judge whether you need to update the component according to the changes in props and state and optimize the performance of the component.
  • render(): Render the component, returning a React element.
  • getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(prevProps, prevState): Called before a component update, used to get a snapshot before the component update, usually used to restore state such as scroll position after a component update.
  • componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, snapshot): After the component is updated, you can perform DOM operations or send network requests here.
  1. Uninstall phase

When a component is removed from the DOM, the following methods are called:

  • componentWillUnmount(): The component is about to be uninstalled, and some cleanup operations can be performed here, such as clearing the timer, canceling network requests, etc.

In actual development, developers can override these methods according to specific business needs to meet their own business needs. At the same time, React also provides some advanced lifecycle methods, such as getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() and getDerivedStateFromError(), which can better handle some more complex business scenarios.

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Please explain in detail what Props and State are in React

In React, props and state are two important concepts for components that describe the data and state of a component. Although they all contain component data, their meaning and usage vary.

  1. Props

Props are properties of a component that are passed by a parent component to a child component to describe the component’s input data. Parent components can pass any type of data to child components through props, including primitive types, objects, arrays, and so on.

In the subcomponent, data in props can be accessed through this.props. Subcomponents can read the value of props, but cannot directly modify the value of props because props are read-only. If you need to modify the data in props, you need to modify it through the parent component.

  1. State

State is the state of the component, which is the data inside the component and is used to describe the state change of the component. Each component has its own state, and React automatically re-renders the component when its state changes.

Inside the component, the component’s state can be accessed through this.state. The state of the component can be modified by the this.setState() method. The this.setState() method merges the old and new states and triggers a re-rendering of the component. It should be noted that since the setState() method is asynchronous, the value of this.state cannot be read immediately after calling the setState() method, otherwise incorrect results may occur.

In React, the props and states of components are immutable, and once their values are determined, they cannot be directly modified. If you need to modify the data of the component, you need to modify it through the setState() method and trigger the re-rendering of the component.

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Please explain the difference between Props and State in detail

In React, props and state are both data for components, but their meanings and usage are different, the main differences are as follows:

  1. definition

props are properties passed by a parent component to a child component to describe the input data of the component. props are read-only and cannot be modified directly within subcomponents. The parent component can pass new props by modifying its own state.


  1. Data sources

The data source of props is the parent component, which is passed by the parent component to the child component. Parent components can pass any type of data to child components through props, including primitive types, objects, arrays, and so on.

The source of state data is internal to the component, defined inside the component, and used to describe the state changes of the component. The component’s state can be accessed through this.state.

  1. Variability

Props are read-only and cannot be modified directly within child components, only new props can be passed by parent components.

state is mutable and the state of the component can be modified through the setState() method. It should be noted that since the setState() method is asynchronous, the value of this.state cannot be read immediately after calling the setState() method, otherwise incorrect results may occur.

  1. Scope of influence

The scope of props is to pass from the parent component down to the child component, and the child component cannot modify the props.

The scope of state is inside the component, and only the component itself can modify the state.

  1. use

props is used for data transfer between components, and the data of the parent component can be passed to the child component to realize the reuse of the component.

state is used for state management within components, and different UIs can be rendered according to different states to achieve the interaction effect of components.

In general, props and state are important concepts of React components, which are used for data transfer between components and state management within components, respectively, with different characteristics and uses, and need to be selected and used according to specific circumstances.

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Please explain in detail the Props and State updates

In React, both props and state can be updated, but the way and effect of updates are different.

  1. Updates to Props

Props are properties passed by parent components to child components, and parent components can pass new props by modifying their own state. When props change, React re-renders the subcomponent so that it displays the latest props value.

The update of props is triggered by the parent component, and the child component cannot directly modify the props, but can only pass the update to the parent component in the form of a callback function. After the parent component receives the update, it can pass the new props by modifying its own state.

  1. Updates to State

state is the state inside the component and can be modified by the setState() method. When state changes, React automatically re-renders the component so that it displays the latest state value.

The setState() method is asynchronous and can receive an object or a function as a parameter. When passing an object, React merges the object with the current state and triggers a re-render. When a function is passed, the function receives the current state as an argument, returns a new state, and React merges the new state with the current state and triggers a re-render.

It should be noted that since the setState() method is asynchronous, the value of this.state cannot be read immediately after calling the setState() method, otherwise incorrect results may occur. If you need to read the value of state immediately after the setState() method executes, you can pass a callback function in the setState() method and read the value of state in the callback function.

In general, props and state can be updated, but the way and effect of updates are different, and you need to choose to use them according to the specific situation. When updating props and state, it is necessary to pay attention to the timing and method of updating to ensure the correctness and performance of components.

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Please explain in detail the React event handling overview

In React, the event processing mechanism is different from the native DOM event processing mechanism, mainly including the following aspects:

  1. How the event is bound

The React event handling mechanism uses property binding, rather than event listeners like the native DOM event handling mechanism. In React, methods defined in a component can be passed to subcomponents in the form of properties, and subcomponents can call the method when a specific event is triggered.

  1. Event handling methods

In React, an event-handling method refers to the method that React executes when an event occurs. The event-handling method needs to be bound to the component, either in the component’s constructor or by using the arrow function.

  1. The event object

In React, an event object is a React synthetic event object that encapsulates a browser-native event object. It contains all the properties and methods in the native event object, as well as some additional properties and methods.

  1. Event delegate

In React, event delegates are a common way to optimize. By binding event handling methods in a parent component, you can delegate event handling from a child component to the parent component, reducing the number of event bindings.

  1. Avoid event bubbles



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  1. 事件处理函数采用驼峰命名法


  1. 事件处理函数接收合成事件对象作为参数

The first parameter of the React event handler is a synthetic event object, which is a cross-browser event object encapsulated by React and contains some features that are not available in native event objects.

  1. This inside the event handler points to the component instance

In React, this inside the event handler refers to the current component instance.

  1. Use arrow functions to bind event handlers

To ensure that this inside the event handler points to the component instance, it is common to use arrow functions to define the event handler.

Here’s an example:

javascriptCopy codeclass MyComponent extends React.Component {
  handleClick = (event) => {
  render() {
    return <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click me</button>;

In this example, we define an event handler called handleClick and pass it to the onClick property of the button component. When the button is clicked, the handleClick function is called and outputs the value of this.props.text. Since the handleClick function uses an arrow function to define it, this inside the function points to the current component instance.

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Please explain React binding this in detail

In React, the component’s methods are not automatically bound by default, which requires us to bind manually. Otherwise, when this is used inside the method, it points to undefined, causing the program to get an error.

There are several common ways to bind this:

  1. Bind this in the constructor

In the component’s constructor, you can use the bind method to bind this. This method requires calling the bind method once in each method that needs to bind this, which is more cumbersome.

Here’s an example:

javascriptCopy codeclass MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
  handleClick() {
  render() {
    return <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click me</button>;

In this example, we use the bind method in the constructor to bind this of the handleClick method so that this.props is properly accessed inside the handleClick method.

  1. Use arrow functions

Another approach is to use arrow functions to define the component’s methods. The arrow function automatically binds this to the current component instance, so we don’t need to bind it manually.

Here’s an example:

javascriptCopy codeclass MyComponent extends React.Component {
  handleClick = () => {
  render() {
    return <button onClick={this.handleClick}>Click me</button>;

In this example, we use the arrow function to define the handleClick method so that this.props can be accessed correctly inside the method.

  1. Use the Function.prototype.bind method

You can also use the Function.prototype.bind method to bind this manually. This approach is similar to binding this in a constructor, but can be used anywhere in the component.

Here’s an example:

javascriptCopy codeclass MyComponent extends React.Component {
  handleClick() {
  render() {
    const boundClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
    return <button onClick={boundClick}>Click me</button>;

In this example, we use the bind method in the render method to manually bind this of the handleClick method and pass the bound function to the onClick property of the button component.

gun tei

Please explain in detail what conditional rendering is in React

Conditional rendering is the decision to render which components or elements to render based on certain conditions. In React, conditional rendering can be achieved using if statements, ternary operators, logical operators, etc.

The following is an example of conditional rendering using the if statement:

javascriptCopy codefunction Greeting(props) {
  if (props.isLoggedIn) {
    return <h1>Welcome back!</h1>;
  } else {
    return <h1>Please log in.</h1>;

  <Greeting isLoggedIn={true} />,

In this example, we define a Welcoming component that decides to render different text based on the value of props.isLoggedIn. In the ReactDOM.render method, we pass a props object where isLoggedIn is true, so the rendered text is “Welcome back!”.

The following is an example of conditional rendering using ternary operators:

javascriptCopy codefunction Greeting(props) {
  return (
      {props.isLoggedIn ? (
        <h1>Welcome back!</h1>
      ) : (
        <h1>Please log in.</h1>

  <Greeting isLoggedIn={false} />,

In this example, we used the ternary operator to decide to render different text based on the value of props.isLoggedIn.

In addition to if statements and ternary operators, you can also use logical operators to implement conditional rendering. For example:

javascriptCopy codefunction Greeting(props) {
  return (
      {props.isLoggedIn && <h1>Welcome back!</h1>}

  <Greeting isLoggedIn={true} />,

In this example, we use a logical AND operator to determine if the value of props.isLoggedIn is true, and if so, render <h1>Welcome back!</h1>, otherwise nothing is rendered.

gun tei

Please explain React’s AND and logical operators in detail

In React, the AND operator (&&) and the logical operator (|| ) is often used for conditional rendering and to simplify the writing of conditional expressions.

  1. AND operator (&&) The ampersand operator can be used to decide whether to render a component or element based on a condition. Returns the component or element that needs to be rendered when the condition is true, otherwise null. For example:
javascriptCopy codefunction App() {
  const isLoggedIn = true;
  return (
      {isLoggedIn && <p>Welcome back!</p>}

In the above example, when isLoggedIn is true, the <p>Welcome back!</p> component is rendered, otherwise nothing will be rendered.

  1. Logical operator (|| Logical operators are often used to simplify the writing of conditional expressions. When the first operand is false, the second operand is returned; Otherwise, the first operand is returned. For example:
javascriptCopy codefunction App() {
  const username = '';
  const displayName = username || 'Guest';
  return (
      <h1>Hello, {displayName}!</h1>

In the above example, if the username is an empty string, displayName is set to ‘Guest’, otherwise displayName is set to the value of username.

It is important to note that when using logical operators, you need to pay attention to the type and value of the operand. For example, 0, null, undefined, false, NaN, etc. will be treated as false in logical operations, while non-zero numbers, empty strings, empty objects, etc. will be treated as true in logical operations.

gun tei

Please explain in detail what a list is in React

In React, a list refers to the operation of rendering a set of data into multiple components or elements. Typically, we would use an array in JavaScript to store this data and then render each element by iterating through the array.

React provides a convenient way to iterate through the array and render each element, i.e. using the map() method. The map() method performs the specified operation on each element in the array and returns a new array containing the result of processing each element in the original array. In React, we can use the map() method to iterate through the data array and render the list.

Here’s a simple example of how to render a simple list using the map() method:

javascriptCopy codefunction App() {
  const items = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'];

  return (
      { => (
        <li key={item}>{item}</li>

In the above example, we first define a string array items that contains the names of three fruits. Then, we use the map() method to iterate through this array, perform operations on each element, and render a <li> element. When rendering each < li> element, we used the element’s value as the value of the key attribute to ensure that React can properly track the changes of each element. Finally, we place the rendered <li> elements in a <ul> element to form a complete list.

It should be noted that when rendering a list, a unique key attribute must be set for each element. This attribute helps React properly track changes in each element, improving performance and avoiding unnecessary rendering. Usually, we can use the element’s index, ID, unique identifier, etc. as the value of the key attribute.

gun tei

Please explain React list rendering in detail

In React, rendered lists typically use the map() function to iterate through an array and return an array containing components or elements. Here’s a simple example:

javascriptCopy codefunction App() {
  const list = ["apple", "banana", "orange"];

  return (
      { => (
        <li key={item}>{item}</li>

In the above example, we define an array list containing three strings. Then, we iterate through the array using the map() function and return a <li> element for each element. When rendering each < li> element, we use the value of the element as the value of the key attribute to ensure that React can properly track the changes of each element.

It is worth noting that when iterating through an array using the map() function, you need to specify a unique key attribute for each element. This attribute helps React find changing elements faster when updating the list, thus improving the performance of the application.

When rendering a list using the map() function, you can also pass the properties of each element as parameters to the rendered component. For example, let’s say we have a component called TodoItem that renders a list of to-do items. We can render the to-do list by passing the properties of each element to the TodoItem component, as follows:

javascriptCopy codefunction App() {
  const todoList = [
    { id: 1, text: "Buy milk" },
    { id: 2, text: "Finish homework" },
    { id: 3, text: "Go for a run" },

  return (
      { => (
        <TodoItem key={} id={} text={item.text} />

function TodoItem(props) {
  return <li>{props.text}</li>;


gun tei

Please explain in detail what Keys do in React

In React, properties that are used to help React identify which elements have been modified, added, or removed. When rendering a list, each list item needs a unique property so that React can update the component view more efficiently.keykey

When no properties are set, React will give a warning when rendering, prompting developers to add properties to more accurately track changes in each element.keykey

key The value can be any value that uniquely identifies an element, such as the ID of a list item, an index value, and so on. It is important not to use random numbers or array index values as , as this may cause some problems. When the order of the list changes, using a random number or array index value as may cause the state of the element to be inconsistent with the actual state of the component, leading to unexpected results.keykey

Therefore, in React, it is very important to provide stable unique identifiers for list items, which helps improve the performance and stability of components.

gun tei

Please explain in detail what forms are in React

In Web applications, forms are a common way to collect user input data. React provides components and APIs to support form creation, rendering, and processing.

In React, you can create a form using elements that contain some form controls, such as , and so on. When a user submits a form, they can use event handlers to get the data in the form and pass it to the back-end server for processing.formforminputselecttextarea

Some common components and APIs in React forms include:

  • form element: Used to create the form.
  • input Element: Used to create input boxes, support various types of input, such as text, password, email, date, time, etc.
  • textarea element: Used to create a multi-line text input box.
  • select Element: Used to create a drop-down box that provides multiple options for the user to choose from.
  • option Element: Used to create the option in the
  • label Element: A tag used to create a form element that describes the purpose of the form element.
  • onSubmit Event handler: Used to handle form submission events, you can get the data in the form and then process it.

Form handling in React also involves two important concepts: and .controlled componentsuncontrolled components

  • controlled components: means that the value of the form control is controlled by the React component, and each change in the value will be synchronously updated to the component, so as to realize the two-way binding of the form’s data.statestate
  • uncontrolled components: means that the value of the form control is not controlled by the React component, but by the browser’s native form handling mechanism. In this case, you can use the Properties property to get the value of the form control.ref
gun tei

Please explain React controlled and uncontrolled components in detail

In React forms, the state of a component can be divided into two types: controlled and uncontrolled.

  1. Controlled components:

A controlled component is a form element that is controlled by a React component. Such a component saves form data in the component’s state and updates the state each time the form data changes. When the data changes, the component passes the new value to the parent component through a callback function. This approach allows React components to control the value and behavior of form elements.

In a controlled component, each form element has a corresponding state value, and an onChange event listener can be set up in the component to handle user input. This way, each time the input changes, the latest data can be saved in the component’s state.

  1. Uncontrolled components:

An uncontrolled component is a form element that is not controlled by a React component. The value of such a component is controlled by the DOM element itself. When the user enters data in a form element, the component does not save that data to the state. Instead, it gets the data directly from the DOM element. This is useful for forms that do not require an immediate response to user input, or that do not require data to be submitted to the server for validation.

In an uncontrolled component, each form element does not have a corresponding state value. Instead, the value of the DOM element is obtained through the ref attribute. This way, when the user enters data, they can get it directly. However, this approach causes the component to lose control of the form elements, and in some cases, can cause inconsistent form data.

gun tei

Please explain in detail how form data is handled in React

There are generally two ways to process form data in React, using controlled components and uncontrolled components.

When using controlled components, form data is managed by React components. When the user enters form data, the state of the React component is updated, and the value of the form is updated with it. When it is time to submit form data, the form data can be obtained from the React component state. Here’s a simple example:

jsxCopy codeimport React, { useState } from 'react';

function Form() {
  const [username, setUsername] = useState('');
  const [password, setPassword] = useState('');

  const handleSubmit = (event) => {
    console.log(`Username: ${username}, Password: ${password}`);

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
        <input type="text" value={username} onChange={(event) => setUsername(} />
      <br />
        <input type="password" value={password} onChange={(event) => setPassword(} />
      <br />
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

In the above code, and as the state of the React component are initialized as empty strings. When the user enters data in the input box, the event fires and the state is updated. When the form is submitted, the function gets the values for and status and prints them to the console.usernamepasswordonChangehandleSubmitusernamepassword

When using uncontrolled components, form data is handled by DOM elements. In this case, the value of the form is managed by the value of the DOM element, not the state of the React component. You can use the attribute to get the value of a DOM element. The following is an example of an uncontrolled component:ref

jsxCopy codeimport React, { useRef } from 'react';

function Form() {
  const usernameRef = useRef();
  const passwordRef = useRef();

  const handleSubmit = (event) => {
    console.log(`Username: ${usernameRef.current.value}, Password: ${passwordRef.current.value}`);

  return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
        <input type="text" ref={usernameRef} />
      <br />
        <input type="password" ref={passwordRef} />
      <br />
      <button type="submit">Submit</button>

上述代码中, 和 分别引用了 元素。在表单提交时, 函数会获取 元素的值,并将其打印到控制台。需要注意的是,在非受控组件中,必须手动管理表单的值。usernameRefpasswordRefinputhandleSubmitinput

gun tei


In React, parent components can pass data to child components through props properties. Specifically, the parent component can pass the data as properties to the child component, which is accessed through this.props in the child component.

Here’s a simple example that shows how to pass data to a child component in a parent component:

jsxCopy code// 父组件
class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    const name = "Alice";
    return <ChildComponent name={name} />;

// 子组件
class ChildComponent extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return <div>Hello, {}!</div>;

In this example, the parent component creates a variable named name and then passes it as a property to the child component. The subcomponent is used to get this property value and display it on the

It is worth noting that the data in the parent component is passed to the child component through props, so the child component cannot modify this data. If the child component needs to modify this data, the parent component should pass the modified function as a property to the child component, and let the child call this function to change the data. This approach is known as “passing down” the data.

gun tei

Explain in detail that a child component passes data to a parent component

The child component passes data to the parent component through callback functions. Define a function in the parent component, and then pass the function as a property to the child component. When a child component needs to pass data to the parent component, it calls the function and passes the data as a parameter to the function.

Here’s a simple example:

jsxCopy code// 父组件
function ParentComponent() {
  function handleData(data) {
    console.log(`Received data: ${data}`);

  return (
      <ChildComponent onData={handleData} />

// 子组件
function ChildComponent(props) {
  function handleClick() {
    props.onData("hello from child");

  return (
    <button onClick={handleClick}>Send Data to Parent</button>

In this example, the parent component defines a function named and passes that function as a property to the child component. The child component calls the function when the button is clicked and passes the string as a parameter to the parent component’s function.ParentComponenthandleDataonDataChildComponentChildComponenthandleClick"hello from child"handleData

Note that the parent component can use arrow functions to ensure correctness within the function, as follows:this

jsxCopy code// 父组件
class ParentComponent extends React.Component {
  handleData = (data) => {
    console.log(`Received data: ${data}`);

  render() {
    return (
        <ChildComponent onData={this.handleData} />

In this example, the function uses the syntax of arrow functions, so it will automatically bind to the instance of the parent component.handleDatathis

gun tei

Please explain in detail the messaging between React brother components

Messaging between sibling components in React is usually achieved through a common parent component, which acts as an intermediary to pass data to individual child components. Specifically, there are several ways:

  1. Store the shared data in the parent component’s state and pass the functions that process the data to the child component as props. When the child component needs to update the data, call the function passed by the parent component to update the state of the parent component, and then update the props of all child components. This approach is suitable for simple data transfer between sibling components.
  2. Use React Context to share data between sibling components. Store the data that needs to be shared in the Context, and then wrap the child component with the Provider in the parent component and pass the data to the child component. Subcomponents can access data through Context.Consumer. This approach is suitable for deep data transfer between brother components.
  3. Use third-party libraries or tools, such as Redux, MobX, etc. to manage the state of the application and realize data sharing between components. This approach is suitable for data management in large and complex applications.
gun tei

Please explain React’s context in detail

React’s Context is a way to share data between components, avoiding the tedium of passing props through layers of nested components. Context allows you to pass data in the component tree without having to manually pass props through each component.

Before using a Context, you need to create a Context object. You can create a Context object by calling React.createContext().

jsxCopy codeconst MyContext = React.createContext(defaultValue);

where defaultValue is the default value used when no match is made to the provider.

You can then use the Provider component in your application to provide values to all subcomponents in the component tree. You can set the value to be shared in the value property of the provider.

jsxCopy code<MyContext.Provider value={/* 共享的值 */}>
  <ChildComponent />

Child components can use the Consumer component to read values from the Context.

jsxCopy code<MyContext.Consumer>
  {value => /* 基于 context 值进行渲染 */}

Or use the static property contextType to access the Context.

jsxCopy codeclass MyClass extends React.Component {
  static contextType = MyContext;
  render() {
    const value = this.context;
    // 基于 context 值进行渲染

When using Context, it is best to put the Context object and the Provider provider component in separate files for use throughout the application. This makes the code more readable and maintainable.

gun tei

Please explain React’s Refs in detail

In React, Refs is a technique for passing data between components. Refs are references to specific elements in a component that can be used to get instances of that element or manipulate them.

Refs provides a way to access instances of React components directly from within DOM elements. This is useful when you need to access a DOM element in your code, such as when you need to manually trigger a specific DOM event or get the location of a specific DOM element.

Refs can be created in two ways:

1. Use the React.createRef() method to create a ref object and assign it to an element in a component.

For example:

javascriptCopy codeclass MyComponent extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.myRef = React.createRef();

  render() {
    return <div ref={this.myRef}>Hello World!</div>;

2. Use the callback function (functional component) to pass ref to the component.

For example:

javascriptCopy codefunction MyComponent(props) {
  let myRef = null;

  function handleClick() {

  return (
      <input type="text" ref={ref => (myRef = ref)} />
      <button onClick={handleClick}>Focus Input</button>

There are a few things to keep in mind when using Refs:

1. When the component is unloaded, React will automatically destroy the corresponding ref object.

2. In functional components, you can use the useRef() hook to create a ref object.

3. In React, Refs should not be used to perform side effect manipulation. Refs should only be used to access instances and DOM elements of components.

4) In React, don’t try to use Refs to get the state or props of a component. If you need to access state or Props, you should pass them as arguments to the callback function.

gun tei

Please explain React’s Fragments in detail

In React, a component can only have one root element, which limits the flexibility of the component. Fragments is a way for a component to return multiple child elements without adding extra nodes.

The use of fragments is very simple, just use <React.Fragment> or <> in the component, and then include the child elements that need to be returned, for example:

javascriptCopy codeimport React, { Fragment } from 'react';

function Component() {
  return (

In the above code, we used the empty tag <> as the Fragment, and returned two child elements in it at the same time. Of course, you can also use React.Fragment, which is written similarly:

javascriptCopy codeimport React, { Fragment } from 'react';

function Component() {
  return (

The advantage of using fragments is that there are no extra nodes, which is especially useful in scenarios such as returning multiple list items, or returning multiple rows in a table.

gun tei

Please explain in detail React’s component performance optimization

The performance optimization of React components is very important, because when the components are updated with frequent interactions, if there is no good performance optimization, the rendering speed of the page will be slower, affecting the user experience.

Here are some ways to optimize the performance of React components:

  1. Use PureComponent: PureComponent is a component built into React that automatically makes a shallow comparison to determine whether a component needs to be updated. Therefore, if your component simply renders according to props and state, then using PureComponent can improve the performance of your component.
  2. Use the shouldComponentUpdate method: If your component does not use PureComponent, you can manually implement the shouldComponentUpdate method to determine whether you need to update the component.
  3. Avoid unnecessary rendering: Try to avoid unnecessary operations in the render method, such as in the render method of the component, do not call other functions or components, and avoid additional rendering operations.
  4. Avoid object creation and function calls in render methods: Avoid creating new objects and calling functions in render methods, especially when rendering large lists, to reduce the frequency of garbage collection and improve rendering performance.
  5. Use keys: When rendering a list, use keys to help React identify which components need to be updated and which do not, which can avoid unnecessary rendering operations and improve rendering performance.
  6. Use React.memo: React.memo is a high-level component that can be used to cache the rendering results of the component, and if the props of the component have not changed, then the cached results will be used to avoid unnecessary rendering operations.
  7. Split components: When designing components, splitting components into smaller components can make components render faster, while also improving the readability and maintainability of code.
gun tei


Github 上有很多基于 React 的优秀系统,以下是一些例子:

  1. Facebook:React 的创建者,也是 React 生态系统最大的贡献者之一,他们的网站使用 React 作为前端框架。
  2. Airbnb:使用 React 构建了多个项目,包括在前端使用 React 构建其主要网站。
  3. Netflix:使用 React 构建了其网站的前端。
  4. Instagram:使用 React 构建其网站的前端,也是 React Native 的创建者。
  5. Uber:使用 React 构建了多个项目,包括其主要网站的前端。
  6. Dropbox:使用 React 构建了其网站的前端。

这些公司和组织的 Github 上都有开源的项目,可以作为学习和参考。另外,还有许多优秀的第三方库和组件也可以在 Github 上找到。

gun tei

What are some of the great React tutorials and communities in Github?

There are a lot of great React tutorials and communities in GitHub, here are some to recommend:

  1. React Official Documentation: React’s official documentation, which contains React’s basic concepts, component APIs, and practical suggestions. There are not only English versions, but also translations in various languages, very detailed and comprehensive.
  2. React Native Official Documentation: React Native is a framework for building native mobile apps that Facebook open-sourced, and its documentation is also very detailed and comprehensive.
  3. React Router: React Router is the official recommended routing library of React, which allows us to easily implement functions such as route jumping in React applications. The library’s documentation details its usage and principles.
  4. Redux: Redux is a library for managing the state of React applications, and its design concept is very elegant and very practical. Redux’s documentation details its usage and principles, and provides many useful tools and plugins.
  5. React Bootstrap: React Bootstrap is a React-based Bootstrap component library that provides rich UI components that can help us quickly build beautiful web applications. The library’s documentation details its usage and components.
  6. Ant Design: Ant Design is a suite of enterprise-grade UI design languages and React component libraries, which also provide rich UI components that are widely used in various web applications. The library’s documentation details its usage and components, and provides many useful tools and plug-ins.
  7. React China: React China is a relatively active React community in China, which brings together a large number of React developers and enthusiasts, and provides many valuable technical articles and discussions.
  8. React Native China: React Native China is a relatively active React Native community in China, which also provides many valuable technical articles and discussions to help us better understand and use React Native.


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